Delaware (Occasional) Political Weekly: Early October, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 4, 2023

Don’t know if there’s anything more to be said about L’Affaire Bethany Hall-/Dana Long at this time, other than that Al’s speculation that the remaining insiders are trying to find a way to cover it up rings true to me.  Oh, and that the troubles may date at least all the way back to her 2016 campaign.  Gee, I wonder what (I mean, who) that race and this race have in common…

1. Buccini/Pollin and the Chamber Looking To Swap Out Purzycki For Carney?  I hate to give credence to rumors (he lied), but this one makes such cynical sense that I think there may be something to it. The rumor is that Purzycki will not run for reelection, and that the same corporate interests who have run Wilmington for the last eight years have convinced Delaware’s Dimmest Bulb to replace him.  Who knows? Unless progressives are able to find a credible alternative, Carney would win over the likes of, say, Velda Potter.  Big-time corporate corruption beats out small-time family corruption pretty much every time.  Welcome to Buccini/Pollinville.  Maybe BHL can serve as his Chief-Of-Staff so that he no longer has to go out and cut ribbons.  His khakis are looking a little worse for wear.

2.  Two Lamentables To Square Off In Rematch? Looks that way as word on the street is that James Taylor is once again poised to primary Stephanie Bolden.  Memo to residents of the 2nd RD:  You get the government you deserve.  RD 2: Home Of The Lamentables.

3.  (Arguably) Delaware’s Worst Rethug Legislator Gets Challenger.  We’re talking none other than Millsboro’s own Richard G. Collins, who is frequently to the right of his increasingly MAGAt-dominated House Rethuglican Caucus.  From his own House profile:

Before taking office, Rep. Collins was active in public policymaking as the founder and chief lobbyist for the Positive Growth Alliance — an organization dedicated to protecting private property rights.

In the General Assembly, Rep. Collins has been an outspoken critic of any government action he perceives as eroding citizens’ freedoms. He has sponsored numerous bills to reduce the tax burden imposed on Delawareans, curtail the regulatory authority of state agencies, and make public officials more accountable to the people they serve…

…and passed none.

Democrat Tom Brett has now filed his committee to run for the 41st RD seat currently represented by Collins.  He is currently VP of Operations at Franchise Management Services, and previously was in operations with ARAMARK.  He has a Bachelors in Business Administration from Cleveland State University.  It’ll be a heavy lift as the registration numbers are as follows:  6721 D; 8918 R; and 5129 I.  But, it’s Richard Collins we’re talking about.

OK, Suxco Spies, can you fill in the blanks?

4.  D Challenges Corrupt Carpetbagger Mark Schaeffer For Suxco Seat.  Retired US Air Force Major Dana Paskins, to be specific, who has filed her committee for this CD-3 race.  A quick Google (or otherwise) search reveals that she has been involved in a whole bunch of activities in this beach-area district.  Looks like the real deal to me.  Not to mention, there is no justification for having a Kent County vote-stealer on the Suxco Council, especially from what should be a solid-D district.  Dana Paskins-remember the name.

That’s all I’ve got (yeah, yeah, I know I still need to finish my ‘most intriguing races’ series.  While I have only two more to go, there is a race that I profiled earlier that will jump way up in the rankings, likely in November.)

What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. Arthur says:

    IF elected would BHL end up the most corrupt governor ever?

    why, if someone hates the overreach of government, want to work in government?

  2. You know that phrase from Watergate? ‘It wasn’t the crime, it was the cover-up.’

    If BHL and her husband covered up campaign finance violations dating back to at least 2016, then, yes, you’d be correct–if she was elected.

    • Arthur says:

      I mean going forward. Her new ‘evolved’ crew makes the potter clan look like school yard, lunch money stealers

    • BLT says:

      The only reason her campaign won’t pledge to make the audit report public is because they want to control the story. Mark my words, they will spin the story to the public. She doesn’t want to be honest with the public while asking them for their votes to coronate her governor.

    • The MoMo says:

      Poked around some reports (and you all can too!) and it looks like personal loan section has been amended in several of them.

  3. Anon says:

    Bethany Hall Longshot

  4. stewball says:

    If the audit turns up anything, BHL will have to file amended campaign finance reports, which are of course public. So we’ll be able to see what mistakes were made and how the errors were corrected.

    • Here’s the thing, though. People, in this case the people who have left the campaign, ALREADY KNOW what happened, and they left.

      The only people trying to put this Humpty Dumpty of a campaign back together again are Delaware’s two most corrupt state legislators, an aparatchik from the Lieutenant Governors’ Association, and party hack Anne Farley.

      Let’s not pretend that these were just some ‘technical’ campaign reporting errors. BHL’s second-string team is just trying to find some way to spin the unacceptable into something that might yet be sold to the know-nothings.

    • BLT says:

      Apaprently she didn’t actually hire those forensic accountants she said she did in the statement. That Roshan Patel guy, the political hack she brought in from DC, is who is doing the “audit.” So he wont’ even do anything but put some spin out there with no transparency. And BHL won’t even name the accounting firm she hired.

    • The MoMo says:

      Glad that it reads like he wouldn’t run for something else in 2024.

    • If I had even the smallest shred of vanity, I’d pat myself on the back.

      But, as y’all know, it’s not in my nature. Not to mention, last time I patted myself on the back, I pulled a muscle in the shoulder region, and it still hasn’t healed.

  5. Paul says:

    Bethany Hall Long’s political difficulties re her husband in 2016 have resurfaced for 2024? Her campaign staff is still resigned?

  6. The MoMo says:

    “Tracey and I have lived in Wilmington for thirty years, and I care deeply about our city. While I am focused on serving as Delaware’s Governor, it’s something I’m seriously considering.”


  7. SussexWatcher says:

    Does *this* open the door for Eugene?

  8. Beach Karen says:

    Word in Sussex is that Rich Collins isn’t running again.

    • Reminds me of what former Phils’ manager Gene Mauch once said about excising a clubhouse cancer from the team:

      “Sometimes you add by subtracting.”

  9. Al Catraz says:

    Clearly, there is a deep and serious problem with BHL’s campaign finances which is taking time to clean up. Just as clearly, nobody is being up front about what is the problem and how it is being addressed.

    This type of behavior is simply disqualifying. As governor, what crisis will BHL encounter and hide from us until a smiley face can be painted on it?

    Nobody and nothing is perfect. How one deals with the imperfections is indicative of one’s character. BHL is failing that test.

    If they found an issue, came out and said, “We found this issue and here’s what we plan to do to make it right” I would have a lot of respect for that sort of integrity.

    But this is not leadership material here.

    • Well, to the extent that she’s been a partner with Carney (he has endorsed her, after all), she’s likely quite comfortable in keeping information from the public, which is the hallmark of the Carney years.

  10. Beach Karen says:

    How did I miss the John Carney part of this story?

    So, Wilmington is going to replace one dried up, chamber loving, local football pretty boy with another dried up, chamber loving, local football pretty boy?

    I’m sure that will work out great. Go team!