
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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The Case for Biden

Filed in National by on April 3, 2022 20 Comments

I just want to remind everyone that the case for Biden (over Sanders) was that Biden had friendships and great working relationships with Republicans that he served with in the Senate.  They would respect him and Biden would “break the fever” that the radicalized GOP was suffering from. So how’s that project going?   Sens. […]

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Settled Law

Filed in National by on April 1, 2022 0 Comments

Let’s see…?  We have a rabidly anti-labor Supreme Court and corporation (Amazon) saying that the NLRB interfered with the Staten Island Union vote. So, how long do you figure it will take for the Republican Court to overturn NLRB vs Jones Steele, and vacate that vote?   When it happens I’m sure the sage legal minds […]

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Zero Tolerance for Negativity!

Filed in National by on April 1, 2022 12 Comments
Zero Tolerance for Negativity!

Do you know how you know someone has been ejected from “the club”? The press is free to use the mugshot. McGuiness faces new intimidation details Employees castigated, reindictment states Melissa Steele April 1, 2022 State Auditor Kathleen McGuiness/FILE PHOTO A reindictment of State Auditor Kathleen McGuiness was issued by a grand jury March 28, […]

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The DC Bubble’s Centrist Strategy – Always Winning

Filed in National by on March 31, 2022 0 Comments
It looks like the traditional Democratic strategy of lying motionless and allowing the Republican’s kicking legs to get tired isn’t working so well for Ol’ Joe.
Polling USA
Biden Net Approval Among: All: -4%
Silent Generation: +5%
Boomers: -1%
Gen-Z/Millennials: -23%
Gen-X: -24%
Women: -9%
Men: -21%
Non-White: -2%
White: -21%

Well, I’m sure Coons’ army of sober centrist will ride to the rescue soon enough. Or at least they will show up in time to tell everyone that we aren’t clapping hard enough.

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Filed in National by on March 30, 2022 4 Comments

Whenever you think Trump get any worse… Former President Trump called on Russian President Vladimir Putinto release dirt on President Biden’s son Hunter Biden during an interview published Tuesday. “One thing, while I’m on your show, as long as Putin now is not exactly a fan of our country, let him explain, where did — because Chris Wallacewouldn’t let me ask […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday March 30 2022

Filed in National by on March 30, 2022 8 Comments

The Seven Hour Gap!  THE SEVEN HOUR GAP, PEOPLE!!  Why is it that the media can only understand a story if it includes an easy to grasp handle?   Trump worked for months to overturn the election.    There is copious evidence of that.  He stood in front of a crowd of loons and declared […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday, March 29th 2022

Filed in National by on March 29, 2022 5 Comments

Biden is doing too much and also not enough Poll: A majority of Americans believe Biden has not been “tough enough” on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, but are concerned about the U.S. being drawn into an all-out war Fiery pileup kills at least three in Pennsylvania. It you, fellow American, don’t die of […]

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DL Open Thread Monday March 28th 2022

Filed in National by on March 28, 2022 4 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday March 28th 2022

The GOP’s anti-trans one-upmanship festival of hate is unfolding at breakneck speed. Robert Foster, a former GOP house representative in Mississippi and failed gubernatorial candidate there, has a new message he hopes will open doors for him: kill trans people and their supporters. “Some of y’all still want to try and find political compromise with those […]

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Ginnie Thomas and the End of the Elite Consensus

Filed in National by on March 24, 2022 1 Comment

If we elites could only get together behind closed doors and hash things out as God and nature intended – then we wouldn’t have these lower class QAnon rabble and leftist BLM whackos trying to throw the economy in the toilet.

Elites, like us, ultimately all want the same things. Stable markets, less onerous regulation, occasional insider trading info, and lower taxes for the wealthy.  Sure we’ll argue about abortion or whatever – but that is a little show for the rubes.

Coonsian bipartisanship and the fetishization of “cooperation”  isn’t so much about people with different views on the issues getting together.   It is much more classist than that.  It is about class affiliation and agreement among elites on some big worldview items, and not about political parties “finding middle ground.”

Or it was that, anyway.    It is a very strange view for Coons to continue to hold these days when the elite consensus with regard to trading off control of the White House and Congress every once in a while has completely broken down.

I mean, Ginnie Thomas is going to make the next cocktail party at Bezos Manner very awkward with her nonsense.  Very awkward, indeed.  

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Ketanji Brown Jackson is Not Going to Make It – I’m Sorry to Have to Break That News to You

Filed in National by on March 24, 2022 15 Comments

I never thought she stood much of a chance. First of all, she made the mistake of having been nominated by a Democratic President. That’s damming info, right there. But there is also Murkowski and Collins looking wobbly as they don’t want to be seen going to bat for a child molester.

With those two gone, President Joe Manchin makes the call and you know, it is just so political and partisan to be nominating justices in this environment. Also, Biden never consulted with the GOP on this nomination. So there is that.

When she was nominated, quite a few people speculated that a lot of Republican senators would vote for Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination, given that “no” votes would almost certainly be futile. The members of the GOP’s rapidly shrinking club of senatorial bipartisan fetishists could therefore indulge their particular kink at no practical cost, with the extra added benefit for them of proving how totally not racist or sexist they were by voting for a black woman.

It’s not working out that way.

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What’s Up Kentucky, You Dumb Fucks

Filed in National by on March 23, 2022 1 Comment
What’s Up Kentucky, You Dumb Fucks

Also Maine, and Eastern Montana… what the fuck?

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Sedition. Simple as That.

Filed in National by on March 23, 2022 8 Comments

This statement released by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) on the occasion of Trump pulling his endorsement of Brooks should be bombshell news that pushes all other news into irrelevance.  It will not, of course.  Our 4th estate is useless. President Trump asked me to rescind the 2020 elections, immediately remove Joe Biden from the White House, immediately […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday March 23rd 2022

Filed in National by on March 23, 2022 4 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday March 23rd 2022

Look at this FEMA flood zone map for Ft Dupont.   It would be funny if it were not so transparently corrupt and sickening.

Also check out the Delaware Call’s reporting on the Fort DuPont robbery.

No due diligence.  No oversight.  No workable business plan.  No shame.  Just a bunch of well connected people converting public assets into money and shoving that money into their pockets at a furious clip.

One can only conclude that Longhurst and Poore simply don’t give a fuck about looking corrupt as hell. Here is Cato the Elder on the topic, once more for good measure.

“Thieves of private property pass their lives in chains; thieves of public property in riches and luxury.”

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