
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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A Big Picture Look At the Stimulus One Year On

Filed in National by on February 18, 2010 5 Comments
A Big Picture Look At the Stimulus One Year On

And it is — on the terms it was passed — a definite success. David Leonhart wrote this must read article at the NYT on Tuesday, that starts like this: Imagine if, one year ago, Congress had passed a stimulus bill that really worked. Let’s say this bill had started spending money within a matter […]

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Late Night Video — Paul Krugman

Filed in National by on February 17, 2010 5 Comments

This is a lecture that Paul Krugman gave at MIT recently — The Economic Meltdown: What Have We Learned, if Anything? Krugman tried to explain how we got here AND why it seems so hard to wrap our minds around strong policy to fix it. In many ways, he thinks that we never really learned the lessons of the Great Depression, including that for all of the risk that bankers put us in, the greatest risk may just be a government policy apparatus that will be happier with a political fix rather than a systemic one.

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Rally for Health Care Reform

Filed in Delaware by on February 17, 2010 5 Comments

This is an announcement from Darlene Battle — and I hope that lots of you will be able to go to one of these, it’s a worthy cause: Delaware Residents TO RALLY FOR HEALTH CARE REFORM: WE VOTED FOR CHANGE. GET IT DONE Unions and Community Organizations To Tell Congress: Listen to Us, Not the […]

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Evan Bayh is Full of It

Filed in National by on February 17, 2010 40 Comments

After Evan Bayh announced his retirement yesterday, this is the soundbite (or at least portions of it) that I heard for the rest of the day (and this morning too): “Two weeks ago, the Senate voted down a bipartisan commission to deal with one of the greatest threats facing our nation: our exploding deficits and […]

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A Note to the Media (and Comment Rescue)

Filed in National by on February 16, 2010 10 Comments

a. price (one of our favorite commenters) points us to a link over at CBS News, where we find a journalist named Stephanie Condon who seems to be actually trolling freakin’ FACEBOOK to have something exciting to report about the Quitta from Wasilla, Sarah Palin. Facebook, people. This is what our highly paid news media […]

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Mike Castle Flip Flops on Stimulus Funds

Filed in National by on February 16, 2010 18 Comments
Mike Castle Flip Flops on Stimulus Funds

Flip Flop. Anybody remember when you couldn’t fire up the news without hearing this about John Kerry? And even though that charge was mostly untrue about Kerry, Flip Flop is a good description of Mike Castle’s position towards Delaware stimulus projects. He votes against them, then shows up to take credit for them. He put […]

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A Hydrogen Station in Every Home

Filed in National by on February 15, 2010 4 Comments

This is fantastic, and will be killer if they can scale it up:

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Dredging the Delaware

Filed in National by on February 15, 2010 16 Comments

The News Journal had an article on Sunday that tries to describe the current state of local environmental concerns about dredging this river. And this is a good article — to the extent that it provides a summary of the arguments against the dredge. I’ve still not seen any evidence provided — either in the […]

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VP Biden Tells Cheney He Can’t Rewrite History

Filed in National by on February 14, 2010 3 Comments

(h/t for this to Truth Teller)

Vice President Biden was on Meet the Press this AM, telling David Gregory that Dick Cheney just can rewrite history accommodate his own prevarications on events during the so-called War on Terror:

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Order An Army of These NOW

Filed in National by on February 14, 2010 4 Comments
Order An Army of These NOW

Please — City of Wilmington and State of Delaware, we need these Robot Snowplows now: Yuki-taro takes in snow at the front, squeezes it into rectangular bricks, and excretes said bricks out the back. Try teaching your dog to do that! The bricks can be easily stacked and stored for summer cooling needs – unless […]

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Top 20 Films Since 1992

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on February 13, 2010 16 Comments

According to Quentin Tarantino: [youtube][/youtube] This is an interesting list — most of his picks (that I’ve seen) are fairly kinetic and/or atmospheric movies that seem to be reflective of a man whose own movies don’t flinch from much. And it is an interesting mix of both film geeky and populist picks. What I think […]

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The Daily Show Deploys More Republican Pwnage

Filed in National by on February 13, 2010 3 Comments

It strikes me that sooner or later someone is going to create The Daily Show Party — filled with people who not only know their stuff, but who are quick on their feet at countering Republican bulls***. And who won’t be cringing behind polling or what the pundits say about them:

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Polling: In Which We Find Republicans Still Have a Problem

Filed in National by on February 13, 2010 32 Comments
Polling:  In Which We Find Republicans Still Have a Problem

It is fair to note that this poll shows a pretty toxic environment for both parties, but it seems clear that if you are a Congressional Dem, you have abit of an edge to build from. And if you are a Congressional repub, the massive media spin (and media lock) isn’t exactly getting you alot of traction. Not yet, at least.

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