El Somnambulo

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DL Open Thread: Sun., June 16, 2019

Filed in Featured by on June 16, 2019 0 Comments

Senate Rethugs Have Long Knives Out For Mick Mulvaney. They think he’s free-lancing on a budget deal,  thus causing a crisis. Don’t forget, he was a Freedom Kaukus Kook before Trump brought him on board. Colorado Pot Sales Top $1 Billion. Roughly $24 mill a month. Virtually no downside. Monitor away, John! Are D Codgers […]

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DL Open Thread: Sat. June 15, 2019

Filed in Featured by on June 15, 2019 5 Comments

Is Economic Growth The Wrong Standard To Measure A Country’s Success?: New Zealand thinks so.  You just might agree. I do. The Democratic Debate Lineups:  Anyone want to predict the tenor of each night’s action?  I’m looking forward to both Sanders and Buttigieg ripping Biden’s record to shreds on Night 2. SOS Pompeo: President Doesn’t […]

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DL Open Thread: Fri., June 14, 2019

Filed in Featured by on June 14, 2019 6 Comments

Progressive Announces Challenge To Susan Collins.  Primaries on both sides appear likely. FEC Chair: It’s Illegal To Get Elections Dirt From Foreign Governments. Always Has Been.  Wonder how long before Trump tries to force her out of office… AOC Organizers Training Working Class Progressives To Challenge Insider D Consultants.  Not only do I flat out […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., June 13, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 13, 2019 23 Comments

Let’s start with some good news: The minimum wage increase bill cleared committee.  The Forces Of Ee-Vil were out in force and are just getting revved up to drive a stake through the heart of this bill. I think it may have the votes to pass in the Senate.  Don’t see any likely D defectors. […]

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DL Open Thread: Thurs., June 13, 2019

Filed in Featured by on June 13, 2019 11 Comments

Yep, Trump Would Accept Campaign Info From Foreign Government, Wouldn’t Contact FBI.  We, of course knew this b/c of 2016, but now he’s admitted it. Rethugs will defend him somehow. No More Trials Re Vaughn Uprising.  There really was no point, all the cases were compromised.  What a mess. FEMA Short ‘A Few Thousand Employees’ […]

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Man-n-n-n, This Hunter Biden Guy

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 12, 2019 12 Comments

When last we heard of Joe’s wayward son, he had found love in the arms of his dead brother’s widow.  It seemed strange, but, hey, nobody was hurting anybody, and Joe ‘n Jill seemed happy. A million roses bloomed. Well, you can tear up that Hallmark Made-For-TV Movie script: Tabloid news website TMZ reported that Hunter […]

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Corrupt Delaware LLC’s In Legal Crosshairs?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 12, 2019 11 Comments

Maybe, just maybe, the answer is yes. I got this press release from Mat Marshall of the Delaware Department of Justice yesterday: Backpage.com to Lose Delaware LLC Formations Under a Delaware Court of Chancery consent judgment issued Tuesday, four limited liability companies (LLCs) linked to the website Backpage will relinquish their Delaware certificates of formation. […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., June 12, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 12, 2019 9 Comments

Let’s review yesterday’s Session Activity Report as a jumping-off point for what is sure to be a magnum opus today. Pretty much every bill discussed yesterday passed w/o controversy, including, unfortunately, SB 61(Hansen), which will send yet more state dollars down the rabbit hole of bribing businesses to come here. The one exception to this […]

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DL Open Thread: Wed., June 12, 2019

Filed in Featured by on June 12, 2019 3 Comments

‘The Day The Music Burned’: This depresses me so much. Great music that will never be heard.   Including from artists who we will never know existed. Treating Drug Use As A Public Health Crisis: Seattle is experimenting with this approach. Will it work? Behind The Lines In Syria: Brilliant and brave reporting from Mother Jones. […]

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Val Longhurst Scamming Clean Water Supporters?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 11, 2019 10 Comments

This bonus post brought to you courtesy of the following song, which explains why I’m writing it: Settle in, kids, this may take awhile.  Curiosity (I won’t insult your intelligence by claiming ‘intellectual curiosity’) got the best of me.  I start off with the realization that we really do have a clean water crisis. That […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., June 11, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 11, 2019 6 Comments

Ah, but first, a semi-related rant. We know that Delaware has a clean water problem. A major clean water problem: Most of the State’s waters do not meet water quality standards to support their designated uses, such as for drinking, swimming or supporting aquatic life. This Act increases the level and reliability of funding available […]

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DL Open Thread: Tues., June 11, 2019

Filed in Featured by on June 11, 2019 0 Comments

Elaine Chao Created ‘Special Path’ For McConnell Projects.  As Lawrence O’Donnell pointed out last night, other Rethug senators will not be thrilled about this latest corruption from Mitch ‘n Elaine. Especially as their projects languish. Catholic Church Corruption Extends To West Virginia.  Why interfere when the Church is doing its level best to destroy itself? […]

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DL Open Thread: Mon., June 10, 2019

Filed in Featured by on June 10, 2019 14 Comments

Dark Chocolate: Courtesy Of Child Labor.  Not just child labor, slave labor. WaPo finds the truth that the huge multinationals just ignore. $90 Mill Flows To Kushner Firm Since He Got His White House Job. Of course, nobody knows where and from whom the money is coming from. BTW, there’s little difference between the Caymans […]

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