
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Dumb fucking assholes being dumb fucking assholes

Filed in National by on January 20, 2022 4 Comments
Dumb fucking assholes being dumb fucking assholes

We share this state with imbeciles.  

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Boris Johnson Fatigue

Filed in National by on January 20, 2022 0 Comments

Boris seems to be in a lot of trouble, although post-Trump and from this side of the Atlantic it is hard to see why. I mean, has he headed an attempt to overthrow the government and install himself as Lord Protector? No? Whats the big deal then? I guess his act is just wearing thin.

LONDON, Jan 20 (Reuters) – A senior Conservative lawmaker accused the British government on Thursday of intimidating and attempting to “blackmail” those lawmakers they suspect of wanting to force Prime Minister Boris Johnson out of power.

Johnson, who won a large majority in 2019, is facing growing calls to step down over a series of scandals, including admitting he had attended a party at his Downing Street office at a time when Britain was under a strict COVID-19 lockdown.

Some younger lawmakers have spearheaded attempts to unseat Johnson, but it was an attack by one of the party’s longest-serving Conservatives that prompted gasps when he told the prime minister in parliament “In the name of God, go.” read more

Johnson, 57, has vowed to fight on, saying he would lead the Conservative Party into the next election and warning a lawmaker who defected to the main opposition Labour Party on Wednesday that he would win back his seat.

But in yet another blow to his shaky standing, William Wragg, chair of the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee which oversees constitutional issues and standards, accused the government of blackmail.

“In recent days, a number of members of parliament have faced pressures and intimidation from members of the government because of their declared or assumed desire for a vote of confidence in the party leadership of the prime minister,” Wragg said in a statement before a meeting of the committee.

“Moreover, the reports of which I’m aware, would seem to constitute blackmail. As such, it would be my general advice to colleagues to report these matters to the speaker of the House of Commons and the commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.”

In response to the allegations, a Downing Street spokesperson said: “We are not aware of any evidence to support what are clearly serious allegations. If there is any evidence to support these claims we would look at it very carefully.”

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Coons v. Manchin

Filed in National by on January 19, 2022 0 Comments
Coons v. Manchin

I don’t know how I missed this.

WASHINGTON—Lambasting the West Virginia senator for his blatant self-interest, Joe Manchin (D-WV) was slammed by critics Monday for stealing the spotlight from other Democratic senators who also oppose progressive legislation. “Joe Manchin would rather appear on TV than help his Democratic colleagues appear on TV,” said Delaware senator Chris Coons, who spoke on behalf of a coalition of moderate Democratic lawmakers in condemning Manchin for the undue attention he had received for obstructionist behavior that they would replicate in a heartbeat. “I’d love to be out there every day making up these nonsensical benchmarks and calling for compromise, but good luck getting oxygen when Joe Manchin is hogging all the attention. I’ve worked hard to block progressive legislation for years, and yet you don’t see my face plastered all over the news. Senator Manchin, we are calling on you to share the phone numbers and email addresses of your contacts at ABC News immediately. It’s time to think of the good of the party and share a bit of that limelight.” At press time, Coons added that it was repeated selfishness like this that made him question whether Manchin was really dedicated to maintaining the status quo. – Via the Onion

Maybe I missed it because it does not read as satire at all.

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DL Open Thread Wednesday Jan 19th 2022

Filed in National by on January 19, 2022 5 Comments

I’m not optimistic about any case against Trump going anywhere.  Please recall that Chris Coons helped Trump push through record numbers of crony federal judges. I wonder what Chris Coons got in return for al that bipartisanship. I wonder what reciprocal bipartisanship Coons ever received by being such a mewling supplicant?

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Make them vote “No”

Filed in National by on January 18, 2022 6 Comments
Make them vote “No”

Senator Elizabeth Warren was on TV this morning saying that  if the Dems had any fighting spirt it at all, they’d take the elements of the BBB plan and hold votes on them to make Republicans (plus Chris Coons, Joe Manchin, et al) vote against:

  • expanded free preschool for all 3- and 4-year-olds,
  • high-quality care for older Americans and people with disabilities in their homes
  • making the wealthy and corporations pay what they owe
  • and so on.

