
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Sunday Afternoon Reading

Filed in National by on March 28, 2010 0 Comments

The Party of Cruelty was written by James Howard Kunstler last week after the HCR was almost a week ago, but I just saw it yesterday. It is a long read, but a truly excellent retort to the apocalyptic fear and loathing ramped up by repubs — not just during the process, but also afterwards. Fear and loathing that is now being expressed in physical threats and in property destruction aimed against lawmakers who voted for this. Make sure you go over there to read the entire thing:

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Karen Weldin Stewart Decides That Maybe She Does Have a Job To Do

Filed in National by on March 28, 2010 5 Comments

Today’s News Journal updates the status of the investigations into the denials of prescribed tests for heart patients by BCBSD. Aetna is also now part of the doctors’ complaints — Aetna is using the same pre-authorization firm as BCBSD.

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Radio Ad — Call Mike Castle Hands Off Our Healthcare!

Filed in Delaware by on March 27, 2010 5 Comments

I heard this ad during Al Mascitti’s show this AM — it is a good reminder that Mike Castle is spending his days in DC voting for the interests of his party and for those of various lobbyists. Click through for the ad.

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More March Madness! The Worst Company in America

Filed in National by on March 26, 2010 5 Comments
More March Madness!  The Worst Company in America

The Consumerist is running their annual Worst Company in America competition and this year’s brackets are up: Print it out,make your picks and follow the going on here. Tell us who your first round picks are too in the comments. I lovelovelove the matchup between AIG and Cash4Gold. That is classic. Just classic.

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Another Fracture in the GOP Wall

Filed in Delaware by on March 26, 2010 14 Comments

This time TalkingPointsMemo documents the infighting:

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Insurance Commissioner is Failing Aggrieved Patients

Filed in National by on March 26, 2010 21 Comments

That title is stolen from the News Journal Opinion page today, whose writers I have to give some credit to today.

They highlight an odd bit of business, where Senator John D. Rockefeller, D-W.V has written to Delaware Blue Cross to ask them to provide detailed documentation of why they would deny cardiac testing prescribed by doctors to patients exhibiting symptoms of heart failure.

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No You Can’t (Featuring John Boehner)

Filed in National by on March 24, 2010 8 Comments

I saw this probably a half a million times today between my email and Twitter — it is really worth it, though: [youtube][/youtube]

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The Republican Party Works for Fox News

Filed in National by on March 23, 2010 4 Comments

… says David Frum goes way past my argument that Republicans govern based on what looks good for Fox News (and how much money they send to their friends). Watch:

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Chris Coons’ Statement on Signing of HCR

Filed in National by on March 23, 2010 13 Comments

Got this via one of our loyal readers:(I still don’t get any correspondence from the Coons campaign even though I’ve signed up for it.):

Congress made history Sunday night, adopting landmark health care reform critical for our nation’s economic future and the well being of its citizens.

It’s great news for the more than 100,000 Delaware residents who are uninsured and the 70,000 Delaware residents who will qualify for tax credits to help them afford the health insurance they need.

The bill passed Sunday night will also give 140,000 Delaware seniors access to free preventive care while lowering prescription drug costs for 25,000 seniors on a fixed income.

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President Obama Signing HCR

Filed in National by on March 23, 2010 39 Comments
President Obama Signing HCR

It happens today at 11:15AM. So go get your celebratory beverage, send your boss on a wild goose chase and watch.

If you can watch it, here are some online streaming options:

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Shep Smith Is Tired of the Overheated Rhetoric Too

Filed in National by on March 22, 2010 8 Comments

…and apparently took RNC Chair Steele to task on this during his show today: The Large Hadron Collider ran through a bunch of tests last week (and will shut down for some maintenance) and the predicted end of the world did not happen. HCR was passed in the House yesterday and the world still spins […]

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Mike Castle’s HCR Response — The Unbelievable Lameness of Faux Moderation

Filed in National by on March 22, 2010 22 Comments

As xstryker noted last night, Mike Castle definitely voted no for HCR and its reconciliation bill. Castle’s office put out a press statement on last night’s historic vote, that should be read in it’s entirety to fully comprehend how badly he is managing to maintain any moderate cred while marching lockstep with his party. But let’s take a look at a few things here:

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Today’s HCR Vote Program

Filed in National by on March 21, 2010 37 Comments

So today is the day, and today is when we get to know whether Nancy Pelosi and President Obama have been able to pull this one out (Intrade futures on this effort have been going up since early this month — you can buy at this writing at 92.1). You can use this as a live blogging thread (if you are glued to CSPAN and not out in this glorious weather).

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