El Somnambulo

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Final Call For–Sierra Hull!! Queue Up For–The Claudettes!!

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Featured by on October 18, 2021 2 Comments

This coming Saturday night. Ordinarily this concert would have sold out long ago.  But COVID has impacted ticket sales all across the country. However, this show will likely still sell out as we only have about 50 tickets remaining. Her music starts with bluegrass and then takes off from there.  Here is what Sierra is […]

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Anybody Here Live In Delaware City?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 17, 2021 0 Comments

If so, you might want to check out Monday evening’s Public Hearing to get public comment on the proposed House of Representatives redistricting maps.  Here’s the notice: https://legis.delaware.gov/TaskForceMeetingDetail?taskForceMeetingId=10517 Oh, and you might want to comment on whether it’s appropriate for the incumbent representative to saddle Delaware City with a highly-dubious ‘development’ project, and then skedaddle […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, October 17, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 17, 2021 2 Comments

“Their (Black Christians) voices contradicted the proposition that America is the story of the gradual expansion of freedom and opportunity to a wider and wider group of people,. The moral claim laid upon us by their ancestors’ insistent voices is continual awareness that racial inequity was interwoven into the fabric of our society from the […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, October 16, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 16, 2021 5 Comments

Kathy McGuiness Has No Shame.  Of course, that’s a ‘dog bites man’ headline.  But this isn’t: Delaware Auditor Kathy McGuiness has asked a local judge to make taxpayers foot the bill for her legal defense as she fights criminal corruption charges. A seven-page motion filed by her private attorney, Steve Wood, on Thursday cites a Delaware […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, October 15, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 15, 2021 4 Comments

BREAKING: Rep. Paul Baumbach Running For Reelection.  I wrote a speculative piece, turns out it was fiction. At least in part: I am running for re-election, to continue to serve the residents of the 23rd RD https://secure.actblue.com/donate/committee-to-elect-paul-baumbach-1 I do not know Rep Ramone’s plans. That National Ecumenical And Non-Partisan Prayer Breakfast?  Not so non-partisan or […]

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Who Is Retiring? Paul Baumbach Or Mike Ramone?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 14, 2021 9 Comments

If what DD wrote over at Blue Delaware is accurate–that Mike Ramone has been drawn into the 23rd District, currently represented by Baumbach, then the maps tell me that one of the two is retiring. Otherwise, you’ve taken Ramone out of the 21st District, and placed him in the same district as Baumbach.  So, yes, […]

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BREAKING: All Of House D Leadership Calls For McGuiness To Take Leave Of Absence

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 13, 2021 4 Comments

Yes, even Speaker Pete, who may just be trying to scoop himself out of electoral quicksand.  Here’s the story.  Some excerpts: A joint-statement from Delaware Senate President Pro Tempore Dave Sokola, Majority Leader Bryan Townsend, and Majority Whip Elizabeth Lockman issued Wednesday night notes the auditor plays a “paramount” role in protecting the public’s interest […]

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The House Maps: Questions And Answers

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 13, 2021 11 Comments

Finally.  Here they are: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1f2BGBdha-fie-fe4ufRHzWWkaE7perJh&ll=39.1487474501171%2C-75.386594&z=9 Man, they really pulled some shit here.  First, check out the questions I had here. Now, guess who has beaten a fast retreat from Delaware City.  If you guessed ‘Our PAL Val’ Longhurst, you would be correct.  After steering this crony-infested development project into a community that really didn’t want […]

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Nicole Atkins Comes To Arden This Saturday!

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on October 13, 2021 1 Comment

The show was a late addition to our fall schedule because The Suffers, who had originally been booked, had to cancel their entire fall tour. So, the show has fallen unfortunately under the radar.  But Nicole Atkins is a great songstress, and I know that those of you who haven’t already seen her will love […]

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The Senate Maps Are Here, And They’re SpecTACular

Filed in National by on October 12, 2021 11 Comments
The Senate Maps Are Here, And They’re SpecTACular

I’d expect nothing less from Dick Carter, Jesse Chadderdon, Valerie McCartan, Anthony Bernadzikowski and the Senate D leadership team. Here are the big takeaways: 1.  Darius Brown will not be happy. Oh, sure he has a district to run in.  But it’s not really a Wilmington-centric district any more.  He picks up a whole bunch […]

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Big News! Rebecca Cotto To Challenge Rep. Deb Heffernan!!

Filed in National by on October 11, 2021 4 Comments

Blue Delaware broke the story right here.  This is huge for the progressive cause.  She has been so active in progressive campaigns, and she works like a demon.  Both Chris Johnson and Larry Lambert can attest to that.  She is smart, she is down-to-earth, and she will not be outworked.  Her progressive credentials are second-to-none.  […]

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“Send In The Mapses…

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 11, 2021 2 Comments

…to fry my synapses (hey, I never claimed to be Sondheim) Well, maybe next week.” Well, maybe this week. Here’s the lede: The House and Senate have scheduled public hearings to review, and to comment upon, the proposed redistricting maps.  Here is that schedule: Public Hearing Schedule(s) House Redistricting Hearing: 6 p.m., Monday, Oct. 18 […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, October 9, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 9, 2021 19 Comments

Rabbi Joins Proud Boys, Hands Out ‘Religious Exemptions’ From Covid Vaccinations.  ‘Backwards reeled the mind’.  Who can quote the original sentence, and who wrote it?  No, it wasn’t Sondheim. WH: Trump Docs Can Go To Congress. No doubt Trump will appeal. Sometimes, you (meaning me) have to wonder how Trump can afford to pay all […]

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