It is that or make like John Carney and say that your hands are tied.

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Biden is a Liar (or a really gullible dupe)

Filed in National by on January 18, 2022 10 Comments
Biden is a Liar (or a really gullible dupe)

I’m not saying I won’t vote for him, but I know know I’m going to have a very tough time voting for him knowing he was either lying or so easily duped by Manchin. Hmmm… Liar or dupe? Both bad and not what we need leading the party and the country right now.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday January 18th 2022

Filed in National by on January 18, 2022 14 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday January 18th 2022

Unless they are scared off by Trump, the GOP presidential primary is going to be a donnybrook because they all view Biden (or Harris) as incredibly beatable. With the changes they’ve made on the state level regarding how elections are run, they are probably right. Anyway, I guess I hope Liz Cheney runs, but I don’t see that happening.

As usual the country’s assholes will be choosing a “King of the assholes” to represent them. FWIW, here is the NYT on Trump v DeSantis:

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Happy MLK Day

Filed in National by on January 17, 2022 2 Comments
Happy MLK Day

“I imagine you already know that I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic. And yet I am not so opposed to capitalism that I have failed to see its relative merits. It started out with a noble and high motive, viz, to block the trade monopolies of nobles, but like most […]

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DL Open Thread Monday Jan 17th 2021

Filed in National by on January 17, 2022 20 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday Jan 17th 2021

Another very successful weekend of me avoiding all “news” is in the books.  I have no earthly idea what may have happened over the last 48 hours but I can guess that “0MG! InFLaTI0N!!”  “Dems in Disarray and “Biden Presidency in Deep Trouble” stories loomed large.

Fortunately none of that stuff has any real world impact.  It is all just a jolly game for DC cocktail circuit regulars.    So what is on your radar?   While you ponder that question here are some is one “Delaware” headline of note per the google news algorithms.

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Simple explainer on why democracy in America will lose, unless Democrats wake up

Filed in National by on January 14, 2022 3 Comments

This is why Coons’ mania for “Bipartisanship Above the Republic Itself” is so pernicious and so unforgivable. Using a whiteboard, author and Ohio politician David Pepper posted a video (linked here) on his Twitter account describing “two sides of an epic struggle in America right now.” But each side is fighting for something different, “and that’s […]

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Sinema’s Statement Out Coons’es Chris Coons

Filed in National by on January 14, 2022 4 Comments

Sinema saying that Dem leadership should’ve worked harder to build GOP support for voting rights is pure Chris Coons Bipartisanship Über Alles. “I wish there had been a more serious effort on the part of Democratic Party lines to sit down with the other party and genuinely discuss how to reforge common ground on these […]

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Is it time for liberals to go on strike against the radical centrist Democratic Party?

Filed in National by on January 14, 2022 33 Comments

Look. “Angry liberals” will get blamed for the failure of the radical centrist Democratic Party anyway, so maybe it is time to earn that scorn and reprobation we are going to be getting no matter how badly centrist bomb throwers fuck shit up?

Maybe it is time for all left of center Dems to quit the party or at least provide zero votes (or money) to the party or to any Dem candidate until it reigns in the centrist zealots who are committed to failure?

“Liberals” have been the most loyal but most routinely ignored part of the Dem coalition. It seems to me that it is time for the party to pay a price for being in the thrall of radical centrism.

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No More Presidential Debates

Filed in National by on January 14, 2022 6 Comments

I can’t say I’m sad about this.  The televised “debates” have become pretty dumb.  It is all just trolling for gotcha moments and elevating the nonsense candidate to the level of the legitimate candidate. SEAN HANNITY (HOST): The RNC today did something that I’ve been saying they should have done a long time ago, and […]

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