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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in National by on April 9, 2016 7 Comments

In this week’s address, the President highlighted two specific steps the Administration took this week to make sure everyone plays by the same rules.

In his weekly message, Governor Markell discusses efforts to build a well-trained workforce, foster business development, and bring together leaders from government and industry to make Delaware a center for employment in biotechnology and the life sciences.

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [4.9.16]

Filed in National by on April 9, 2016 0 Comments

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Friday Open Thread [4.8.16]

Filed in National by on April 8, 2016 84 Comments
Friday Open Thread [4.8.16]

Bernie is deescalating
. I suppose his internal polling showed that he was losing voters.

The conflict began when Hillary Clinton implied Sanders wasn’t a real Democrat and hadn’t “done his homework” on his pet issue: breaking up big banks. Based on headlines, Sanders took Clinton’s remarks to mean she’d said he wasn’t qualified to be president, and he shot back that maybe she wasn’t qualified, either.

Having successfully driven Sanders to a boiling point, Clinton then backed off, saying she’d take Sanders “over Donald Trump or Ted Cruz anytime.” But the question remained: If Sanders thought Clinton so “unqualified,” would he endorse her if she won the nomination in July?

The answer, it seems, is yes. During an interview with CBS on Thursday evening, Sanders assured anchor Charlie Rose that he “thinks the idea of a Donald Trump or a Ted Cruz presidency would be an unmitigated disaster for this country.” He went on, “I will do everything in my power and work as hard as I can to make sure that that does not happen. And if Secretary Clinton is the nominee, I will certainly support her.”

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Friday Daily Delawhere [4.8.16]

Filed in National by on April 8, 2016 1 Comment

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Bernie needs a time out.

Filed in National by on April 7, 2016 69 Comments

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Thursday Open Thread [4.7.16]

Filed in National by on April 7, 2016 20 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [4.7.16]

On Tuesday, 15% of Sanders voters decided they could not be bothered with voting for other Democrats down the ballot, including, most importantly, the Democratic Supreme Court candidate. This is why purist progressives can never form a coherent, effective and long lasting movement. Markos:

So there are lots of reasons why we lost that [Supreme Court race] that have nothing to do with Sanders’ supporters. Still, it is imperative that the Sanders movement figure out how to engage its supporters on the full ballot, particularly since it relies so heavily on independent politically alienated voters (around 20 percent of Sanders’ Wisconsin voters—easily his margin of victory since Hillary Clinton and Sanders split Democrats 50-50). The Occupy movement became mostly irrelevant because of its refusal to engage in electoral politics (compared to the tea party). To its credit, the Sanders movement is engaged electorally, but seemingly focused on a single personality.

Sanders has undoubtedly activated a core group of people, one that could have incredible influence in our politics moving forward. But that will require broadening their portfolio of candidates so that their impact is felt up and down and in every corner of every ballot. Could you imagine Sanders supporters exerting the same level of fear into the hearts of Democratic incumbents as the tea party does to Republicans? That would be something we would all cheer.

The Sanderistas cannot be trusted to support anyone but Sanders. Every other candidate everywhere down the ballot is not as pure as Bernie or has done something to offend the sensitive sensibilities of purist progressives, and therefore no other candidate but Bernie is entitled to support. And that is why Bernie’s talk of revolution is pure bullshit. For Bernie to succeed in office, he needs a progressive Congress. To get a progressive Congress, he needs all of his supporters everywhere to come out and support progressive candidates. But here is where progressives go off the rails: no one can ever agree on who is progressive. From my own experience at PDD, certain hardcore purists in that organization refused to support or endorse Bryan Townsend or Karen Peterson because they are not progressive enough. Therefore, the movement as a whole will always fail because when you build a coalition to elect down ballot members, not everyone is going to be pure or progressive enough.

If you thin Democrats are weary of progressivism, that is why. It’s not because they don’t share the same opinion on policy. It’s because progressives have a lousy track record of being a coalition ally. They are not there for you when you need them. Unions are good allies. They support down ballot. Progressives are not because they do not. If progressives want to become a growing and effective movement, they will cure their purism.

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Bernie Sanders can go fuck himself.

Filed in National by on April 7, 2016 107 Comments
Bernie Sanders can go fuck himself.

So. Over the last 24 hours, Bernie Sanders and his campaign has decided to break their word and attack Hillary Clinton personally. First, the top Berniebro out there, Jeff Weaver, said yesterday that he sure hopes Secretary Clinton doesn’t “destroy the Democratic party to satisfy the Secretary’s ambitions to become the president of the United States.” “We want to have a party that we can unify.”

Ok. Let’s unpack that for a moment.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [4.7.16]

Filed in National by on April 7, 2016 1 Comment

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Wednesday Open Thread [4.6.16]

Filed in National by on April 6, 2016 43 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [4.6.16]

Bernie won Wisconsin last night as expected, but by not as healthy margin as he needs. Don’t get me wrong, a 56-43 result, and thus a 13 point win is great, and it keeps him going. But in terms of making up delegate ground, it doesn’t move the needle that much. As you can see in the chart inside, he wins 45 delegates to Clinton’s 36, a net gain of 9 delegates. Clinton now leads Sanders 1280 to 1025, a difference of 255 still. If Bernie had won 70-30 say, he would have won 57 delegates to Clinton’s 24, a net gain of 25 delegates.

And now the roads gets tougher for Bernie. New York, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Connecticut, Rhode Island. To put himself on target of winning the nomination, Bernie must sweep all of these states by the 70-30 margin I talked about.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [4.6.16]

Filed in National by on April 6, 2016 2 Comments

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Tuesday Open Thread [4.5.16]

Filed in National by on April 5, 2016 8 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [4.5.16]

With less than 9 months to go in President Obama’s second term, Nobel laureate/NYT columnist Paul Krugman takes a look at his presidency and offers a well-documented set of conclusions about the Administration’s accomplishments regarding the economy, financial reform and health care that will set Republican teeth to grinding, especialy Krugman’s summation that: “All in all, it’s quite a record. Assuming Democrats hold the presidency, Mr. Obama will emerge as a hugely consequential president — more than Reagan.”

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Baumbach Endorses Townsend

Filed in National by on April 5, 2016 0 Comments
Baumbach Endorses Townsend

Fellow Newark State Representative and fellow progressive Paul Baumbach has announced his endorsement of State Senator Bryan Townsend this morning. Rep. Baumbach:

“I am very pleased to endorse the candidacy of State Senator Bryan Townsend, for the office of US Representative. I have known Bryan since 2012, when we both successfully ran for seats in the Delaware state legislature. I have served with Senator Townsend on education task forces, have worked closely with him on multiple legislative initiatives, and have partnered with him on many constituent matters. I have seen him meeting his constituents on their doorsteps, and inspiring the many campaign volunteers who work with him. I have always found Senator Townsend to be caring, smart, principled, and hard-working. Recognizing that he is constantly learning, he graduated from the CSG Toll Fellow Program in 2013, a program from which I graduated last year. He has been a terrific State Senator, and I believe that he will be a wonderful US Representative. It is for these reasons that I am happy to officially endorse Bryan’s candidacy.”

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [4.5.16]

Filed in National by on April 5, 2016 0 Comments

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