El Somnambulo

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John Carney’s Cult Of Budget-Smoothers Goes After State Employees

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 7, 2019 8 Comments

OK, kids, a refresher. John Carney, combining the collective wisdom of Ken Simpler, the Concord Coalition and, of course, the Chamber, tried but failed to get the General Assembly to adopt his budget-smoothing proposal. What is budget-smoothing, you ask?: Developed by a task force that included Republican Treasurer Ken Simpler and Carney’s Finance Director Rick […]

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John Carney, The Chamber, and ??: The Unholy Trinity

Filed in Delaware by on May 7, 2019 4 Comments
John Carney, The Chamber, and ??: The Unholy Trinity

The Unholy Trinity that conspires to keep Delaware economic development efforts, partially funded by millions of dollars in state revenue, from the prying eyes of the public. I’ll get to the ??’s in just a second. We can add to this list all of the legislators who voted for the creation of the Delaware Prosperity […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., May 7, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 7, 2019 10 Comments

Tomorrow is the big day. Three major gun control measures will be considered in the Senate Executive Committee. These three bills: SB 68 (Townsend) ‘prohibits the manufacture, sale, offer to sell, transfer, purchase, receipt, possession, or transport of assault weapons in Delaware, subject to certain exceptions.’ SB 70 (Sokola) ‘creates the Delaware Large Capacity Magazine […]

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Keith James Announces Pointless Challenge To Sean Matthews in 10th RD

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 2, 2019 6 Comments

Well, there is one circumstance where the challenge might not be totally pointless, and we’ll get to that shortly. However, there is no way that Keith James has any chance of unseating Sean Matthews in a contested primary. Matthews vanquished previous State Rep. Dennis Williams in a primary and then buried him in a rematch […]

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BREAKING: Eric Morrison To Primary Earl Jaques!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 1, 2019 84 Comments
BREAKING: Eric Morrison To Primary Earl Jaques!

Earl Jaques, who has been something of a mixed bag as a state representative, will face a primary challenge from a serious progressive. I especially like Eric Morrison’s commitment to supporting public education, in stark contrast to Jaques’ knee-jerk support for charter schools. Jaques, more than many, has been something of a populist on economic […]

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Mo’ Better Dems 2020: 1st & 2nd Chair Violas

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 30, 2019 4 Comments

I doubt that I’ve ever compared the cacophonous Delaware General Assembly to an orchestra before. But I do so today…if only to argue that it’s time that the first- and second-chair Violas be replaced. Violas. As in Reps. John Viola and Andria Viola Bennett. Father and daughter. The math is still the same: 2 x […]

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‘Bulo’s Fave Tunes: April, 2019

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Featured by on April 30, 2019 2 Comments

Before we dip into this month’s sonic cornucopia, just a reminder that the amazing The Suitcase Junket is coming to the Arden Gild Hall on Friday, May 10. Let me know if you’re coming, and I’ll reserve the tickets in your name.  Or you can buy ’em online. Or buy ’em at Between Books in […]

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NRA Engaging In Circular Firing Squad

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 27, 2019 4 Comments

I don’t want anyone taking away their weapons as long as they’re training them on each other: Oliver L. North announced on Saturday that he would not serve a second term as the National Rifle Association’s president, deciding to step down as the organization grappled with a bitter dispute over its future and its worst […]

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Supreme Court Poised To Institutionalize Rethuglican Criminality

Filed in Featured, National by on April 24, 2019 1 Comment

There’s so much Trump-inspired white noise out there that the undemocratic takeover of the country continues unabated in the shadows. In this instance, buoyed by Mitch McConnell’s machinations that have yielded Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, a profoundly injudicious Supreme Court appears ready to rubber-stamp an illegitimate census count. A count that will almost assuredly […]

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Joe Biden’s Campaign To Peak Next Week

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 20, 2019 23 Comments

Why? Because he is announcing next week. At least, as of today.  I may be overstating the case. But if so, only by a week or two. The initial flawed strategy was for him to delay his entry and remain above the fray.  Apparently nobody in the campaign anticipated his hands-on proclivities and disastrous previous […]

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The Barr Translation Of The Mueller Report Open Thread

Filed in National by on April 18, 2019 45 Comments

Venting is not only permitted, it’s encouraged. Thankfully, I will be at work.  C’mon everybody, let it all out.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., April 18, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 18, 2019 7 Comments

Wednesday was a Tale Of Two Bills: SS1/SB 37(Brown) expands the ability to have one’s criminal history expunged.  It’s a great piece of criminal justice reform legislation, and it passed unanimously. HB 63(Lynn),  which had narrowly passed the House a couple of weeks back, passed the Senate 13-8, but only after a significant amendment was […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., April 17, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 17, 2019 10 Comments

“Hey, kids, what time is it?” The answer might always be ‘Daylight Savings Time’ if SB 73(McBride) becomes law. But not necessarily. Because as  the bill states: This Act achieves this (year-round DST) by doing the following: (1) Requiring, in Section 4 of this Act, that the Governor request that the United States Secretary of […]

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