
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Return Day

Filed in National by on November 10, 2022 8 Comments
Return Day

In accordance with tradition, the guy in the top hat pulled the Wild West Lawman out of his burrow.  Upon seeing his shadow the Wild West Lawman predicted another 4 months of winter.

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Coonsian Obsequious Apologies for Being Democrats are So 2014

Filed in National by on November 10, 2022 7 Comments

Fetterman never apologized. He never went into a defensive crouch and tried to answer Oz’s bullshit about crime. He was just mocked the shit out of Oz, said “Let’s go after these greedy corporations.” What If – Hear Me Out – Democrats Are Popular? I really do think that since 1994 the party has been […]

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Elections Should Be Decided by Merch Sales

Filed in National by on November 10, 2022 3 Comments

Kari Lake is ranting today: “The people of AZ are sick and tired of elections being run like we’re in some banana republic. I was running against a basement candidate. The people didn’t vote for her. There was zero excitement. This is ridiculous.” This is a very Trumpian take. “Biden’s rallies were smaller. I must […]

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Jesus Snubbed Mastriano

Filed in National by on November 10, 2022 5 Comments
Jesus Snubbed Mastriano

When voters said, “nah” and God the Father didn’t show, Mastriano was banking on some last minute intervention by the Holy Spirit. Jesus had other plans. CAMP HILL, Pa. — “I just feel like he has been chosen for this, I really do,” said Kristin Bailey, a healthcare worker from York, as she waited in […]

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Great News Out of Nevada (Via LGM)

Filed in National by on November 10, 2022 0 Comments

The indispensable Jon Ralston: If Kelly hangs on in Arizona, which seems probable, the the Georgia runoff doesn’t affect control of the Senate. That’s doubly great news, as I can’t see demoralized Georgia right wing voters getting too excited about coming out for somebody who will probably have paid for a couple of more abortions […]

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Inflation my ass. Voters Simply Don’t Like Republicans and Republicanism

Filed in National by on November 10, 2022 3 Comments
Inflation my ass.  Voters Simply Don’t Like Republicans and Republicanism

Whereas all the DC-based big dollar, big brained campaign consultants and Chris Coons would have you believe that the path forward is to adopt slightly less mean spirited versions of Republican talking points, actual voters were motivated to vote against Republicans and Republicanism. In a toss-up district just over the state line Lisa Scheller hammered […]

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Return Day Returns to Georgetown

Filed in Delaware by on November 10, 2022 6 Comments
Return Day Returns to Georgetown

Shrouded in controversy over Georgetown’s embrace of the confederate flag, “Return Day” is back. For the first time since 2018, a post-Election Day parade of the victorious and vanquished will take place in downstate Delaware – this year, with a hint of discord even as Return Day honors the tradition of letting bygones be bygones. […]

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Filed in National by on November 9, 2022 14 Comments

A breakdown of the mid-term vote by age and race reveals that white people between the age of 45 and 64 are the absolute worst. White people over the age of 64 are a close second, and white people 30-44 are not exactly superstars.

And yes…It is more than a little embarrassing to be in the demographic cohort most dedicated to toxic MAGA nonsense.

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“Whites First” Ad on WSTW

Filed in National by on November 9, 2022 31 Comments

Did anyone else hear the rabidly racist, white nationalist radio ad on WSTW yesterday? It was enclosed by two statements from the station that they didn’t endorse the whites first, Democrats are all black lesbians out to castrate white men* message of the ad.

*That’s not a direct quote. I’m trying to get to the spirit of the ad.

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DL Open Thread Wednesday Nov 9 2022- Statewide, There is no DEGOP to speak of

Filed in National by on November 9, 2022 4 Comments

I have worried about my triumphalism around the idea that DEGOP is basically defunct statewide and that “the Dem primary is the election.” These worries continue to be unfounded.

There is no statewide GOP in Delaware.

Not a single Republican candidate collected more than 148,000 votes.

LEE MURPHY Republican – REP 138,177 42.97 %
JULIANNE E. MURRAY Republican – AG 147,353 46.17 %
JANICE LORRAH Republican – Auditor 145,145 45.8 %
GREG COVERDALE Republican – Treas 147,293 46.36 %

With no statewide races to really worry about Delaware Democrats need to do a better job leveraging that statewide dominance to win down ballot.

That Ramone is still in the Legislature is a goddam disgrace.   Ignoring these races and allowing guys like Buckson to go unchallenged is a misuse of the party’s dominance.

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Trump continues to be an anchor around the neck of the GOP

Filed in National by on November 9, 2022 10 Comments

Ex-President Trump  hosted a sad election night party at his shitty “resort”. The room full pool of reporters were on hand to document what Trump hoped would be a Republican landslide.  But as returns began to come in Tuesday evening, the Republican victory driven by Trump’s handpicked weirdos never materialized. Trump looked on bewildered as […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday November 8 2022

Filed in National by on November 8, 2022 10 Comments

Spoiler Alert – this a very perfunctory OPenThread. Fill the comments section with any news item you find compelling.  It will probably be my only news source through 11pm or so. On this date in 1923 Beer Hall Putsch begins Adolf Hitler, president of the far-right Nazi Party, launches the Beer Hall Putsch, his first […]

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Burns to Beat Ramone by 5 Votes

Filed in National by on November 7, 2022 5 Comments
Burns to Beat Ramone by 5 Votes

I said I wasn’t going t make predictions, but I can’t help myself.  Be sure to be the voter that puts Burns over the top if you live in that district. Also – Bonus Pick Ruxstable to defeat the Smirk by 63 votes.        

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