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Donviti's Latest Posts
I, Donviti, Declare Racism Dead

I watched Selma the other day. It was awful. I cried for the negroes. Why couldn’t they just listen to George Wallace, the FBI and LBJ? Why couldn’t they wait to vote while we waged war in Vietnam for those people’s freedoms, I’ll never understand. But I’m glad it happened when it did so we as a nation could move on from that horrendous week in our history. It truly was an awful week. At least as it appeared from the safety of my basement on my 55” Panasonic Plasma with surround dolby 7.1 Bose speakers. It was frightening watching those negroes fight for their rights. I even saw flashes of the Confederate flag being shown. Actual photos from that awful week. I can’t imagine how those white people must have felt, only being able to wave their symbol of freedom and defenseless to those “activists”!
So why is racism dead Donviti? And why do you get to declare it?
Coons Re-Reads Bible, Finds Justification for WARRRRRRR and living in a Whale is possible!

It was only a matter of time before someone with some balls used the Bible to invoke war and not peace. It was done after 9/11 when we attacked that nation that attacked us. Er Nation that held training camps that attacked us. Errrrr, nation that allegedly funded the nation of the nation that in fact was the nation they actually came from that had really bad bombs that were never found.
Anyway…This time an avid DL reader has sent in a tip (not all of the tip, but most of the tip) that says Chris Coons after much deliberation was able to find the scripture that says we can “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Iran” and can stop mamby-pansying around like Obama.
Here it is….
JPMorgan v. Yahweh, Case No. 1081RP

JPMorgan Chase settled a lawsuit accusing it of putting its interests ahead of an historic church endowed by descendants of drug company founder Eli Lilly and mismanaging its trust accounts.
Lawyers for the bank and the Christ Church Cathedral told a federal judge in Indianapolis on Friday they reached an agreement, according to a court filing. Settlement details weren’t included in court records.
The church, founded in 1837 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places according to its website, accused JPMorgan of causing its trusts to lose about $13 million in value from July 2004 to December 2013. The losses flowed from the bank’s decisions to “purchase over 177 different investment products, mostly from itself, using church funds,” according to a complaint filed two years ago.
There’s a special place in hell for this bank. And yes they will go to hell, because corporations are people and Hell has a special place for anything that that is deemed human (yet soulless) by America. Must I remind you that they are one of Delaware’s largest employers.
Question of the Day

Look, it’s often said if you have to make a Hitler or Nazi reference, you lose your argument. But what does it mean when Nazis actually endorse you for President?
An Evening Out

He lightly patted her ass. She looked so good tonight. She had on her Liz Claiborne dress. White down the back, covering the zipper. Cut just above the knees. Her simple black heels. Dark stockings that he’s pretty sure have lace at the top. He’ll wait to find out. The dress had no sleeves. Showing off her still stunning arms at 38. She still finds time to work out. It’s her security blanket. Her arms are freckled yes, the doctor said it’s nothing to worry about. Come back every six months. Her hair is still that auburn color. She doesn’t die it. Her eyes, bright, and yes of course blue. They shine when she is happy. Tonight she is happy. Simple and beautiful is his wife. My god how he loves her.
“Are you ready?” he asks. Grabbing the keys off the hook in the kitchen. He’ll take the Mercedes, and leave the SUV for the baby sitter in case of emergency. Through the mudroom he steps, dog food pieces here and there, some slobber from the little guy. Who get’s a puppy with an infant? He opens the door to the garage. Smacks the button, the bulb flickers. I should probably change that he thinks to himself as he dances around to the right side of the garage. Happy. He cautiously opens the door, spots yet another ding. He enjoys driving her though. Dings and all. He owns it. Door ajar now, he dumps himself into the seat, starts her up. The 6 cylinder is still a thing of beauty. A soft rumble. He swipes at the seat warmers; he knows she doesn’t like her tushy cold.
She gets in after a minute of him waiting, listening to the recent plight of his team.
“Torn ACL, out for the season.” He doesn’t care, tonight is going to be fun.
Why are Criminal Enterprises Able to Run Free in Delaware?

What are our state lawmakers doing about criminal enterprises chartered, incorporated, and employing tens of thousands of citizens in our state? As well as ripping those same people off? Seriously? Shouldn’t they as LAWmakers be doing something? Don’t they have a duty?
Shouldn’t they be focused on racketeering? Perhaps an employer engaged and convicted of energy market rigging: 5 banks guilty of rate-rigging, pay more than $5B?
Five major banks Wednesday agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges and pay more than $5.5 billion in collective penalties to settle charges their traders routinely manipulated the world’s foreign-exchange market for their own profit.
The Department of Justice, the Federal Reserve and other U.S. and European authorities and regulators said corporate units of Citicorp(C), JPMorgan Chase (JPM), London-based Barclays(BCS) and Royal Bank of Scotland(RBS) acknowledged their traders rigged foreign exchange prices of U.S. dollars and euros from Dec. 2007 to Jan. 2013.
When Does a Governor Do Something about a Criminal Organization in it’s own State?

