
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Filed in National by on June 2, 2023 3 Comments

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DL Open Thread Wednesday May 31 2023

Filed in National by on May 31, 2023 7 Comments

According the the Aztec Debt Ceiling Calendar, this was supposed to be the last day prior to the world being consumed by the gods Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl.  Oh Well.   Onward.   Your “truth in headline writing” winner to kick it off.   Republicans are revolting WASHINGTON (AP) — Under fire from conservatives, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy worked furiously […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday May 30 2023

Filed in National by on May 30, 2023 9 Comments

Trump and Desantis both loudly in favor of US credit default which would destroy world financial markets, crash the dollar and put millions of people out of work. Biden gets to run against one of them. ______________________________ Rich White Women, Elizabeth Holmes, reports to actual prison today The Theranos founder turned convicted fraudster Elizabeth Holmes […]

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The Party of the Nostalgia

Filed in National by on May 29, 2023 1 Comment

Chris Coons is roughly my age. He was born in ’63. He shouldn’t be in lockstep with the oldsheads, but he is.  Senator Elect, Blunt Rochester was born in ’62. She is also old beyond her years. The biggest divide in the Democratic Party at this point is not liberals versus moderates. It’s age. It’s […]

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Desantis puts American Leftists on notice

Filed in National by on May 29, 2023 4 Comments

Being a proud lefty I sometimes get distracted by what we haven’t yet accomplished (like socialized medicine, gun safety, housing security, worker’s rights, living wages, etc), and so I forget that leftists are an omnipotent behemoth bestriding American politics like a colossus. Ron Filipkowski @RonFilipkowski Desantis says Good Morning: “I will serve two terms, and […]

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DL Open Thread Monday May 29 2023

Filed in National by on May 29, 2023 5 Comments

Happy Memorial Day.  We overcame our isolation and nativism to fight two good wars in Europe. We got some good movies and songs out of the last one and were clearly the good guys.   Then we pretended to still be the good guys for a while in Korea which was a draw, and VietNam which […]

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“It seems like you don’t have my best interests at heart.”

Filed in National by on May 26, 2023 5 Comments

This week’s Highland’s Bunker is a tough, unflinching view of the Delaware’s penal system from the inside.   Tortious and dehumanizing by design, it is a system we all endorse every election day with our votes, and every non-election day with our silence.   E244 – Quality of Life (w/ Hasini Perkins) ACLU Racial justice organizer Hasini Perkins […]

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Eugene Young, don’t primary the wrong person

Filed in National by on May 26, 2023 26 Comments
Eugene Young, don’t primary the wrong person

I know I don’t have a say, but C’mon.  The prospect of Hall-Long being anointed to fill Carney’s third and fourth lackluster terms is heartbreaking.

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This Week’s Poll – The Runoff

Filed in National by on May 24, 2023 2 Comments

It is more than a little anti-climatic now.   With multiple sources confirming that Sarah McBride is running for Delaware’s seat in the House is Representatives, she is the prohibitive favorite for all the reasons I said she had an inside track on beating Carper in a primary.   I suppose the new interesting question. becomes, what […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday May 24 2023

Filed in National by on May 24, 2023 3 Comments

I wonder how this is going to play out.  Will insurance companies increase premiums and claims payments to keep pace with climate change, or will they increase premiums while denying more claims?   Hmmm…on second though, I don’t wonder how it will play out.  Climate-driven floods, hurricanes, wildfires and heat waves cause billions of dollars of […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday May 23 2023

Filed in National by on May 23, 2023 5 Comments

Phew… busy day for news nerds yesterday. Does anyone know if Buckson used the cover of Carper’s press conference to secede?   No?  Jesus, what’s the hold up?   DelawareLive is a real shithole. Get a load of how they frame SB2 public comments:   Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 2, sponsored by Senate Majority Whip Elizabeth […]

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Fait Accomplit

Filed in National by on May 22, 2023 31 Comments
Fait Accomplit

The drama came and went quickly like a summer thunderstorm.  From Carper’s announcement that he had an announcement to make, to quitting, to two candidates basically sewing up their nominations less than 24 hours later.   Per BlueDelaware:

The conventional wisdom has cemented the notion that Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester will run for the Senate to succeed retiring Senator Tom Carper, thus clearly the field of any significant primary challengers, and it also seems very likely that State Senator Sarah McBride will run for Congress to succeed LBR. McBride has a strong enough statewide brand herself in the Democratic Party that she likely can clear the field of any competitive challengers herself.

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DL Open Thread Monday May 22 2023

Filed in National by on May 22, 2023 6 Comments

The Greatest…I mean Greediest Generation Perennially offered the short end of the stick, the pandemic turned out to be a double-edged sword for millennials. While some moved home, many were able to save up and come out of COVID-19 twice as wealthy as they were before it. This coincided with the generation reaching peak homebuying age, and the second […]

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