
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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MAGA Parents & Policies Creating Large Teacher Shortages Nationwide

Filed in National by on August 7, 2022 3 Comments

The GOP has been at war against public education for years.

Who can blame teachers for saying “Fuck this shit.”   

The teacher shortage in Florida is so acute, DeSantis plans to allow military veterans to teach in Florida provided these subs have 60 hours of college coursework and attained a 2.5 GPA.  


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‘Unsustainable and shambolic’ – US Airlines are the worst

Filed in National by on August 6, 2022 1 Comment

I wonder if this is what all the free-market geniuses had in mind when Reagan signed off on the deregulation of the airline industry?

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“Don’t worry about the workers. If companies create huge profits…everyone WINS!”

Filed in National by on August 5, 2022 0 Comments

The Clintonite wisdom embodied by the headline has held the Democratic Party in its thrall for going on 30 years now.  In spite of the mountains of  evidence that it is pure bullshit and should have been shit-canned years ago, it has the survival instincts of Rasputin.

And yet… all of my yelling on a shitty little blog in Delaware feels like it is beginning to pay off.


We are supposed to be the workers’ party. Democrats must be that party again. We must sharpen the difference between us—historically, America’s party of workers—and the party of big business.

Many are waking up to this reality.

As inflation continues to batter families’ bank accounts—and the president’s poll numbers—even free-traders of yesteryear are beginning to admit the problems of a labyrinthine supply chain stretched across the globe.

And for the first time in my memory, there’s real momentum to take action to fix it. Democrats just passed the kind of industrial policy we haven’t seen in many decades, to build out domestic supply chains of key inputs like semiconductors.

It will create the kind of jobs that too many communities have lost. And it sends a clear message to these Americans that we have not forgotten them.

None of this requires compromising on our values. A commitment to populist economics and fair trade isn’t just compatible with a commitment to social justice—the two naturally go together. One need only read Martin Luther King’s dozens of speeches to unions, and ponder what he was doing when he was killed, to remember the deep connection between workers’ rights and civil rights.

A relentless focus on populist economics wins out over Republicans’ manufactured culture war.

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Highlands Bunker – Financial Tyrants Come to Southbridge (w/Haneef Salaam)

Filed in National by on August 5, 2022 9 Comments

Not Breaking News: The Mayor doesn’t work for the people who live in the Southbridge neighborhood of Wilmington. He works for the rich white people that he hopes to move in there and the rich white developers that hope to make some bank from moving them in.

Southbridge Civic Association Vice President Haneef Salaam joins Rob in the bunker to talk about how a community-supported development process was blocked by the city of Wilmington, and what that might mean for their broader goals to remake the city in BPG’s image.

See you Monday at noon.

Show Notes:

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Filed in National by on August 4, 2022 2 Comments

Attorney Mark Bankston, representing Sandy Hook parents that Alex Jones’ falsely accused of hoaxing the gun massacre that killed their children, told a Texas judge today that Alex Jones’ phone contains “intimate messages with Roger Stone.” The two men are often spotted together in their work as Trumpite provocateurs. – Via Boing Boing   It […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday August 3 2022

Filed in National by on August 3, 2022 53 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday August 3 2022

A bunch of election denying Trumpist Nutbags won last night in swing states.  Joe Scarborough thinks it is great news for Democrats because they are so crazy.  I’m not sure that math holds up.

What’s going on in the Sussex Recorder of Deeds GOP primary? Do you really have to go full on GunNut-Patriot-MAGA-shithead to fill this office?

Speaking of primary races, we are 41 days out and if you can help out directly, money is nice. If five people give $20.00 to DeShanna Neal today to help her defeat Kop Kabalist Larry Mitchell, I’ll match that $100.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday August 2 2022

Filed in National by on August 2, 2022 15 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday August 2 2022

We killed an  Al-Qaeda guy.  Huzzah for us, I suppose.  The Jan 6. rioter who carried gun to US Capitol got sentenced to 7 years in prison.  Didn’t Trump say he was running on a platform of pardoning all of these guys? (checks notes) Why, yes.  He did say that.

Two people were found dead in charred car within California wildfire zone.  Sad but I wonder if they “believed” in climate change?  I wonder if the 200 missing and dead people in the Kentucky floods believed in climate change?   This line of thought is verging on very horrible victim blaming on my part, but someone needs to be blamed at some point and we can’t blame corporations, as that would be like blaming the scorpion for stinging, or the baby chicks for chirping.

Pelosi expected to visit Taiwan, Taiwanese and US officials say.

