El Somnambulo

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DL Open Thread: Friday, October 6, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 6, 2023 5 Comments

Almost Penniless Rethugs, Part 1.  Mike Lindell: Almost Penniless Rethugs, Part 2. Rudy Giuliani: Sadness. Trump & Jim Jordan: Perfect Together: There was only one way the chaos in the Republican-led House – likened Thursday by one of its members to a “stupid clown car” – could get more extreme. Enter Donald Trump. The ex-president […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, October 5, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 5, 2023 5 Comments

Quick tip of the ‘Bulo Sombrero to the anonymous tipster who clued me into the Purzycki/Carney hand-off.  We can all see how orchestrated this two-step was.  By Buccini/Pollin and the Chamber, the entities that run the city.  Keep those tips coming! Guess Who’s Been Pulling The Strings From A Capitol Hill Basement.  And tell me […]

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Delaware (Occasional) Political Weekly: Early October, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 4, 2023 27 Comments

Don’t know if there’s anything more to be said about L’Affaire Bethany Hall-/Dana Long at this time, other than that Al’s speculation that the remaining insiders are trying to find a way to cover it up rings true to me.  Oh, and that the troubles may date at least all the way back to her […]

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BREAKING: McCarthy Loses Speakership

Filed in Featured, National by on October 3, 2023 2 Comments

216-210. 8 R’s voted to remove McCarthy, no D’s voted for McCarthy. Circular firing squad.  Rethugs are livid at the renegades.  But, hey, McCarthy cut the deal that made this inevitable.

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Two Ethically-Bankrupt Legislators Stand Behind BHL…

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 2, 2023 13 Comments

…along with pretty much nobody else.  We have chronicled in these e-pages how both Our PAL Val and Sen. Nicole ‘No Longer’ Poore each got bullshit no-show jobs shortly after getting elected.  Longhurst as ‘Executive Director’ of the Delaware Police Athletic League (hence PAL, for newbies), and Poore as ‘Executive Director’ of the worse-than-useless Jobs […]

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‘Bulo’s Fave Tunes: September 2023

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Featured by on October 2, 2023 0 Comments

Fewer songs this month.  Sky-high quality, though, one of my favorite batches of the year. A Pops Staples original.  Dedicated to Jason: MY kind of band.  Surrealist noir is MY kind of music: Italian disco vibe. Video’s a hoot as well.  Made me laugh: Perhaps the best American roots artist you’ve never heard of.  I […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, October 1, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 1, 2023 9 Comments

Feds Look To Shut Down Medicare Advantage Scam.  Oh, it’s legal, and the insurers behind Medicare Advantage use it to reject claims: Judith Sullivan was recovering from major surgery at a Connecticut nursing home in March when she got surprising news from her Medicare Advantage plan: It would no longer pay for her care because […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, Sept. 30, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on September 30, 2023 7 Comments

“Dianne Feinstein Dies.  Staff Insists She Can Still Carry Out Her Senatorial Duties.”-Fake headline dedicated to Jason. Kevin McCarthy Could Earn A Profile In Courage.  Yes, it would cost him his worthless Speakership, but could remove some tarnish from what remains of his reputation: “I hope the speaker snaps out of the vise grip he’s […]

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Thank You, Jason.

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 29, 2023 2 Comments

Jason, you are a true friend.  I honestly don’t know what I would have done without you and without Delaware Liberal. You took me in as a stray immediately after Val Longhurst put an abrupt end to my 20-plus years as a legislative staffer.  I can’t tell you how depressed I was at the time.  […]

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Trouble In Camp BHL?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 28, 2023 65 Comments

Does this story have legs and, if so, what the bleep is going on?: Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long, who is running for Delaware governor in 2024, announced Thursday evening that she is conducting an audit of her past campaign finance reports after possible issues have come to light. Hall-Long said in a written statement this […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, September 28, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on September 28, 2023 14 Comments

Is Vivek Ramaswamy the first AI candidate? There’s something alarmingly unnatural about him.  No real person talks like that.  That, and ‘What a buncha morans’ are my only thoughts about last night’s shit-show. The Looming Shutdown.  Essential: House staffers working on Biden impeachment.  Non-essential: FEMA disaster relief: House Oversight Chairman James Comer said a potential […]

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Delaware’s Most Intriguing Legislative Races Of 2024: #3-RD 14

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 28, 2023 0 Comments

I’m not even sure how contested this race will be.  But the prospect of Marty Rendon replacing Former Speaker Pete Schwartzkopf in RD 14 excites me no end. I grant you–some of my affinity stems from the fact that Rendon and I are the same age.  We both cut our teeth on, wait for it, […]

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State Of Delaware Sues Amazon While State Of Delaware Throws Money At Amazon

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 27, 2023 5 Comments

To be specific, Delaware AG Kathleen Jennings has joined other state AG’s and the Federal government in suing Amazon while the Carney Administration’s privatized economic development scam agency continues to gift the behemoth with taxpayer dollars ostensibly for ‘jobs’.  Jobs with no strings, like worker protections and/or the right to unionize, attached. From the Associated […]

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