
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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President Obama at the Republican House Conference

Filed in National by on January 29, 2010 109 Comments

I had no idea that this was going to be televised, but this is my only day in the office today so I wouldn’t have seen it anyway. But this video is from CSPAN for everyone who could not watch it live: This is pretty long, about an hour and 20 mins or so. I […]

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Beau Biden Doesn’t Want to Run for Senate? — UPDATED x2

Filed in National by on January 24, 2010 61 Comments

That is the teaser headline in an article in today’s NJ — VP Biden: Beau doesn’t want to run.

Vice President Biden sat down for an interview with Harry Themal and at then end, Themal reports this exchange:

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Wilmington City Council Approves Protester Buffer Zone for Health Facilities

Filed in Delaware by on January 23, 2010 13 Comments

John Manifold noted this in the Open Thread yesterday, but it is worth its own post. And this is good news too — the ordinance that the Wilmington City Council approved would require protesters within 100 feet of health care facilities to stay at least 8 feet away from people coming and going into the […]

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Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Ambitious Party Appetizers Edition!

Filed in National by on January 22, 2010 1 Comment
Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Ambitious Party Appetizers Edition!

So everyone is working on plans for football parties and today we have two interesting ideas. First up, Bacon Chicken Narwhal. What’s that, you ask? Take a look

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Governor Markell’s State of the State Address

Filed in Delaware by on January 22, 2010 4 Comments

First, I should apologize to readers for not getting something up on this earlier — I’ve been completely slammed by work this week and missed alot of news and activity here as a result. Governor Markell gave his State of the State address yesterday. Just from reading this, the Governor still sees plenty of fiscal […]

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MLK Day Commemoration Project at WaPo

Filed in National by on January 17, 2010 1 Comment

The Washington Post is running a project now asking people to share what of Martin Luther King’s words move you the most. They are looking for you to record your response and to upload it to You Tube, where they’ll post up on their website selected entries.

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DE Sports and Video Lottery Commission Recommends Against New Casinos

Filed in National by on January 13, 2010 38 Comments

…or — perhaps we should call this Watching the Delaware Legislature Put Their Ninny Hats On. Ginger Gibson at the News Journal documents the atrocities.

This is a completely mind-boggling recommendation by this Commission and flies in the face of the recommendations (and data gathered) by their own commissioned study:

Several lawmakers insisted that any financial harm to the existing racetracks was unacceptable, even if job losses there were compensated for with new jobs at new venues.

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Ginger Gibson Finds the JFC Still Not Open

Filed in National by on January 13, 2010 4 Comments
Ginger Gibson Finds the JFC Still Not Open

Last year’s hard won HB 1 victory was supposed to mean that legislature business was to be done in the light of day — with ample and good notice to the public of meetings and hearings as well as making sure that minutes or recordings of meetings were made and made public.

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Post Your Legislative Wish List Here!

Filed in National by on January 11, 2010 43 Comments

Tomorrow, the Delaware Legislature goes back into session in Dover. Two things seem a good bet — getting a budget this year when there are still revenue shortfalls is going to be brutal and the legislature will continue their dysfunctional behavior to get to that budget. We keep hearing about detailed reviews of state agencies to look for efficiencies or even eliminations. I’m definitely expecting to see that in some detail this year. And I fully expect that repubs will stamp their feet over it all while offering nothing to fix the budget problems.

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Late Night Video — Red State Prays for Tiger Woods

Filed in National by on January 10, 2010 0 Comments

OK, this is less of a Tiger Woods post and more of a Make Fun of Brit Hume’s and Fox News’ Showy Religiosity post. And it is funny. And NSFW!

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More House Prefiles

Filed in Delaware by on January 10, 2010 10 Comments

HB 300 proposed by Representative Brad Bennett has been prefiled and it establishes a 10-day response window to respond to FOIA requests.

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Obstacles to Reform in the Banking Industry

Filed in National by on January 10, 2010 5 Comments

On Bill Moyers Journal, he recently talked about the state of the playing field for getting real regulatory reform done for financial institutions with David Corn and Kevin Drum. This was a great discussion and one that every one of us who cares about getting this done should carefully watch. Because what they are laying out here is how regulatory reform for banks is being gutted before our eyes.

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Filed in Delaware by on January 7, 2010 13 Comments

On pretty much every front, really. And that is the most family friendly title I could come up with.

If you haven’t seen the NJ article this AM recounting some of the history of the despicable Dr. Bradley, then do yourself a favor. People with blood pressure issues should be forewarned. But this is a just a horror show on pretty much every front:

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