
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Ruth Briggs King is a Dangerous MAGA Extremist

Filed in National by on October 6, 2022 0 Comments

As if more evidence was needed, the Herschel Walker abortion revelations and subsequent shrug by the GOP testifies to the fact that Republicans are all about power and not interested in policies – not even a little bit.

Similarly, but on a smaller scale, Ruth Briggs King is a dangerous MAGA extremist. She head-faked and made me think that she was going to respond. That’s why this is a long delayed verdict.

And really, why wouldn’t she blow off the questions? In the context of the GOP being all about boosting the turnout of radicals on elections day, the questions don’t even make sense.

“Was Joe Biden legitimately elected?” Who the fuck cares? The only germane question is – Does allowing dummies and losers believe that Trump won boost turnout? If it does, then ok. Joe Biden was installed by China or whatever.

If anyone is interested, my exchange with Ruth Briggs King is below.

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2nd Rally Opposing Privatization of State Retirees’ Health Care – Wednesday, October 12th Leg Hall

Filed in National by on October 6, 2022 2 Comments

It is just appalling what Carney has foisted on the state’s unsuspecting retirees.  And for what?  What’s his payoff down the line?  A cushy lobbyist job?   The backroom chicanery that led to this may never be known, but someone follow the money. 

Carney is untouchable as he will be skulking out of town soon, but this should be a campaign issue.  


RISE Delaware has scheduled a second public rally to take place on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, starting at noon. The rally will be held on the East steps of Legislative Hall in Dover. In case of rain, the rally will be held in the House Chambers.

The purpose of the rally is to allow state retirees and future retirees to demonstrate their opposition to the privatized Medicare Advantage…

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New Delaware Law Ends Many Fines And Fees That Criminalize Poverty

Filed in National by on October 5, 2022 20 Comments
New Delaware Law Ends Many Fines And Fees That Criminalize Poverty

…thanks to a sweeping reform bill (HB 244) signed on Monday, Delaware has become a national leader in ending abusive fines and fees. The Campaign to End Debtor’s Prisons led a bipartisan coalition, including the Institute for Justice and the state chapters of the ACLU, and NAACP, to support the bill. Sponsored by Rep. Sean Lynn, […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday Oct 5 2022

Filed in National by on October 5, 2022 7 Comments

These are John Kowalko’s Opening Remarks From Yesterday’s RISE Rally

We are gathered here today to raise our collective voices in a resounding NO to privatization of our health care. NO to privatization of Medicare. No to this Governor and his administrators attempts to sellout Delaware retirees benefits to conglomerates such as Highmark so they can profit at the expense of retirees.

No to the secret backroom deals that deliberately violate transparency and open
government obligations and thereby violate the PUBLIC TRUST.

No to the word for word regurgitation of misinformation, false information, and distorted information that the SEBC continues to spread at every public disinformation session they conduct.

No to any contract conceived, negotiated and created with no retiree input or knowledge.

We are here to reject Secretary DeMatteis’

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DL Open Thread Tuesday October 4 2022

Filed in National by on October 4, 2022 14 Comments

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Voting Rights…They Were Nice

Filed in National by on October 3, 2022 3 Comments

There was a time in the United States when states could enact barriers to voting. They could make it difficult or even impossible for certain populations to vote.  Then there was the voting rights act of 1965 prohibited state and local government from imposing any voting rule that “results in the denial or abridgement of […]

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Eagles Pre-Game – Week 4

Filed in National by on October 2, 2022 1 Comment
Eagles Pre-Game – Week 4

Eagles vs Jags 1:00pm on CBS.

In sports, as in life, when things are going good we sometimes dwell on the how things might eventually fall apart.  Indeed, the entire Fox News media empire is built on keeping the dummies who watch it topped-off to the brim with worries, concerns and portents of looming catastrophe.

Last week my nervous-nellyism focused on whether or not Jalen Hurts was going to run the ball too much.  He didn’t.  Instead Hurts lit up the Commanders secondary by throwing 35 times for 340 yards.

