
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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DL Open Thread July 31 2023

Filed in National by on July 31, 2023 3 Comments

Pretend tough guy, Kevin McCarthy, slinked away like a…I don’t know.  I guess you could say,  like a pussy “You. Are. A. Pussy” “McCarthy said, ‘If you ever say something like that to me again, I’m gonna kick the shit out of you,’” a member claimed to The Daily Beast. Another member who witnessed the […]

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Trump says Ukraine aid should be paused & deposited in his campaign account for safekeeping until the Lappy! ™ matter is resolved

Filed in National by on July 30, 2023 2 Comments
Trump says Ukraine aid should be paused & deposited in his campaign account for safekeeping until the Lappy! ™ matter is resolved

All  LAPPY!(tm) all the time between now and the election. And why not? The media allowed them to chant “Benghazi!” 24/7/365 and it worked. Former President Trump called for a pause on all aid to Ukraine until several federal agencies provide “every scrap” of evidence they have on alleged “corrupt business dealings” from President Biden and his son, Hunter […]

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Lurking Legislators, Please Read This

Filed in National by on July 28, 2023 9 Comments

Connecticut Has Done Something Remarkable With Crime – The state cut incarceration in half, while crime plummeted. BY WAYNE D’ORIO In 1999 Connecticut had so many people in prison that it paid to send 500 of them to be incarcerated in Virginia. Nearly 25 years later, the state has not only sliced its number of imprisoned […]

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Wait…Avelo doesn’t suck?

Filed in National by on July 28, 2023 7 Comments

I flew out of New Castle on Frontier once, and it was horrible. Now this… Andrew C says: July 28, 2023 at 3:08 pm Greetings from Myrtle Beach! I’m staying with my parents again for a week down in Trump Country in their Never Trump home. Happy to report that I flew out of Wilmington […]

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The Press Breathlessly Reports the Most Recent Trump Indictment

Filed in National by on July 28, 2023 1 Comment

Trump directly directed an employee to destroy evidence of his crimes, which is a crime.  GASP!!!   Shocking!! By my count this is the 48th time the press has reported THE BIG ONE, that will change everything. The New Evidence Against Donald Trump In The MAL Case Is BRUTAL Surprise! With reporters clustered at the DC federal courthouse […]

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Fox News – What heat wave? It is just a deep state temp measuring trick

Filed in National by on July 27, 2023 2 Comments
Fox News – What heat wave?  It is just a deep state temp measuring trick

All these paid liars should be rounded up and eventually hung for their crimes. The people that paid them to lie, as well.  It’s not climate change that’s causing heat waves this summer but no one wants to explain why In the 1930s, the government’s Heat Wave Index was four times higher Every summer, heat […]

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One more thing about McBride and Young

Filed in National by on July 27, 2023 31 Comments
One more thing about McBride and Young

I took a second to step back and collect my thoughts about the Young/McBride primary and fwiw, here you go: I have previously mentioned that there are Democratic primaries I like and ones I don’t like. When a Madinah takes out an John Viola in a democratic primary, for example. That’s a good primary.  When […]

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A string of , ah…………………………..

Filed in National by on July 26, 2023 12 Comments

Fuck the gerontocracy.

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DL Open Thread Wednesday July 26 2023

Filed in National by on July 26, 2023 14 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday July 26 2023

Say what you want about Trump, but you have to give him credit for bankrupting the Arizona, Colorado, Michigan, and Minnesota state Republican Parties.  Former President Donald Trump and even some of his key GOP rivals may be raking in money — but at the state level, it’s a different story. State Republican Parties in […]

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Patriotism Police

Filed in National by on July 25, 2023 4 Comments

I’ve noticed this at Phillies games.  There are self-appointed patriotism enforcers who will scream at you if they think you are taking too long to remove your hat during National Anthem.   It is ridiculous and annoying wingnut virtue signaling.   And oh yeah, they also think you should stand up for “God Bless America”  which is […]

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Did the climate change asteroid finally hit this summer?

Filed in National by on July 25, 2023 9 Comments

It seems like climate change has suddenly become a thing. I mean it has been a thing for a while now, but a thing this country could all easily laugh off or ignore. It was sneaking up on us. 78 degrees and sunny in November? Yes, please! Now it is here and that’s good, right? […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday July 25 2023

Filed in National by on July 25, 2023 3 Comments

This will work. Mitt Romney has a plan to disrupt the “apparent inevitability” of Donald Trump locking up the GOP presidential nomination. Romney is calling on donors and influencers to get candidates to drop out by late February. Have you heard?  It seems that Delaware legalized marijuana. Where should Delaware’s marijuana stores go? Sussex County considers legal options for areas […]

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Last Week’s Poll Results and This Week’s Poll

Filed in National by on July 24, 2023 4 Comments

It seems like last week’s poll turned into a McBride v Young proxy battle. But who is who? Is McBride the AOC/Sanders and Young is the Joe Biden? I guess it is possible. Living outside of Wilmington I know virtually nothing of Young, so he could be the “traditional democrat” in this round of voting. His announcement certainly strikes that tone. Similarly, you could say that McBride is the AOC here if you stand her up next to someone like Chris Coons, for example.

Which type of candidate would you prefer as your next congressperson?

  • A progressive democrat like Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Occasio-Cortez
  • A traditional democrat like Joe Biden

Total Votes: 128

This week’s poll – How do you think the Israel vote will go down?

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