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DL Open Thread Monday August 1 2022

Filed in National by on August 1, 2022 8 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday August 1 2022

In addition to Julius and Augustus, other Roman Emperors attempted to name months after themselves, but they didn’t stick.  August had been Sextilus but 8 BC, it was renamed in honor of Emperor Augustus.  Legend has it that August has 31 days because Augustus wanted his month to match the length of Julius Caesar’s July, but […]

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As If on cue, Ladies and Gentlemen….Susan Collins…

Filed in National by on July 30, 2022 4 Comments

Collins has made an entire career out of playing Democrats for suckers. Now she is using the old “Democrats made Republicans angry, so I can’t support a bill I wanted to support” trick. You see? Democrats didn’t game plan out who Republicans would react, that’s the problem. Demos were rash and not bipartisan. It all […]

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One Party Will Do Anything to Win, The Other Has Some Limits

Filed in National by on July 30, 2022 1 Comment

I had two sons that were pretty good at little league baseball. They both had one big deficit that held them back though – a Dad who didn’t give a fuck about little league baseball.   My kids were afflicted with a Dad (Me) who didn’t push, berate & bribe them to try get better at little league baseball. They had a Dad who didn’t set winning at little league baseball as an important goal.

I looked at these other parents who were obsessed with winning and thought, “Well, in the long run we don’t stand a chance against these guys, so let’s have some fun until we quit.”

The children of those weirdos may have burned out and ended up hating baseball or they may be captains of industry or play for the New York Yankees now. Who the fuck knows? Crazy parents get shit done. Just ask Brian Wilson or Karen Carpenter.

All this to say, I wonder if Democrats will ever win against Republicans who are obsessed with winning to the point that they can lie impunity, and drink in the lies of their comrades like it is mother’s milk:

CALLER: Listen, Sean. I just want some people in the conservative party, Republican Party to fight as hard as me and my platoon did in Afghanistan. That’s all I’m asking for.

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): I appreciate, first of all, your service. I’m sorry about your injuries, they sound pretty debilitating. I know many people in your position. It alters your life, and your family’s life forever. None of it is fun. And I — I just — we owe you a debt of gratitude. And we can’t forget our vets either.

Listen. I don’t like Jon Stewart, but Jon Stewart is right, on him fighting for these vets the way he has. Now, the very specific issues behind the scenes, a lot of people don’t know. But anyway, there’s a bill. Republicans support the bill, these burn-pit victims.

And the only reason it didn’t pass this week was because the Democrats, what they put in the bill, they moved $400 billion in discretionary spending to mandatory spending and that $400 billion had nothing to do with veterans. And Democrats want to spend another $400 billion on new spending completely unrelated to veterans.

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19 Years And Always the Same Dumb Bullshit From Establishment Dems

Filed in National by on July 28, 2022 29 Comments

I’ve been doing this for 19 years now, and the dumbest thing establishments Democrats have always done and continue to do after 19 years is try to game out how Republicans will react to things, and avoid doing things that they think will make Republicans angry, upset or sad.

It is astonishing to me that this is still facet of the Democratic Party’s “strategic” planning.  It is so knitted to the Democratic Party’s modus operandi that they are constantly asked about it.

“The indictment of a former president, and perhaps a candidate for president, would arguably tear the country apart,” (Lester) Holt said. “Is that your concern as you make your decision down the road here, do you have to think about things like that?”

Garland replied: “We intend to hold everyone, anyone who was criminally responsible for the events surrounding Jan. 6, for any attempt to interfere with the lawful transfer of power from one administration to another, accountable. That’s what we do. We don’t pay any attention to other issues with respect to that.”


Garland had the right answer, but it is a stupid question.  Nobody ever asks Republicans if trying to overturn an election could tear the country apart.   Nobody asks if taking away longstanding rights to reproductive healthcare will tear the country apart.  Nobody asks if continuing to ignore climate change could tear the country apart. Nobody asks if actively trying to tear the country apart might tear the country apart.

There are actual things tearing the country about that never seem to be noticed for some reason.




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DL Open Thread Wednesday July 27 2022

Filed in National by on July 27, 2022 19 Comments

Today’s top story only tangentially involves the convicted state auditor.  Last night Lydia York was endorsed by the Democratic State Executive Committee.

Per the Del Dems web site, there are 27 voting members of the State Executive Committee. In addition to the statewide leadership, each subdivision is represented at the State Executive Committee by the subdivision chair, treasurer, and at-large members.

According to sources, there were zero “no”votes, but two people abstained from the vote.  I can’t imagine that anyone challenging a statewide incumbent ever got the endorsement of this committee.

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“I’m not a witch” – An Enduring Addition to the Cultural Lexicon

Filed in National by on July 26, 2022 2 Comments

Cultural immortality is cultural immortality. Lauren Boebert has an “I’m not a witch” moment, denying lurid rumors about her when no one asked CARLA SINCLAIR 4:22 PM MON JUL 25, 2022 A paranoid Lauren Boebert doesn’t know when to stay silent, insisting that she is not an escort — at least not one for Ted […]

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