My question is and will always be, at what point does the Governor of a State step in and do something about a company that constantly defrauds the citizens of his state? Of his country? And of the planet?
Did you get an automated call from JPMorgan Chase on your cell phone?
Allegations are the company made unsolicited robocalls to cell phones, which is illegal. Now they are settling a class action lawsuit, and you could get up to $50 back if you qualify.
Another General, Another Delaware Bank

I used to work at MBNA. The glory days. When high interest rate credit cards where just making their nut. My first day of orientation, had a general in it. Everyone went to “Orientation”. Even special generals. It was kind of of cool to me back then to see that the appeared to treat everyone the same. I was very young and ignorant of the banking industry at this point in my life. Why hire a 4 Star Retiring general into your credit card company?
Chris Coons, War Monger and Saudi Arabian Errand Boy

As Coons continues to waffle and pretend he is tough guy (or act like it) on the Iran Deal, I figured I’d do a little lookie-loo back in time to see where else his shiny headed thoughts have bubbled and beaded similar nonsense that resembles a Delaware Way type of dissent. We all know it: the never ending sorta, kinda, wishy, washy, verbal non, almost in a way committal to your view and the 200 plus other views of Delawareans style of verbiage.
I didn’t have to go to far back to find Chris Coons once again challenging Obama. Questioning his strategy (however confounding) of diplomacy and not putting boots on the ground.
But Jobs!!!

Let’s play a game..which of these listed on the chart isn’t an employer to residents of Delaware? I know it’s not a big deal that these companies fuck over citizens of the USA and pay no price for it. The rats in their shiny metal boxes have to work. You can’t hold people accountable. That would mean these people have to hire more people. Hiring more people means less profit. Less profit means less dividends. Less dividends means that 3 year plan to increase the stock prices by 8% will result in a loss of a bonus. So if the shitty work they do leads to heart ache, anxiety and a never ending cycle of high interest rates or worst case the inability to get a job who cares.
I know these things don’t matter to people.
Have you ever had a problem with your credit and it wasn’t your fault? Ever tried to get it rectified?
A Day at the Office

It didn’t happen overnight. Something like this takes time. It takes years. Years and minutes. Thousands and thousands of minutes. Minute, minutia played out over the course of years. Minutia teased out into minutes. Scrolling minutia right to left. Accompanied by more minutia graphically displayed from top to bottom. Sponsored content of course. It’s all teased out into an endless string of so called events, one leading into the other into a cavalcade of disaster. Each one sirens a call for change. A reason that this time, this time it is a bridge to far. Now we have reached critical mass. It all is going to end badly. Here’s why this is his fault. Here is why too. An expert discusses it with another expert.
“This is it” he says to the glass. 25 stories up. His forehead is pressed against the glass. He can’t help but envision movie clips every time he does this. “I think I see my father” he mumbles to himself. He’s not even sure if that is the correct quote. He’s sure a remake is coming and he’ll be able to tell his kids he remembers when the original came out. As his dad did to him and said it was John Wayne and not Clit Eastwood. Clint dad, omg.
His life is an endless reel of thoughts he isn’t sure are his own. They are contrived from a life that has constantly absorbed media. Media in so many forms he doesn’t know what is and isn’t his own organic, original thought.
A Festivus Miracle: The Airing of Grievances, by Donviti.

I got a lot of freaking grievances and I’m not going to lie (even though I hate that expression), this is going to be as wildly incoherent as Honey Boo Boo’s fame or how John Atkins (D?, R?, U/E?) was able to get elected multiple times in slower lower. But, these are the times we live in, train wrecks get a voice, and now I give you mine. Choo-fucking-choo bitches.
This list is in no particular order and I will attempt to keep it relevant to 2014.
1. That I (we) may never know how John Atkins’ feels about a drunken Ray Rice beating his wife.
3. I was taken out of my father’s will this year after I called him a racist. I blame Obama for this, he has done nothing but divide this country since taking office. He has so clearly shined the light on racists, bigots and ignorant people that when relatives tell me in passing conversation we should just “lock em all up”, “give them all birth control”, “not let those animals breed,” I get upset. I liked it better when I didn’t know that was racism. Thanks Obama.
Come inside for more…
What I’ve learned about being a Delaware Liberal
I have learned theat both sides have hyper partisan people that are willing to attack and defend the messenger no matter who it is. It’s all fine when it is directed at the other side, but when you start questioning, honest questioning of people that are supposed to be on your “side” people can get very […]
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