But Jobs!!!

Filed in National by on August 26, 2015


Let’s play a game..which of these listed on the chart isn’t an employer to residents of Delaware? I know it’s not a big deal that these companies fuck over citizens of the USA and pay no price for it. The rats in their shiny metal boxes have to work. You can’t hold people accountable. That would mean these people have to hire more people. Hiring more people means less profit. Less profit means less dividends. Less dividends means that 3 year plan to increase the stock prices by 8% will result in a loss of a bonus. So if the shitty work they do leads to heart ache, anxiety and a never ending cycle of high interest rates or worst case the inability to get a job who cares.

I know these things don’t matter to people.

Have you ever had a problem with your credit and it wasn’t your fault? Ever tried to get it rectified?

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hiding in the open

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  1. pandora says:

    These things do matter to people. That’s a mighty broad brush you’re painting with. But I guess what you’re saying is that we’re doing it wrong, or not doing enough, or that our priorities don’t align with yours.

  2. donviti says:

    I think it’s clear what “we” are doing is wrong. Just because it matters doesn’t mean we do anything about it. It matters to me that little asian hands work 20 hours a day making my brand new iPhone killer, and only receive a $1 for it. But I still bought the phone.

    People lives and livelihood matter to people, we just don’t do shit about it anymore.

  3. pandora says:

    What exactly do we do about it? That’s a serious question. I think nothing will change until things get much worse (which they will). Revolutions happen when people have nothing to lose. We still have people with things to lose.

  4. donviti says:

    I honestly don’t know, but I agree it has to get worse. Or affect the right person. This maybe a leap, but look what we do, yes what progressive Obama does to whistle blowers? So do I expect the person working in Bank of America to have the nuts to blow the whistle on all the fraud and abuse that happens? No, they’ll lose their job. And no one will do anything.

    Will the victim go to court? Can they win in court? I don’t know who does what about this sort of thing, but if someone did, it wouldn’t be this bad.

    It’s sad, and it’s Delaware. Thousands of people work at these places. TENS of THOUSANDS. Every day. They lie, cheat and steal from citizens in Delaware, PA, California, Greece, all over the planet. All these jobs in Delaware.

    Not. a. god. damn. thing. is. done.

    But a bill almost passed making it a felony to have your psychotic patient felate you….

  5. Jason330 says:

    How is this related to Trump? I’ll tell you. People don’t trust institutions. Banks, churches, universities. political parties, they are a bunch of crooks and cheats. People are sick of it. So…The liberals have thier Bernie Sanders and conservatives have thier Trump. They’ll be painted as lunatics and etc, etc… On and in. Amen

  6. SussexWatcher says:

    You all let this guy back again? Lord give me strength.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Hope you feel better, now that you’ve gotten that off your chest.

  8. donviti says:

    @Me? Or @Sexwatcher?