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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [11.4.15]

Filed in National by on November 4, 2015 1 Comment

The Old College Building, originally built in 1834, at the intersection of Main Street and South College Avenue, on the UD Campus in Newark. Photo by xzmattzx.

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Tuesday Open Thread [11.3.15]

Filed in National by on November 3, 2015 2 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [11.3.15]

Jane Sanders told Yahoo News that her husband’s presidential campaign is less about winning than about setting the agenda.

Said Sanders: “He’s doing what he aimed to do… The last election the candidates didn’t talk about inequality, they didn’t talk about fairness, they didn’t talk about climate change. He’s setting the agenda. That’s what it’s about.”

EXACTLY! And should stay in until the end.

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Sean Lynn to Keep Pushing for Death Penalty Repeal

Filed in National by on November 3, 2015 2 Comments
Sean Lynn to Keep Pushing for Death Penalty Repeal

WDEL reports that Rep. Sean Lynn (D-Dover) plans to suspend the House rules and bring Senate Bill 40, the repeal of Capital Punishment in Delaware, to the House floor come January. SB 40 passed the Senate last year 11-9, and this time we actually got a hearing and consideration of the bill in the House Judiciary Committee, which was an improvement upon the prior session.

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Delaware: The Next Colorado?

Filed in National by on November 3, 2015 28 Comments
Delaware: The Next Colorado?

We are at a tipping point in the movement for legalization of marijuana, just as the Hate Amendment in California was the tipping point in the marriage equality movement. The latest Gallup poll shows that 58 percent of American favor pot legalization. Kevin Drum predicts that marijuana will be generally legal by 2019. And 24/Wall Street is now out with an article that predicts the next 11 states that will legalize marijuana. Where does Delaware rank among the most 11 most likely states?

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CarperBot Marshall Lauds LGBT Hero McBride: It’s a Trap!

Filed in National by on November 3, 2015 13 Comments
CarperBot Marshall Lauds LGBT Hero McBride: It’s a Trap!

Carperdyne Model T1000, otherwise known to us mere Democrats as Mat “Only One T” Marshall, recently highlighted a New Statesmen article in a Facebook post regarding the future of transgender politics, saying simply (yet deviously) that Sarah McBride “won’t share this because she knows it doesn’t stack up to my Delaware Liberal coverage, but I’m happy to take the high road.”

“Lesbian and gay politics advanced on the shoulders of courageous trailblazers like Harvey Milk, Barney Frank, and Chris Smith. Georgina Beyer allowed trans people to dream big dreams when she was elected the first transgender national parliamentarian in New Zealand in 1999. Who will be the first out transgender person elected to high office in America and Britain? Sarah McBride has all the right credentials in the United States—former student body president at American University, staffer for Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, White House intern, campaign director at the Center for American Progress.

Emphasis mine. Surely this is some sort of evil plot by Emperor Palpatine… er ah, I mean Senator Carper to cloak himself in Sarah’s accomplishments and glory. Nevermind that Sarah and Mat[t] have been friends since high school.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [11.3.15]

Filed in National by on November 3, 2015 1 Comment

The Amstel House on 4th Street in New Castle, originally built in 1738. Photo by xzmattzx.

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Monday Open Thread [11.2.15]

Filed in National by on November 2, 2015 8 Comments
Monday Open Thread [11.2.15]

E.J. Dionne Jr:

Maybe our definition of the Republican presidential contest is a little off. It’s often cast, accurately enough, as a choice between “outsiders” and “insiders.” But another party division may be more profound — between Republicans who still view the country’s future hopefully and those deeply gloomy about its prospects.

The pessimism within significant sectors of the GOP is more than the unhappiness partisans typically feel when the other side is in power. It’s rooted in a belief that things have fundamentally changed in America, and there is an ominous possibility they just can’t be put right again.

This is one of the big contrasts between the two parties: Democrats are more bullish on the future.

The things that cannot be put right are not our economy or standing in the world, etc. Rather, affordable universal healthcare is an idea that is here to stay. Marriage equality is here to stay. You can’t discriminate anymore, against anyone. Racism is openly and vehemently exposed and attacked. Women and minorities no longer know their place. Yes, the idealized Conservative America of the 1950s is gone forever. Destroyed. And that is a wonderful thing to celebrate, if you are a good person.

Many Republicans, however, are not good people.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [11.2.15]

Filed in National by on November 2, 2015 0 Comments

Midtown Brandywine in Wilmington, with some fall color. Photo by xzmattzx.

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [11.1.15]

Filed in National by on November 1, 2015 0 Comments

Old Coach Road in Pike Creek. Photo by xzmattzx.

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Saturday Open Thread [10.31.15]

Filed in National by on October 31, 2015 8 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [10.31.15]

Next week, Des Moines, Iowa will host a National Religious Liberties Conference, where theocratic fascists will gather to tell attendees that birth control kills babies and how the gays should be put to death. Naturally, GOP candidates Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, and Mike Huckabee will be there.

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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in National by on October 31, 2015 0 Comments

In this week’s address, the President spoke to the need for meaningful criminal justice reform in America.

In his weekly message, Governor Markell discusses statewide efforts to embrace the new economy and how those efforts support job growth, including a commitment by JP Morgan to hire 1.800 people in Delaware by 2019.

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Halloween Daily Delawhere [10.31.15]

Filed in National by on October 31, 2015 0 Comments

Pumpkins on Doorsteps on The Strand in New Castle. Photo by xzmattzx.

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Friday Open Thread [10.30.15]

Filed in National by on October 30, 2015 5 Comments
Friday Open Thread [10.30.15]

Paul Krugman’s take on the debate:

At one point during Wednesday’s Republican debate, Ben Carson was asked about his involvement with Mannatech, a nutritional supplements company that makes outlandish claims about its products and has been forced to pay $7 million to settle a deceptive-practices lawsuit. The audience booed, and Mr. Carson denied being involved with the company. Both reactions tell you a lot about the driving forces behind modern American politics.

As it happens, Mr. Carson lied. He has indeed been deeply involved with Mannatech, and has done a lot to help promote its merchandise. PolitiFact quickly rated his claim false, without qualification. But the Republican base doesn’t want to hear about it, and the candidate apparently believes, probably correctly, that he can simply brazen it out. These days, in his party, being an obvious grifter isn’t a liability, and may even be an asset.

Carson, Trump, Fiorina, Rubio and Christie were each caught in easily disprovable bold faced lies. Perhaps it’s because Republican just lie with more frequency and daring. And that is because Republican voters want to be lied to. They do not want to live in a world where a black man with a funny name is not only President, but a rather successful one who has turned the country around from the disaster left from the previous Republican President. They do not want to live in a world where “coloreds” and women don’t know their place. A world that has more orientation than straight, more religion than Christian.

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