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“Fuck You, David. You’re Fired.” [Updated]

Filed in National by on October 30, 2015 18 Comments
“Fuck You, David. You’re Fired.” [Updated]

Yeah, that sounds like our esteemed New Castle County Executive and former felon Thomas P. Gordon. And those were the words he allegedly said to former Chief Administrative Officer David Grimaldi yesterday afternoon after Grimaldi allegeldy questioned his choice of a risk manager, because the risk manager was actually Gordon’s girlfriend.

Yeah, this is going to get real ugly, really fast.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [10.30.15]

Filed in National by on October 30, 2015 1 Comment

The Pond Trail. From Mike Mahaffie on Flickr.

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Thursday Open Thread [10.29.15]

Filed in National by on October 29, 2015 6 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [10.29.15]

Ted Cruz won. Bush lost and will end his campaign soon. Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen. But I did not foresee being swamped with work today and being out of the office at the same time. So have fun posting your own links today! I will make up for it tomorrow.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [10.29.15]

Filed in National by on October 29, 2015 0 Comments

The Jetty at Cape Henlopen. From Mike Mahaffie on Flickr.

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Wednesday Open Thread [10.28.15]

Filed in National by on October 28, 2015 4 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [10.28.15]

Sen. Bernie Sanders says he will not attack Hillary Clinton “in harshly negative ways. But pollsters for his campaign are quietly testing pointed critiques of Mrs. Clinton as too close to Wall Street or as unreliably liberal for initially supporting trade deals and the Iraq war,” the New York Times reports.

“After weeks of inching toward a more aggressive posture against Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Sanders is now walking a fine line: He is trying to draw sharp contrasts between their records, yet not attack her on a personal level. He questions her political shifts on the Keystone XL oil pipeline, the Pacific Rim free trade deal and same-sex marriage rights, for instance, while trying to avoid impugning her honesty and judgment, a favorite Republican tactic.”

Bernie Sanders knows that if he goes too far, it will backfire. Hillary Clinton is beloved by Democrats. Her favorable ratings are at Barack Obama levels of popularity (which means extremely popular). So it is a very fine needle to thread. But it seems to me that his campaign is proceeding from a false mindset. They are trying to win. They shouldn’t be. They should know that winning the nomination is extremely unlikely, and if it happens, it will be because of events far beyond their control (i.e. Hillary dying, being indicted, etc). The campaign should be focused on getting out the pure Progressive message so as to keep his numbers up and to keep Hillary moving left. That is the ultimate goal of the Bernie Sanders campaign: a more progressive Hillary.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [10.28.15]

Filed in National by on October 28, 2015 0 Comments

Trap Pond State Park. Photo from butterfly4769’s Instagram.

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Tuesday Open Thread [10.27.15]

Filed in National by on October 27, 2015 25 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [10.27.15]

First Read on the impending budget deal: “The budget deal that Republican and Democratic leaders reached late last night — to boost military and domestic spending, to keep the government open, and to raise the debt limit — appears to be a potential win for both parties. Especially when it comes to the 2016 presidential election. Think about it: Republicans get to avoid the possibility of a government shutdown and debt default, either of which would have further damaged the party’s brand heading into next year’s general election. Democrats, meanwhile, get to lock in economic certainty and avoid a drop in consumer confidence like what happened after July 2011 (the debt-ceiling debacle) and Oct. 2013 (the two-week government shutdown).”

“The devil is still in the details, of course, but the deal seems to help BOTH parties as it relates to 2016. And guess what: The budget deal and debt-limit hike last until 2017, which means that the party that wins next year will have the upper hand in the next round of budget fights.”

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [10.27.2015]

Filed in National by on October 27, 2015 0 Comments

Delaware Park. Photo by downthestretch53 on Instagram.

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Monday Open Thread [10.26.15]

Filed in National by on October 26, 2015 6 Comments
Monday Open Thread [10.26.15]

Mark Halperin says Republicans are in denial about Hillary Clinton: “A virulent strain of Clinton Derangement Syndrome, which scientists and Republicans thought had been wiped out at the end of the last century, is now inflicting millions of conservative Americans. Some Republicans so detest Hillary Clinton they are badly underestimating how likely she is, at this point in the campaign, to be America’s 45th president.

“Their denial is just as strong now as it was a month ago, before Clinton began a run of political victories that have enhanced her prospects, all while the roller derby/demolition derby that is the Republican nomination contest has continued to harm the GOP’s chances of winning back the White House.”

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Monday Daily Delawhere [10.26.2015]

Filed in National by on October 26, 2015 0 Comments

The Farmer’s Market at Rodney Square last weekend. Photo from Downtownwilmde on Instagram.

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [10.25.2015]

Filed in National by on October 25, 2015 0 Comments

Sunrise in Wilmington. By eclaired_ on Instagram.

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Saturday Open Thread [10.24.15]

Filed in National by on October 24, 2015 20 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [10.24.15]

Republicans will kick themselves for dragging Hillary Clinton before the House Benghazi committee Thursday.

It was a defining moment for Clinton’s presidential aspirations. She handled the GOP’s questions with aplomb and without the patina of partisanship that has characterized the committee since its conception. That would have been bad enough for the Republicans’ hopes of seizing the White House in 2017. But she did much more than that. She answered questions that Republicans have been hanging out there in hopes of sowing doubts among voters.

Does she believe in American exceptionalism? Yes.

Can she be non-partisan, serious, and policy-minded? Yes.

Is her mental acuity superior to pretty much anyone you know? Yes.

Is she human? Yes.

Does she have the energy to be president? Yes.

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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in National by on October 24, 2015 0 Comments

In this week’s address, the President laid out the importance of serving as good stewards of the environment and maintaining the planet for generations to come.

In his weekly message, filmed at the Christina Early Education Center, Governor Markell highlights the state’s progress in ensuring access to quality early childhood education for all Delaware students.

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