
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Florida Man Arrested For Public Sex With…

Filed in National by on December 8, 2022 8 Comments

If you think you know where that headline is going, trust me…you don’t. Caution: You can’r unread the headline once you’ve read it.

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Filed in National by on December 7, 2022 5 Comments

Yes. The substantive question of whether a president’s or presidential candidate’s tax returns ought to be public is extremely easy to answer: Of course they should be, as a matter of law. The idea that Donald Trump has an interest in keeping his finances private that trumps (sorry) the public’s interest in learning the details […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday December 7 2022

Filed in National by on December 7, 2022 6 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday December 7 2022

Warnock Wins! So, yeah. Trump Enterprises (or whatever) was found guilty. What does it mean? Nothing? Trump, the smartest, most hands on business genius, had no knowledge of anything his devious Jewish accountant was up to. In other Trump News: “Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, […]

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Warnock/Walker Results Thread

Filed in National by on December 6, 2022 30 Comments

Warnock/Walker – Georgia Voters Reject Walker’s Wolfman is better than Dracula Argument

Biden is now the first President since Roosevelt that didn’t lose a Senate seat during a mid-term.  

Trump’s handpicked candidate sucked.

Dems Will Hold Majorities on Senate Committees

1.6 Million Appalling Georgians Voted for Walker

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This guy still thinks “The Delaware Way” is a great thing that needs to be revived

Filed in National by on December 6, 2022 12 Comments
This guy still thinks “The Delaware Way” is a great thing that needs to be revived

Stuart Comstock-Gay is president and CEO of the Delaware Community Foundation and is really confused about why Democrats are not working with the unhinged lunatics who now call themselves Republicans.

When you call for compromise and understanding while utterly ignoring where the modern DEGOP is politically, you can go fuck yourself Stuart.


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DL Open Thread Tuesday December 6 2022

Filed in National by on December 6, 2022 9 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday December 6 2022

Activist Supreme Court seem to side with website designer who doesn’t want to work with teh gays How do these cases keep coming up?  Typically when I find out that some small business is owned/run by raging conservative assholes, I spend my money elsewhere. The woman who bragged about the power going out in Moore […]

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DL Open Thread Monday December 5 2022

Filed in National by on December 5, 2022 2 Comments

Arizona Town To Pay $8 Million to Widow of Daniel Shaver, Shot While Crawling Unarmed Toward Police

The cop who killed Shaver was fired. But he will receive a disability pension for the rest of his life because he claims he has post-traumatic stress disorder.


Beyond that, it’s a DIY open thread today.

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Something is Super Fishy About These Amazon Warehouse Sales

Filed in National by on December 3, 2022 14 Comments

I don’t know if it has to do with gaming the our highly game-able  “public-private partnership” or what, but this is fishyness on a scale that says the perps don’t give a single fuck about smelling fishy as all hell.

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DL Open Thread Saturday December 3 2022

Filed in National by on December 3, 2022 4 Comments

Good thing the state troopers had a helicopter.  My 15 year jihad against Iowa is finally paying off. AP sources: Biden tells Dems he wants SC as 1st primary vote When you lose the Swiss bankers…. Swiss Freeze Nearly $8Bln in Russian Assets I always thought it was strange that Delaware’s Law School was a […]

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The Nazi’s Very Good, Super-Fanastic Week!

Filed in National by on December 2, 2022 1 Comment
The Nazi’s Very Good, Super-Fanastic Week!

Imagine living your miserable stupid life in the shadows. You are a social pariah for your fucked up views.  But then the sun breaks through the clouds. It’s been that kind of week for your neighborhood Nazi. First Trump invites Nazi’s to break bread in Palm Beach, then the artist formerly known as Kanye West […]

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Highlands Bunker – People Not Probation (w/Haneef Salaam, Madinah Wilson-Anton)

Filed in National by on December 2, 2022 3 Comments

I have not listened yet, but I’m giving this a “10 Lords a Leaping” in the dark on my patented 1 to 10 Leaping Lords rating scale. AN HOUR AGO E218 – People Not Probation (w/Haneef Salaam, Madinah Wilson-Anton) Smart Justice Campaign Manager Haneef Salaam and Rep. Madinah Wilson-Anton join Rob in the bunker to […]

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How the Rail Strike Breaking Once Again Reveals Americans as Brainwashed Dunderheads

Filed in National by on December 1, 2022 13 Comments

How many times have you heard someone say something like “If min wage goes up the CEO of McDonalds might get a slightly smaller bonus this year.” Outside of the comments section of this blog and other salons of right thinking, I’d bet you hear that sentiment infrequently if ever. But you’ve certainly heard some […]

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Only one question will be answered by Biden’s Lappy Impeachment

Filed in National by on December 1, 2022 0 Comments
Only one question will be answered by Biden’s Lappy Impeachment

It isn’t a secret.  Hannity’s prediction is less risky than predicting that your next stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut(tm) is going to taste like misery covered in garlic salt. Lappy-fever isn’t playing out in some backroom. The only question is will they get some Democrats like Coons who LOVE bipartisanship so much that they’ll go along with it to prove that they are the most bipartisan MOTHERFUCKER IN THE WOOOOOOOOOOORLD!!

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): But when you look at this evidence, it seems overwhelming where this is going. I don’t have the answer whether or not the money has influenced political decisions of Joe Biden, but we do know for sure that Joe Biden lied about talking with his son about these business dealings, and that he was up to his eyeballs in it, way more than he ever indicated, and that’s gonna be very problematic for him.

And where it goes, it could be — it could be down the road of impeachment. That’s my prediction for the year.

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