
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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DL Open Thread Monday November 7 2022

Filed in National by on November 7, 2022 19 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday November 7 2022

18 hours to go. Many of you have probably voted already. 100% of you will have voted when it is all said and done. We are all political weirdos. We are among the 52% (ish) of voting-age citizens who will go to the polls during a midterm election. Congratulations. Nobody knows how it is going […]

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Closing Arguments / Inflation

Filed in National by on November 4, 2022 3 Comments
Closing Arguments / Inflation

The GOP:  Inflation is high so we need to fire Joe Biden and all Democrats on the ballot.

Fetterman: Inflation is high so we have to tackle the corporate greed that is behind the sky high prices.

Establishment Democrats:  Inflation is high so we need to raise interest rates to curb the demand for houses and cars, which will slow overall economic growth, and increases unemployment.  That will in turn reduce demand across the economy, and potentially lower prices on household staples.

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It’s the GOTV, Stupid.

Filed in National by on November 2, 2022 2 Comments
It’s the GOTV, Stupid.

For 30 years now Republicans work hard to solidify their base and activate some portion of a large pool of non-voters by driving turnout around a narrow set of voter concerns and grievances.

Democrats seek out the 5 “undecided” voters in “the middle” and attempt appeal to them with some watered down approach to addressing narrow set of voter concerns and grievances that the GOP says are very important.  This wins over 2 of the 5 “undecided” voters, and de-activates the Democratic base.

I can’t believe I’ve been doing this for so long and this losing strategy is still Democratic Party orthodoxy.

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DL Open Thread Wednesday November 2 2022

Filed in National by on November 2, 2022 7 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday November 2 2022
I just love this headline.   

With its huge new debt burden, Twitter makes less money per year than what it owes its lenders in interest

No wonder Musk is trying to squeeze $8 a month from Stephen King.  Via the New York Times

My prediction for the midterms: Heads they win, Tails We Lose 

Sean Hannity says “you can never trust the vote counting” in Nevada, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Fulton and DeKalb counties

Hannity: “I always have my suspicions. I can’t say for sure, but they’re always there”

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): We’re gonna have a tough race in Nevada. You can never trust the vote counting out in Nevada in my view, just like Milwaukee or Philly or some of the other areas of the country. Fulton or DeKalb County, I always have my suspicions. I can’t say for sure, but they’re always there.

At the urging of the colonized, France was getting out of the overseas colony business in 1953.  On November of that year Cambodia became a constitutional monarchy and adopted a flag that looked like this one. From 1970 until 1992 it wasn’t a constitutional monarchy.  The monarchy was restored in 1993 as was the flag.Together with the flags of Portugal, San Marino and Spain, it is only one of four state flags to feature a building, and the only to feature a temple and not a castle.

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Afternoon Open Thread

Filed in National by on November 1, 2022 1 Comment
If you want to really test your critical thinking and logic skills one day, try to figure out who “the worst” Republican is.   DeSantis, Coons, Graham, Cotton, Roberts, Greene.. it is nigh on impossible. 

“We’re Th3 cHaOs pAr1y”

I never thought much of that as a party rally cry, but it seems to working like gangbusters for the GOP. 

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DL Open Thread Tuesday November 1 2022

Filed in National by on November 1, 2022 17 Comments

This would be something:



I just blanked on this today.  I’m sure some shit happened whilst we slumbered.  Be a flowering and help me fill this shit in.

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This is how our Democracy was lost

Filed in National by on October 31, 2022 3 Comments
This is how our Democracy was lost

  Dante Atkins, a progressive communicator, and strategist, and principal at Atkins Strategies, laid out a plausible scenario for an American dictatorship. He wrote it as a New York Times story from 2025. It appeared originally on Twitter. BoingBoing ran it in full with his kind permission.

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Lula da Silva wins presidency as Brazil swings left

Filed in National by on October 31, 2022 2 Comments

While the pernicious effects of MAGA extremism echo around the world – VIVA people power in Brazil!

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DL Open Thread Monday October 31 2022

Filed in National by on October 31, 2022 9 Comments

FWIW – Here is the annotated transcript from yesterday.   Fox News Sunday w/ Chris Coon (sic) Shannon Bream (SB): Joining us now Chris Coon..uh Chris Coons of Delaware.  Senator, welcome back to Fox News Sunday. Coons: Thanks Shannon. Great to be on with you. [OK.  First of all what the fuck is Coons doing […]

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Chris Coons to Appear on “Fox News Sunday” Today (9:00am)

Filed in National by on October 30, 2022 4 Comments
Chris Coons to Appear on “Fox News Sunday”  Today (9:00am)

Coons will be the “Democrat” on the Fox Panel show in the wake of the MAGA attack on Paul Pelosi. The group will be discussing how “both sides” need to “turn down the heat” of their political rhetoric as well as Biden’s imminent impeachment over his botched management of the economy. FOX “Fox News Sunday”: […]

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Exxon Chief: We’re Getting Rich on Behalf of the American People

Filed in National by on October 30, 2022 9 Comments

Ah Capitalism, you sick bastard. Faced with calls to share the oil industry’s 2022 windfall with the American people, Exxon CEO Darren Woods says he’s doing just that — in the form of a big dividend payout to shareholders. No really. I’m not kidding. “There has been discussion in the U.S. about our industry returning […]

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Mike Pence is a History Doofus

Filed in National by on October 27, 2022 7 Comments

Mike Pence wants America to be a Christian country. He doesn’t appear to know that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States both products of the Enlightenment. He also doesn’t seem to know that the framers of the Republic really didn’t want a state religion. I don’t know if Pence has […]

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Hunter Biden’s lap top “Lappy!” ™ is going to be a major figure in Biden’s Q-peachment

Filed in National by on October 26, 2022 15 Comments
Hunter Biden’s lap top “Lappy!” ™ is going to be a major figure in Biden’s Q-peachment

Gosh darn it, Lappy! What in blazes did you do this time?!?

The Atlantic – Via Boing Boing

It seems likely that the MAGA party will take control of the house, thanks to a combination of voter intimidation and blaming Biden for global inflation. After they kill the J6 investigation, they’ll tackle two other jobs: impeaching Biden and installing a MAGA president. This article in The Atlantic lays out the roadmap for impeachment, which includes linking Hunter Biden to his father.

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