El Somnambulo

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Song Of The Day: Nov. 23, 2018

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 23, 2018 0 Comments

I’m a huge fan of Blood Orange. Spoiler Alert: He’ll be back on the Best-Of list this year.  This one’s from 2016:

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Song Of The Day: Nov. 22, 2018

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 22, 2018 0 Comments

If Thanksgiving wasn’t called Thanksgiving, it’d likely be called Homecoming. Which is what I love about the holiday. People come home. This song from my 2015 best-of could be the theme song:

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Open Thread For Nov. 21, 2018: Whitaker’s Secret Cabal

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 21, 2018 4 Comments

How Matthew Whitaker Rose To Prominence.  Featuring, of course, a phony charity that appears to have been created exclusively to serve as a vehicle to bring this mediocrity to power. Part of the Rethuglican Criminal Conspiracy that’s running the country. Who’s behind it? Sorry. Citizen’s United keeps it secret. I Think Seth Moulton’s Serving His […]

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Song Of The Day: Nov. 21, 2018

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 21, 2018 0 Comments

They’ve been to the Gild Hall. Twice. Tim Showalter has become a favorite son. This was from my 2014 best-of list:

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BREAKING: Trump Tried To Get DOJ To Prosecute Clinton And Comey

Filed in Featured, National by on November 20, 2018 13 Comments

His own White House lawyer, Don McGahn, warned him that such behavior could be impeachable. From the NYTimes: The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution. Mr. McGahn said that while he could request an investigation, that too could prompt accusations of abuse of […]

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Open Thread For Nov. 20, 2018: Cowardly Lyin’

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 20, 2018 5 Comments

Trump Doesn’t Visit Troops Because He’s Afraid: Trump has spoken privately about his fears over risks to his own life, according to a former senior White House official, who has discussed the issue with the president and spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly about Trump’s concerns. “He’s never been interested in going,” […]

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Song Of The Day: Nov. 20, 2018

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 20, 2018 1 Comment

From 2013 came this exercise in guitar pyrotechnics. My kind of guitar pyrotechnics:

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BREAKING: Ivanka Pulls A ‘Hillary’!

Filed in Featured by on November 19, 2018 8 Comments

I can’t make this up. Guess who just got busted for using a private e-mail server for government business. Yep, Ivanka Trump: From the Washington Post story: Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal […]

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Song Of The Day: Nov. 19, 2018

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 19, 2018 0 Comments

Figured I’d rummage through my ‘Best Songs Of The Year’ lists to resurrect some great tunes. This one is from 2011:

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Open Thread For Nov. 19, 2018: No More Mr. Nice Guy

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 19, 2018 12 Comments

Memo to Democrats: Nice Won’t Cut It.  This is so obvious that EVEN Delaware’s neutered delegation should recognize it.  You don’t have to be a dick about it. Just stand for something other than ‘reaching across the aisle’. Trump Trashes The Guy Who Got Bin Laden.  Calls him a ‘Hillary supporter’.  Trump gets less well […]

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Open Thread For Nov. 18, 2018: “Good People On Both Sides”

Filed in Featured, National by on November 18, 2018 3 Comments

Like the Pasco Pipebombers. You just know that Trump would sidestep every possibility to bury these bastards. Hey, at least it’ll be that much longer before these miscreants get their Florida voting rights back. Just check out that munitions stash. Why doesn’t California rake their forest floor? You know, like Finland. State Department Official Resigns […]

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Song(s) Of The Day: Nov. 18, 2018

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 18, 2018 0 Comments

I had to end this week saluting artists who I’ve booked at the Gild Hall with my favorite guests of all time.  Not only were the Holmes Brothers wonderful performers, but they became adopted sons to our audience.  They loved coming here as much as we loved having them. The nicest people of all time.  […]

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Who Are Your Delaware Progressive MVP’s For 2018?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 17, 2018 26 Comments

Pretty sure I didn’t do a list last year as there were so few possibilities. And/or b/c I was deep into a Trump funk. This year is different. So many choices. So, here are the rules:  Nominate someone for the list. The standard is: Who most helped the progressive cause in Delaware in 2018?  While […]

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