
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Convicted State Auditor Conduct MUCH WORSE Than What Was Revealed in Court

Filed in National by on July 26, 2022 35 Comments

With his shameful motion to dismiss the conviction of the State Auditor,  Woods opened a can of worms. Read the items that were excluded in his favor and see that one of the items was the convicted auditor’s access to emails outside of the “State’s enterprise.”  

So who was the subject of this (no doubt illegal) covert surveillance?  Who’s email account outside of the “State’s enterprise” was McGuiness keeping tabs on?   Now I’m hoping this goes to appeal, because I think we’ve only seen the tip of the shit-berg known as Kathy McGuiness’ term as State Auditor.


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REV & Bill Cover The Special Session – People in Log Homes Shouldn’t throw Cans of Kerosene

Filed in National by on July 26, 2022 17 Comments

Pete and his comrades in the GOP have a flimsy argument to make.  An argument as likely to fall on their heads as Bonini’s rickety log home.

The Kathy fight moves across the green to Legislative Hall as the State Senate considers a resolution to remove Kathy McGuiness from office. We walk through the play by play before talking about what might be next in the legislative process.

Show Notes:

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DL Open Thread Tuesday July 26 2022

Filed in National by on July 26, 2022 10 Comments

Shorter Pete: Kathy is innocent until a guilty verdict has been entered by the Superior Court and she is removed by the Governor.

Also Today:
– White supremacy at the heart of today’s “pro-life” movement.
– Only 49 days until Delaware’s primary. Are you doing enough to help further retire the retired Cops who rule this state?

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Vote Blue No Matter Who (?)

Filed in National by on July 25, 2022 0 Comments

Establishment Dems exhort liberals and progressives to “hold their nose” and vote for execrable establishment Dems because otherwise “the bad Republicans will..blah blah blah…” But when someone the sober moderates aren’t crazy about wins a primary, does the establishment hold its collective nose and “vote blue no matter who”? What do you think?  

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“Oz Cries To Fox News As Fetterman Manhandles Him”

Filed in National by on July 25, 2022 3 Comments

You’ve probably seen stories like this. Fetterman is just clowning the fuck out of Oz and High Dems like Chris Coons think it is unseemly. They think Fetterman should be releasing some white papers on how “complicated income tax rebate schemes” are the heart of the Democratic Party. Well fuck you Coonsie! I love it. […]

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DL Open Thread Monday July 25 2022

Filed in National by on July 25, 2022 15 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday July 25 2022

Convicted State Auditor, Kathy McGuiness, is still ridiculous.  (See below). The “independent state legislature” theory is both transparently idiotic and a major threat to American democracy   The only operative unifying theory in all of these (“INDEPENDENT STATE LEGISLATURE” THEORY) cases is “Republicans are entitled to govern even if voters prefer Democrats.” I have no […]

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This “aridification” is bad. Someone should do something

Filed in National by on July 23, 2022 4 Comments
This “aridification” is bad.  Someone should do something

I seem to remember Democrats running on “doing something” once. That was a long time ago. Now we allow our party to be controlled by its two worst members. If those NASA satellite photos that show how Lake Mead is rapidly becoming the Mead Desert aren’t enough to get you concerned about the extreme drought […]

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Common Cause Delaware Urges Georgetown Town Council to Reject Public Funding Request from Private Organization Hosting Confederate Monument and Flag

Filed in National by on July 22, 2022 8 Comments

Georgetown Historical Society, proudly flying the treason/Lynyrd Skynyrd flag, is obviously a bunch of MAGA shitheads and racists. They would like the Georgetown Town Council to declare themselves to be MAGA shitheads and racists as well. Common Cause Delaware would like the Georgetown Town Council to NOT declare themselves to be MAGA shitheads and racists. […]

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This Highlands Bunker/WFP Series is Very Good

Filed in National by on July 22, 2022 9 Comments

This series in which REV interviews the WFP endorsed candidates is illuminating and inspiring. I think the Shané Darby ep is still locked, but you can start with this James Taylor episode. JULY 15 AT 8:01 AM E195 – Back to the Community (w/James Taylor) State House candidate James Taylor joins Rob in the virtual bunker to […]

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Presidents Mitch McConnell & Joe Manchin

Filed in National by on July 21, 2022 1 Comment

Joe Biden would have made a pretty good President 20 years ago. The press would have liked him, and the GOP wasn’t completely bonkers yet. Oh well. Play Offense On Your Home Field (And Act Like It) One can focus too much on “messaging,” especially as there’s not much point in trying to call it […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday July 20 2022

Filed in National by on July 20, 2022 32 Comments

Here we are again.  You with your morning coffee probably thinking Jason330 is such a snappy writer and has such insightful insights, I’ll bet he has amazing Abs.

And it’s true, I do have amazing  pyramidalis, external obliques, internal obliques, and transversus abdominis.  To be honest, it is the first thing most people notice about me. But most people are shallow.  Not deep thinkers like you and me.

And it is your deep thinking I am depending on.  In today’s open thread, instead of a survey of today’s “news”  we will be constructing the optimal Democratic candidate from a bunch of spare parts called “One virtue from a Delaware political figure you like, and one virtue from a Delaware political figure you don’t.”

Then we’ll wait for lightning to strike and charge our Franken-candiate via their neck bolts.  But mark the rules well – one virtue from a Delaware political figure you like, and one virtue from a Delaware political figure you don’t. Adherence to rules makes the game fun for everyone.

I’ll start and take the lowest of low hanging fruit.

Bethany Hall-Long’s retail politics accumen & John Kowlalko’s passion  

I’ll leave it to you to guess which I favor and which I disfavor.



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DL Open Thread Tuesday July 19 2022

Filed in National by on July 19, 2022 33 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday July 19 2022

I have mixed feelings about this new political party [Non-Partisan Delaware] forming (congealing?) in Delaware.  I might go into why I am thusly mixed in the comments, but I also may not.  ITSAFREECOUNTRY! Also see todays graphic (below), and let me know why Democrats can’t beat these idiots. The graphic is campaign lit from Arizona […]

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DL Open Thread Monday July 18 2022

Filed in National by on July 18, 2022 5 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday July 18 2022

I suck at blogging.  I’m still not following the news.  But this item penetrated my anti-news carapace.

Judge Charles Atchley Jr was one of the record number of federal judges appointed by former President Donald Trump and rushed into service by Chris Coons, so heck of a job there Coonsie!  Always remember that for the GOP, the cruelty is the point.  Whenever Coons waxes rhapsodic about bipartisanship, he is indeed singing the praises of cruelty.

As far as anything else happening out there in the world, you’ll have to fill me in via the comments section.

In our smaller world,  I met Lydia York  and was very impressed. Meet her yourself at an upcoming fundraiser, and donate away.

I also had saw an excellent ‘DelShakes’ production of ‘The Tempest’ put on in Rockwood Park.  Standout performances by Gerrad Alex Taylor as Caliban and Lexi Thammavong as Ariel.  Runs (Wed – Sun) through July 31st.  Buy tickets here.

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