This week I’ll be lighting the Santo Toribio Romo candle in order to help the Eagles score in the 4th quarter.  This is the definition of a imaginary problem.  The Eagles 4th quarter scoring “problems” are no doubt related to the fact that they haven’t needed to score any points in the 4th quarter.

They might not need any 4th quarter points this week, so I’ll be either carrying over this concern to next week or I’ll have moved on to worrying about that fact that being the last remaining undefeated team is somehow problematic.

In related NFL news. The last word on Tua Tagovailoa’s concussion comes from the Onion:

NFL Doctors Test Tua Tagovailoa’s Mental Acuity By Seeing If He Can Sign Indemnification Agreement

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Republicans are MAGA Extremists

Filed in National by on October 1, 2022 0 Comments
Republicans are MAGA Extremists

I have some emails out to DEGOPers,  and next week I’m going to go back to trying to sort the lunatics out from the merely terrible Delaware Republicans. But in the meantime, I noticed this TV ad for Joanna McClinton a PA State Rep from Delco. It closes by urging everyone to vote the Dem […]

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Comment Rescue – Why you should care about Delaware Democrats throwing retirees under the bus

Filed in National by on October 1, 2022 9 Comments
Elisa Diller says:

Why should you care about this issue?
RISE Delaware’s email address for more information: risedelaware@gmail.com
Visit our gofundme page for more information about our lawsuit:

1. See Senator Karen Peterson’s comments in this morning’s article in delawareonline. She is dead on about people trading benefits for pay. This is a social contract that is now broken and retirees are being blamed by Carney and his ilk when this problem was first raised in 2005. It’s taken 17 years to get a grip on this problem? By the way, Carney was Lt. Gov. in 2005.

2. How will this affect you? One example–We are already seeing the result of low pay with the large number of teacher vacancies in Delaware. People have no incentive to teach our children when they can drive to other states for higher pay.

3. To DSEA—Thanks for throwing your retirees under the bus! These people taught my daughter and many other Delaware children, and I am appalled at your lack of concern for the welfare of Your retirees. You are dreaming if you think that you will get larger salaries for current teachers in return that will compensate for this betrayal of your retirees.

4. The GA has done nothing. Other than a few brave souls such as Kowalko, Lynne, Wilson Anton, and Ennis, it has been crickets. These folks will be on this plan after they retire so although they were duped by the Carney crew into voting for this, they refuse to do anything about it. They do not deserve your vote in November.

Ed Note: Comments with multiple links sometimes get stuck in moderation.  

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Highlands Bunker – Nationalize (or whatever) the Poultry Industry

Filed in National by on September 30, 2022 7 Comments

I rate this podcast 4 out of 5 Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwiches. 

Food and Water Watch activist Greg Layton joins Rob in the bunker to give an update on the planned biogas plant in Seaford and what still needs to be done to fight for environmental justice in Sussex.

Show Notes:

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I just copied and pasted the whole thing from Boing Boing because it cracked me the heck up.

Filed in National by on September 29, 2022 2 Comments
I just copied and pasted the whole thing from Boing Boing because it cracked me the heck up.

Britain’s new prime minister has a 15% approval rating ROB BESCHIZZA 12:54 PM THU SEP 29, 2022 Liz Truss enjoys her victory in a screengrab from the BBC News feed Liz Truss became Prime Minister of a nation of 67 million people by winning an internal Conservative party leadership election of 120,000 members. The Queen […]

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But don’t mention climate change because that would be political

Filed in National by on September 29, 2022 1 Comment

A very bad storm: President Joe Biden said officials are hearing early reports of what may be a substantial loss of life due to Hurricane Ian, he said at a press conference at Federal Emergency Management Agency headquarters Thursday. “This could be the deadliest storm in Florida history. The numbers we have are still unclear, […]

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“If I press this button, the economy goes ka-plooey!”

Filed in National by on September 29, 2022 0 Comments
“If I press this button, the economy goes ka-plooey!”

Whenever we happen to have a Not-Republican President the GOP brings a big hammer out of the closet. The hammer is called “debt limit brinksmanship”, and they use it to threaten to smash the economy. The media plays along because that’s how they make money, and quarterly profits rule their world. The Not-Republican President, in […]

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