
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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DL Open Thread Monday August 15 2022

Filed in National by on August 15, 2022 17 Comments

What a wild and woolly weekend that ended with a Fox News genius citing Nixon’s “If the President does it, then it isn’t a crime” as if it was case law.

Here is a recap of the highlights courtesy of Jack Battiste:

“Trump never took any classified information, the FBI planted evidence. But also, Trump de-classified that evidence (that he never took) But also, it’s not a big deal if he did take it because only one box was classified (I mean de-classified) But also, even if he did have multiple boxes of classified (I mean de-classified) he didn’t pack those boxes himself. And even if he did pack all those boxes they were just paper copies so they wouldn’t be easy for foreign actors to steal. But also Barak Obama took 30 million documents. But also Hillary Clinton. But also Hunter Biden. But also Jeffery Epstein.”

All of the distraction, whataboutism, and misinformation, isn’t accidental. “The Democrats don’t matter, the real opposition is the media. And the way to deal with them is to flood the zone with shit.” — Steve Bannon.

It isn’t a mystery and yet the media continues to play along.  They must be getting something out of the deal, but what?  Oh yeah, money.

Great idea, except I don’t care for Opera.  

Opera Delaware is taking the show on the road, thanks to a new mobile stage.

“We want to feature our artists in a way that people can really appreciate the grandeur of what they would do in an opera house, but they can appreciate it in the intimacy of this fun setting,” Kerriann Otaño told WDEL News.

The custom-built trailer includes a 14-foot stage, stage lighting, and even a climate-controlled “green room.”

Otaño said it will allow them to take performance out of the opera house and to community groups, festivals and block parties.

“The incredible thing about the mobility and the availability of having this truck with us all the time now is that it really opens up all of Wilmington to be our stage, and really allows us to connect with people more freely – which is really what art is all about,” Otaño said.


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Why are Delaware Republicans still allowed to run as “normal” Republicans?

Filed in National by on August 14, 2022 5 Comments
Why are Delaware Republicans still allowed to run as “normal” Republicans?

I’m seriously asking. Delaware Republicans (all of them) are consistent supporters of a national party that worked hard to strip women of their right to reproductive healthcare even while they worked to protect the paternity rights of rapist.

All Delaware Republican office holders and candidates are members of a national party that supports the violent overthrown of our constitutional government. They are all members of a party that has worked to undermine election integrity, and block eligible voters from voting. They are all members of a party that has traded in support for the common welfare for strident support of a violent, criminal cult leader.

All Delaware Republicans contribute to and support a party that is lobbying oil companies to fight FOR global warming and irreversible climate change.

Many Delaware Republicans don’t even try to argue that they are not like “those crazy” Republicans. Why are Democrats continuing to allow Republicans run as if it is still 1988?

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Classified, Schmashified

Filed in National by on August 14, 2022 5 Comments

He “called it” unclassified. And “calling it” is irrefutable when determining which pre-teen gets to ride in the front seat of the car OR which documents are classified and which are not. Trump’s representatives, at least for the moment, have settled on a story which is that he had a “standing order” that any and […]

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What will the Right Wing Media Do When Trump Resists Arrest?

Filed in National by on August 14, 2022 4 Comments

“The people who support Trump will never be swayed by any facts or evidence.” That is something you hear quite a bit. But what about Fox News? Will Fox News and the constellation of other right-wing Trump propagandist ever be swayed by any facts or evidence? “Normal” media outlets continue to treat Fox News as […]

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Blanket Immunity and Infallibility – Just as the founders intended

Filed in National by on August 13, 2022 10 Comments

Highlands Bunker
If you are a “politician” or do anything related to “politics” you have total criminal immunity because enforcing laws against you is “politicizing” the situation which is far worse than any crime.

WELL, If you are a REPUBLICAN “politician” or do anything related to “politics” you have total criminal immunity because blanket politicizing immunity does not seem to extend to Democrats.

