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What America Do The idiots want back?

Filed in National by on August 16, 2009 49 Comments

We all know that many of the folks against health care seem to be saying that they want America Back.  My questions is what America do they want back? Do they want the Vietname Era America Back? The Nixon America? The WWI and/or WWII America? The Great Depression? Any one of the dozen or so […]

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Cash For Clunkers widdled to 1984 cars and younger

Filed in National by on August 14, 2009 12 Comments

As I said last week the cash for clunkers program fell short of what it could have been.  As expected, the lobbyists got their way.  Nothing has changed in Washington, the powerful and special interests (almost one in the same) don’t want change and we all know who pays for the stagnation. Apparently the classic […]

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It is down to two choices for the name of the beer!!!

Filed in Delaware by on August 14, 2009 18 Comments
It is down to two choices for the name of the beer!!!

Here are the choices: Delaware Way Ale or To Big to Fail Ale

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Tomorrow is the day

Filed in National by on August 14, 2009 1 Comment

Well, it is our first summer concert and it coudln’t be for a better cause that needs way more awareness. I sincerely hope you can make it.  Even if not for the full four hours at least pop on in, drink a few a beers and listen to a set of James Day and the […]

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Doug Glanville former Phillie writes an OP-ED

Filed in National by on August 13, 2009 0 Comments

Interesting… On paper, I was ready for my ride into the sunset. I had a nice Ivy League engineering degree, a wonderfully supportive family, some coins in my pocket. My transition to the other side was supposed to be smooth sailing to blissful relaxation. But I didn’t really know much about this world I was […]

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The truth is funny

Filed in National by on August 13, 2009 2 Comments


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Special Guest post for Twin Lakes Charity Event…

Filed in Delaware by on August 13, 2009 3 Comments
Special Guest post for Twin Lakes Charity Event…

Ladies and Gentlemen Joanne Christian: What do Bob Marley, Frank McCourt, and Jim Johnson have in common? All notable in their respective fields of music, sports and literature–and all have died from melanoma. Sure, you may remember Bob Marley died of a brain tumor (and BTW his mother lived in Delaware), and Frank McCourt had […]

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2 loud mouths, that can’t back their lies up

Filed in National by on August 13, 2009 36 Comments

So, we are entering day 2 of David Anderson’s lie that he can’t back up or support a link to.  Yesterday I had a post up asking Davide to support his lie. This is the norm, why do you act surprised? People who cheer a point of view expressed are just as valid as those […]

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Silence is deafening

Filed in National by on August 12, 2009 20 Comments

One of our resident bigotted, bible thumping, Clinton and the Dem’s do it too trolls, aka Republican David, David A. or whatever website he is trying to get readers to click on made this comment yesterday: This is the norm, why do you act surprised? People who cheer a point of view expressed are just […]

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Working harder? Making Less?

Filed in National by on August 11, 2009 10 Comments
Working harder?  Making Less?

Unlike Wall Street where a company like Merril Lynch can lose $27bln in a quarter and pay out $37.5 Bln in bonuses back in the real world the American worker is more productive and making less. Hizzah!  Trickle down economics!  What’s that you say?  The American dream!  I know, I know I hear all you […]

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What can we agree on?

Filed in National by on August 10, 2009 32 Comments

I think we can all agree, or at least I thought we could agree, that we pretty much understand that Wall Street (Goldman Sachs especially) and the mentality it cultivates are more a part of the problem then lawmakers in this country.  Aren’t they?  Can’t we agree also that politicians pockets are lined with donations […]

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It’s almost here! Summer Charity Concert @ Twin Lakes 8/15

Filed in Delaware by on August 10, 2009 0 Comments

If you haven’t purchased tickets yet, please do so! Ticket’s will be sold at the “door” too.  But we prefer they be purchased ahead of time. Go here for more details The Forecast is 82 and sunny too!!!!

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If we don’t look, it isn’t there

Filed in National by on August 9, 2009 69 Comments

There is going to have to be a point where many of us realize that this is total horseshit and there isn’t really any change.  The only change is the name of the Party.  I for one don’t know what I was thinking was going to actually change, because when something as big as reforming […]

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