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Terror! terror! Fear, Fear

Filed in National by on September 9, 2009 0 Comments


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Breaking news!!!

Filed in National by on September 9, 2009 5 Comments

I was beat up by little Nazi’s on my way to the bus stop today.  Apparently the little bastards were chanting something about staying in school, studying and working hard will make them successful.  This country is going to hell in a hand basket

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A Bitch slapping at its best

Filed in National by on September 8, 2009 5 Comments
A Bitch slapping at its best

Art Downs once walked into a death trap against Unstoppable Isotope a few months ago when it came to chemistry.  Countless others have walked into my tazer of torridness.  David Anderson did the same thing against Steve Newton last week.  And, in typical David Anderson (a professed damner of fornicators) he tries to Hannity his way […]

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Deep Thought

Filed in National by on September 8, 2009 2 Comments

I’m tired of hearing that the Dems need to get in line or that they are fractured.  The “Dems” that are fractured aren’t democrats.  They are politicians/opportunists that obviously cater to their donors.  But, the sad part is that many of the leading “Dems” are the sellouts and are the ones with the seniority and […]

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The latest R hero

Filed in National by on September 8, 2009 6 Comments
The latest R hero

[youtube][/youtube] Get ready to see this guy more and more is my guess.  He taps right into the arguement that unpatriotic Americans love to hear.  Every man for himself.  I guess they forgot that part in the pledge of allegiance that says something about “one nation for all” We are going to punish the 85% […]

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Serious QOD

Filed in National by on September 8, 2009 39 Comments

What is racism?  How has the right been able to play into the fears of racism?

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Filed in National by on September 7, 2009 10 Comments

How many people are celebrating Labor Day today and at the same time hate on Unions?

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They almost got me excited until

Filed in Delaware, International by on September 4, 2009 14 Comments

Here I was watching the news today and Obama fulfilling one of his campaign promises . White House Voluntary Disclosure Policy Visitor Access Records Pretty sweet huh?  Wow, would have been nice under Bush to see all the people going in and out of the W house.  You can’t imagine how happy I am now […]

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Yo! come here!

Filed in National by on September 4, 2009 1 Comment

{smacks head}, knock it the hell off

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Serious QOD

Filed in National by on September 4, 2009 24 Comments

Allow me to set up the scenario that I want serious feedback on. I have 2 dogs, bassets.  One we got as a puppy and the other was a rescue.  The rescue, lulu is as friendly with adults as friendly can be.  She is an attention whore and basically is or thinks she is the […]

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Rumor Mill

Filed in National by on September 4, 2009 18 Comments
Rumor Mill

Apparently Lavell “a leader who listens”  (lmao) is going to be running for Governor in 2012?  What’s Protack have to say about that? Anyone seen Dave Burris since we blew up CRI? If I remember one thing about Greg Lavelle it was that he was against not having the grass clippings and leaves going into […]

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Filed in National by on September 3, 2009 8 Comments

Hey you, stop it.

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Filed in National by on September 3, 2009 17 Comments

Are their more hypocrites in the church or in politics?

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