
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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The DEGOP did some post election soul searching…

Filed in National by on December 1, 2022 10 Comments
The DEGOP did some post election soul searching…

…and decided that the way back to power is by way of Trump-style election denialism and conspiracy theorizing.  

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The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants

Filed in National by on November 30, 2022 6 Comments

This kind of gun mayhem is the price of freedom. Customer, employee get into shootout at Taco Bell in Arnold ARNOLD, Mo. (KMOV) – A customer and employee got into a shootout at a Taco Bell in Arnold Sunday, police tell News 4. The shooting happened around 2:30 a.m. at the Taco Bell in the […]

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What if – hear me out – voters don’t hate transgender people?

Filed in National by on November 30, 2022 4 Comments

The main stream media LOVES the party of mean assholery, because mean assholery gets all the page views.  Actual voters though…   For three straight elections, the institutions of the mainstream press have covered Democratic campaigns and policymaking with the expectation and implication that the right’s messaging on cultural issues would largely succeed. And for […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday November 30 2022

Filed in National by on November 29, 2022 6 Comments

 I’m no lawyer but I think both Obergefell v. Hodges and Loving v. Virginia are still controlling.  They have not been overturned by our corrupt right wing Supreme Court yet, so for the time being this legislation is provisional.   US Senate passes bill protecting same-sex & Interracial marriage The US Senate has passed the Respect […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday November 29 2022

Filed in National by on November 29, 2022 3 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday November 29 2022

I’m glad I never published the triumphalist post on Delaware’s weed legalization I was going to put up just before Pete was reinstalled.  It was full of embarrassing stuff like:  When “growing your own” is legalized and cannabis as as regulated as tomatoes, Carney and Schwartzkopf will regret having tanked the restrictive “barely legal” version […]

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DL Open Thread Monday November 28 2022

Filed in National by on November 28, 2022 2 Comments

Headline from 1 Week in the future…future…future! 

‘My Pillow’ Now Twitter’s Largest Advertiser

Half of Twitter’s top 100 advertisers appear to no longer be advertising on the website. A report from Media Matters for America states that these 50 advertisers have spent almost $2 billion on Twitter ads since 2020 and more than $750 million just in 2022.

Seven additional advertisers have slowed their advertising to almost nothing, according to the report, which was published on Tuesday. These companies have paid Twitter more than $255 million since 2020.

Trump Entertains America’s Best Known Nazi’s at Mar-a-Lago

Alt Headline:

Just Another Thursday Night at Mar-a-Lago 

Kanye West has said Donald Trump is really impressed with white supremacist Nick Fuentes, following his visit to meet the one-time president at his Mar-a-Lago residence.

The rapper, who has legally changed his name to Ye, made the comments in a two-minute campaign-style teaser video on Twitter.

Red Clay School Board member Jose Matthews and freelance journalist Jordan Howell join Rob in the bunker to talk about the recent controversy around lead testing in schools in Delaware, the systemic failures that led to this crisis, and what is and isn’t being done to fix it.

Always a Delaware Connection

Court-appointed liquidators overseeing collapsed crypto exchange FTX’s assets in the Bahamas have agreed to transfer a related case they’d filed in New York to Delaware, where the company had already filed for bankruptcy protection.

While the embattled company FTX Trading Ltd. had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware on Nov. 11, the Bahamian liquidators later filed a Chapter 15 suit in the Southern District of New York for FTX Digital Markets, one of the companies under the broader FTX umbrella and the name of the entity located in The Bahamas. The liquidators at the time said FTX, which was headquartered in the Bahamas, was not allowed to file for bankruptcy in the U.S.

Before reaching an agreement on the transfer of the case, FTX filed a complaint seeking a court order to make the liquidators file their Chapter 15 case, which targets cross-border insolvency, in Delaware.

Christian Snowflakes  – So Easy to Troll by Saying Jesus was Trans

Church worshippers cried ‘heresy’ at the Dean of Trinity College as they left a sermon claiming Jesus may have been transgender ‘in tears’.

But the view of a transgender Jesus is ‘legitimate’, according to Dr Michael Banner, the Dean who stepped in to defend the claim made at a Sermon last Sunday that Christ had a ‘trans body’.

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Biden’s New Push For Assault Weapons Ban is Good Policy and Good Politics

Filed in National by on November 25, 2022 4 Comments

Only extremist gun-nuts & psychos think that assault weapons should be freely available to civilians.  Make the GOP run on their absolutist, all chaos, all gun mayhem all the time platform. Biden calls sale of assault weapons “sick” while vowing to ban them after recent shootings “The idea we still allow semi-automatic weapons to be […]

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Always a Delaware Connection

Filed in National by on November 24, 2022 9 Comments

Reports are emerging that the Colorado shooter’s dad Aaron Brink (the guy who on finding out his son murdered people said: “They started telling me about the incident, a shooting… And then I go on to find out it’s a gay bar. I got scared, ‘Shit, is he gay?’ And he’s not gay, so I said, phew… I am a conservative Republican.”) is a former MMA fighter and porn star who has sexually performed under the name of “Dick Delaware.”

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Happy Thanksgiving

Filed in National by on November 24, 2022 0 Comments
Happy Thanksgiving

From all of us at DL to all of you, we hope you Thanksgiving is full of warmth and good cheer and not the usual battle between you mother’s pagan witchcraft and your father’s quasi-Christian doomsday cult.

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Delaware Gun Nuts Lose in Chancery Court 

Filed in National by on November 23, 2022 1 Comment

The Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association (Delaware’s local NRA affiliate) has taken the position that the state has no right to keep military machine guns out of the hands of children and/or unstable whack jobs.  They claim it says so in the constitution.   Chancery Court said, get that crazy bullshit out of here.   Delaware Gun Nuts […]

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Broadcast news covering for right-wingers targeting LGBTQ people

Filed in National by on November 23, 2022 3 Comments

Objective, non-partisan journalism has come to mean lying about right wing extremism by omission. Broadcast news failed to mention crucial context in coverage of Colorado Springs shooting at LGBTQ nightclub In the 2 days after the shooting, ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS ran a combined 32 segments, but only 6 mentioned the demonization of LGBTQ […]

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“The Menu” Starring Ralph Nathaniel Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes

Filed in National by on November 23, 2022 12 Comments
“The Menu” Starring Ralph Nathaniel Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes

If I had to summarize this move in a sentence: A member of the proletariate is provisionally accepted by the ruling class, but can’t assimilate because he sees them too clearly.  

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ExPat Opportunities Update

Filed in National by on November 23, 2022 6 Comments
ExPat Opportunities Update

Presicce Italy is offering newcomers more than $30,000 to become homeowners. With 70% of voting age “gen Z” voters voting for Democrats, this doesn’t seem to be as pressing as it did prior to the mid-terms, but If you’ve ever had your eye on making Italy your home—and don’t want to have to fight your […]

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