
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Tina Fey is Back As Sarah Palin!

Filed in National by on April 11, 2010 2 Comments

This time bringing you the hysterical plans for the Sarah Palin Network:

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The Brutal Politics for House Progressives

Filed in National by on April 11, 2010 5 Comments
The Brutal Politics for House Progressives

If you read nothing else today, this article is the one you should settle in with.

Ryan Grim and Arthur Delaney at the Huffington Post write one of the best articles I have seen in a long time surveying a political landscape — but this time for House Progressives. Ranging from details on the financial extractions by the House Committees from Progressives, to the role they played in trying to keep the Public Option open to some of their own internal fractiousness, this article paints a pretty tough picture of the politics of being in the Progressive Caucus.

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Delaware IC To Hold Secret Meeting Until Outed by the CRI

Filed in Delaware by on April 7, 2010 42 Comments

CRI puts up a blog post breaking what looks like news about a secret meeting that the IC is now having on the morning of 13 April. (13 April at 1 PM is when there is a Joint House and Senate committee meeting to discuss insurance issues.):

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In Which We Find Ron Williams Losing All Journalistic Integrity He Had Left

Filed in National by on April 5, 2010 48 Comments

Sunday’s editorial page had another piece from Williams, this one not just carrying water for the Insurance Commissioner, but inexplicably injects her current round of excuses into the debate without a single comment from Matt Denn.

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Pretty Much the Whole Story

Filed in National by on April 4, 2010 8 Comments
Pretty Much the Whole Story

Courtesy of the Facebook page Ethical Reporters Against Faux News page — this is pretty much what I see when I hear teabaggers explaining why associating with racists and racist language isn’t racist:

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Anniversary of Dr. King’s Assasination

Filed in National by on April 4, 2010 3 Comments
Anniversary of Dr. King’s Assasination

While many of us are celebrating Easter, Passover, baseball season or at least the fact that this long-coming spring is finally here, we also take a few minutes to remember that on April 4, 1968, Dr.Martin Luther King was assassinated at the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis, Tennessee. He was in Tennessee helping the city’s sanitation workers to get a living wage and safer working conditions.

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HB194 Not Being Worked Thursday

Filed in National by on March 31, 2010 4 Comments

Just saw this in my email about this bill that would authorize two more casinos.

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Morning Funny — New RNC Logo

Filed in National by on March 30, 2010 9 Comments
Morning Funny — New RNC Logo

Courtesy of the indispensable Crooks and Liars (via the Delawareliberal twitter feed):

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Two More Casinos

Filed in National by on March 29, 2010 48 Comments

That is going to be the proposal from Rep. Pete Schwartzkopf in an amendment to House Bill 194 that he is filing today for debate on Thursday. This is the entirety of the Press Release from the Delaware House of Representatives House Majority Caucus:

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In Which We Find the Local GOP Bamboozling Again About Budget Discipline

Filed in National by on March 29, 2010 9 Comments

Today’s installment of GOP bamboozlement comes via the News Journal, where they are now trying to convince people that they want to constrain government spending. You should read the whole thing, but I’m not so sure who this convinces:

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Banking Reform Legislation Background

Filed in National by on March 29, 2010 2 Comments
Banking Reform Legislation Background

So now that we’re done (for the moment) with the HCR, it is on to Banking Reform. This work has been ongoing in the House (who passed a bill already) and Chris Dodd’s Banking Committee. The Congress is in recess now, but it is worth taking some time to get up to speed on the coming issues and the bill itself.

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Elizabeth Warren on Consumer Protection

Filed in National by on March 28, 2010 0 Comments

This is from a conference held a few weeks back in NY with the theme of “Make Markets Be Markets”. Elizabeth Warren is always awesome, and this is one good argument for the entire Consumer Protection agency that banks are currently working overtime to eliminate. This is around 10 minutes long and worth every minute. […]

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This Would Have Been Nice to Know Alot Sooner Than This

Filed in National by on March 28, 2010 27 Comments

GOP Congressmen:Most Republicans Now Think That The Iraq War Was A Mistake

Anybody see this reported in the traditional media? Anywhere?

So you can mark this down as ONE MORE THING we were right about…

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