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Delaware Death Penalty Struck Down

Filed in National by on August 2, 2016 8 Comments
Delaware Death Penalty Struck Down

In a 3-2 decision, the Delaware Supreme Court has ruled the state’s death penalty unconstitutional. Chief Justice Leo Strine found that certain aspects of Delaware’s statute conflict with a recent U.S. Supreme Court Case striking down Florida’s capital punishment program.

More to come as I get it…

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If the Election were held today

Filed in National by on August 2, 2016 8 Comments

This map is based on recent polling results, and in states where there are no recent polling results, historical trends (i.e. Idaho has not been polled in several generations, but it is a Republican state, while the same is true for Rhode Island on the Democratic side).


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Tuesday Open Thread [8.2.16]

Filed in National by on August 2, 2016 7 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [8.2.16]

Jonathan Chait says Republicans have chosen racism: “Even though Trump has sprung naturally from the conservative fertile soil of racism, anti-intellectualism, and authoritarianism, his nomination is truly a sea change. No successful candidate before him has identified himself so tightly with white-identity politics. His place at the top of the ticket, and potentially as head of state, has presented fellow Republicans with an agonizing dilemma. To be sure, their choice is not comfortable. Those Republicans who have distanced themselves from the nominee, even in carefully measured increments, have endured fierce blowback from their own voters and even donors… In a party rife with racism, anti-racism is hardly considered an acceptable basis for partisan disloyalty.”

“What most Republican elites have always wanted is to lead a party that appeals to a majority of the country on the basis of abstract small-government, patriotic themes. Trump has revealed that this is a hopeless fantasy, and what they can lead instead is a party of racists. And they have decided, nearly every one of them, that they will take it.”

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [8.2.16]

Filed in National by on August 2, 2016 0 Comments

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Monday Open Thread [8.1.16]

Filed in National by on August 1, 2016 24 Comments
Monday Open Thread [8.1.16]

“There used to be some things that were sacred in American politics, that you don’t do, like criticizing the parents of a fallen soldier, even if they criticize you. If you’re going to be leader of the free world, you have to be able to accept criticism, and Mr. Trump can’t.”

— Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), quoted by the New York Times, adding that “unacceptable” doesn’t even begin to describe Donald Trump’s behavior.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [8.1.16]

Filed in National by on August 1, 2016 0 Comments

This week’s Daily Delawhere will highlight some recent campaign posts on Instagram. Postings of a campaign’s picture does not equal and endorsement.

How about that Delaware produce! Today was another great day at the State Fair!

A photo posted by John Carney (@johncarneyforde) on

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Sunday Open Thread [7.31.16]

Filed in National by on July 31, 2016 7 Comments
Sunday Open Thread [7.31.16]

Politico reports that Donald Trump was trapped with 10 people in an elevator before his rally in Colorado. He was rescued within 30 minutes by the Fire Department. Twenty minutes later he attacked the Fire Marshall in his speech.

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [7.31.16]

Filed in National by on July 31, 2016 2 Comments


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Saturday Open Thread [7.30.16]

Filed in National by on July 30, 2016 13 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [7.30.16]

Josh Barro: “Many of the conservatives who watched with dismay as the Republican Party nominated Donald Trump have now watched with amazement as Democrats co-opted some of Republicans’ favorite themes at the Democratic National Convention.”

“Democrats’ thinking was clear: We’re the only political party left for grown-ups, so we’d better make sure we have something to offer voters on both sides of the aisle.”

“There was a clear choice about tone, especially on the last two days of the convention: Speakers would not mock conservatives for getting into bed with Donald Trump. They would mock Trump and make the case that conservatives should be embarrassed and ashamed that their party nominated him — and should look across the aisle at a party that shares more of their goals and values than they may have realized.”

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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in National by on July 30, 2016 0 Comments

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [7.30.16]

Filed in National by on July 30, 2016 0 Comments


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She will always know that a woman can be President.

Filed in National by on July 29, 2016 4 Comments

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I thought this was really effective

Filed in National by on July 29, 2016 0 Comments

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