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Filed in National by on August 2, 2009 32 Comments

Is their anything preventing from buying a POS car for $500 privately and then driving the car to a dealership to get my $3500 off a new car?

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Blacks need to know when enough is enough

Filed in National by on August 1, 2009 3 Comments

First Glenn Beck with Obama is a racist that hates white people (including his mom and her parents I guess) Now Coulter telling us how minorities, blacks and women should act. Don’t worry,she’ll be on Hannity. What she said wasn’t the opinion of a network. So, it’s all good. COULTER: In fact, I have been […]

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Kissing and making up…then screwing America

Filed in National by on August 1, 2009 6 Comments

It’s a pleasure to see corporate media giants having civil discourse behind the scenes. I can’t think of anything I would rather read about.  I mean, who wouldn’t want confirmation that News/Media executives from competing companies get together to talk strategy and cease attacking one another for the betterment of both bottom lines. I watch […]

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Deep thought

Filed in National by on August 1, 2009 5 Comments

Exposing corruption and fraud is an awesome idea, just don’t expose it while you hind behind stated motives we all know aren’t true and representative of the people doing the exposing.

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How teh stupid act when they think they are smart

Filed in Delaware by on July 31, 2009 13 Comments

So, by now you have read the 4 part piece we have done on “Copeland’s Republican Insiders” AKA the Caesar Rodney Institute.  It might be at 5 by now, but for now, it is 4. If you haven’t then you don’t know what you are missing. Cass wrote up a high level linkage piece that […]

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It’s almost vacation time!!

Filed in National by on July 30, 2009 1 Comment

I remember in August of 2001 when our newly elected Supreme Court picked POTUS was about to take his first of many, many, many vacations in August. It just so happened this vacation happened on Clinton’s watch though and he still get’s a pass for taking it. Crawford — a one-stoplight town of about 700 […]

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Donviti PSA #5

Filed in National by on July 30, 2009 2 Comments

We are all going to die from Swine Flu this year. However, there is a possible solution to saving some of us. Those of you that do not agree with the current administration and think we are on our way to socialism, please stay home and do not go out and get the government funded […]

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Comment Rescue: Deep thought

Filed in National by on July 30, 2009 20 Comments

One of the anon’s that I think we all know as “anon” and is a true anon as we don’t know who the heck he/she is said this: Comment by anon on 29 July 2009 at 11:04 pm: Another thing all over the TV is the meme that health care is doomed We are in […]

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Donviti Deep thought

Filed in National by on July 29, 2009 6 Comments

Race issues are not black and white

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Filed in National by on July 29, 2009 24 Comments

Why did NBC Give Michelle Malkin 10 minutes to promote her book this morning? or What Does CRI stand for? Jason already has taken “Copeland’s Republican Insiders”

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It really, really never gets old watching hypocrites fall

Filed in International by on July 29, 2009 4 Comments

Paul Stanley, Tennessee State Senator, Quits After Affair With 22-Year-Old Intern …he also sponsored failed measures to ban gay couples from adopting children. He also spoke out against funding for Planned Parenthood because he said unmarried people should not have sex . “Whatever I stood for and advocated, I still believe to be true,” he […]

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Now this is funny!

Filed in International by on July 28, 2009 7 Comments

Shatner does Palin’s farewell speech. Shatner style…

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Filed in National by on July 27, 2009 11 Comments

Question for Monday: Should the Army be used to arrest US Citizens? Why shouldn’t the Army be used to arrest US Citizens?

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