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“If the DOJ can do this to Trump just think what…

Filed in National by on August 13, 2022 0 Comments
“If the DOJ can do this to Trump just think what…

…they could do to any of us who evades taxes, attempts to undermine an election, uses state resources to enrich ourselves or steals top secret defense documents…!?” When you think of all the stupid, nonsensical bullshit that Trump followers have internalized, the idea that Trump is some hero of the working class is perhaps the most […]

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Trump’s Lawyers Have Until 3:00 Today to “Put up or Shut Up”

Filed in National by on August 12, 2022 7 Comments

Knowing how they operate, I suspect they will neither “put up” nor “shut up’.  But good for Garland  calling the dumb-fuck’s noisy bluff: Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Thursday that the Department of Justice filed a motion to unseal a search warrant and property receipt relating to the search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property. CNN’s […]

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Asked and Answered

Filed in National by on August 10, 2022 10 Comments

This tweet nails something I’ve been pondering:

The strangest thing about this epoch of American history will always be that tens of millions of grown ups decided to form a cult like devotion to, of all available people, Donald Trump.

The response from a Trumper is genuinely helpful:

It really isn’t about Trump. It could be any republican who had a backbone who would simply stand up against you libs. He’s doing it. He not perfect, but he’s a fighter…and we loved fighters.

In short, we’d have formed a cult around any crazy-ass dumbfuck who nursed our petty grievances and validated our racial hatreds.

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DL Open Thread Wednesday August 10 2022

Filed in National by on August 10, 2022 0 Comments

I got nothing. While you and I backfill in the comments throughout the day, read:


Ah yes, the good ‘ol the decedent slipped and fell onto the knife my client was holding, um, a few times, defense:

Real America’s Voice host Karyn Turk wondered if the FBI had “planted” evidence.
“Nobody observed it,” Bobb confirmed. “No, there wasn’t. To your point, this was a completely unnecessary power flex. It was a weird flex. It’s quite honestly sad to see what they have done to our country.”

“No, there is no security that something wasn’t planted,” she added. “I’m not saying that’s what they did.”


She’s just saying it would be irresponsible not to speculate. I mean it’s out there.

This is the way a lawyer talks when her client is in a world of hurt.


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Our Platform is Revenge

Filed in National by on August 9, 2022 2 Comments
Our Platform is Revenge

The FBI seizure of evidence at the loser’s shithole palace has the GOP and the GOP’s propaganda arm popping off and vowing revenge. It all sounds very “Banana Republic” to me.

Ingraham: “When we get power back, it’s time to hold everyone accountable.. the military leadership, the civilian leadership, the civil service, those in Congress who have abused their power”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy: “When Republicans take back the House, we will conduct immediate oversight of this department, follow the facts, and leave no stone unturned,” McCarthy tweeted. “Attorney General Garland, preserve your documents and clear your calendar.”

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Trump Under Investigation Thread

Filed in National by on August 9, 2022 11 Comments

I’m moving this from the open thread:

I watched a little bit of Fox News last night to get a flavor for what kind of nonsense they were spoon feeding the moronic dipshits known as Fox News viewers.  The major themes seemed to be:

  1. But, but , but Hilary Clinton’s email server.
  2. But, but, but Hunter Biden is crimes and gangstering.
  3. Banana Republic!
  4. We can’t enforce laws because fascist might get mad.

Be prepared to hear “Banana Republic” a lot. Alan Dershowitz, who Fox News considers to be smart, was exclaiming “Banana Republic!” last night, and that seemed to be picked up pretty quickly by the braying Fox News mutton heads.

There might be more, but I couldn’t stomach watching more than about 10 minutes.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday August 9 2022

Filed in National by on August 9, 2022 16 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday August 9 2022

I met some DL commenters and chatted with some of our best legislators last night at the York fundraiser. FWIW, here is my take on York’s chances.

The convicted Auditor is popular in Sussex. She is the kind of person who shows up at everything. Knows everyone’s name asks about the kids by name and people love that shit. She is a Karen’s Karen. If it was a general election York would have a heavy lift, but this is a primary.

Primary voters aren’t normal voters. They pay more attention and know the increased value of their vote. Primary voters aren’t as easily swayed by the glad-handing things the convicted auditor excels at.

That said the wild card is the unions. I have’t tracked endorsements, but I watched the union vote swamp much better candidates in primaries because the numbers they can turn out in a primary are significant.

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DL Open Thread Monday August 8 2022

Filed in National by on August 8, 2022 7 Comments

I has been pointed out that the US Senate is a dumbass institution where it takes 51 votes to protect private equity from taxation, but 57 votes aren’t enough to ensure that diabetics have affordable insulin. If the Democratic Party had any fight in it, they’d be able to murder the GOP on this pro-Big […]

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