
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Good Morning! Has Brady Resigned Yet?

Filed in National by on July 22, 2021 3 Comments
Good Morning!  Has Brady Resigned Yet?

No? That’s strange.

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A social weirdo who craves a bizarre kind of attention

Filed in National by on July 21, 2021 2 Comments

As I’ve said, Duncan Black (Atrios) is the nation’s leading Coonsologist.

The Real Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan Was Just The Friends We Made Along The Way

Over the years we’ve witnessed numerous bipartisan “gangs” and every single time the Republicans steal the lunch money from the Democrats. Sometimes this is probably just a show, the Dems involved are happy to give the Republicans what they want. But quite often I think these are seemingly lonely (mostly) guys who relish the opportunity to have a few extra lunches and meetings with their pals and an opportunity to feel special for a few weeks.You don’t have to be a bit nuts to be a House or Senate member (you do have to be nuts to want to be president), but the jobs do attract some nutters. A certain kind of social weirdo who crave a bizarre kind of attention. Think Lindsey Graham. Not saying the Dems I am thinking of are like him in all ways, but in some.

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DL Open Thread Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Filed in National by on July 21, 2021 4 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Lot’s of news that I will skim over like a flat stone on a still lake. For instance, Dr. Anthony Fauci called Senator Rand Paul a liar and a fraud on the record. (Link) Another Trump official was arrested on foreign-agent charges, Rupert Murdoch decided that too many dead viewers isn’t good for ratings, and and Tom Brady mocked Trump while laughing it up with Joe

All of that before lunch.

But first…BIPARTISANSHIP’S last stand.

Chris Coons stated, “This time we are sure Lucy will not pull the football away.”

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Support Progressive Democrats for Delaware & Eat Ice Cream

Filed in National by on July 20, 2021 0 Comments
Support Progressive Democrats for Delaware & Eat Ice Cream

Eventbrite.com/Ice Cream Social Tickets

Join Fellow Leftists on Sunday, August 15th for an Ice Cream Social with Progressive Democrats for Delaware!

About this event

PDD is getting ready for the 2022 election cycle, and we need your support to continue our work to provide funding to insurgent progressive candidates and advocate for issues important to our members!

Join us for an Ice Cream Social to celebrate the sweet victories of 2020, and plan for the future of progressive politcs. Our previously endorsed candidates will be in attendance as well.

*A 20 dollar donation is suggested but not required. Please make any checks out to Progressive Democrats for Delaware.

*Vegan and vegetarian options for food and desserts will be available.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Filed in National by on July 20, 2021 8 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Good morning!

Insurrectionist Gets a White Person’s Sentence (8 measly months for trying to overthrow the government). Remember Crystal Mason? She was the person of color sentenced to five years in prison for a mistaken vote that was not counted. If you don’t think America is racist as fuck, you’ve got your head up your ass. (Related – Senator Coons suggests, “Maybe some bipartisanship can fix American racism?”)

According to a former Republican National Committee senior official, twice-impeached president Donald Trump will run again in 2024. I think we all know what this means – Chris Coons will call for (wail for? moan for? plead for?) more bipartisanship. It is a proven fact, bi-partisanship, and only bi-partisanship can fix it.

#Vanlife was a covid-era style of genteel homelessness dressed up to look like freewheeling adventure. Turns out life in a 30-40sq foot metal box (even one on wheels) isn’t as glamorous as it has been made to look and vanlifers are parting ways with their vans with de-covidivication. Reached for comment, Senator Chris Coons stated emphatically that #vanlife is is a pressing issue that can be resolved only through bi-partisanship.

Coons: Bipartisanship will prevail on Infrastructure Deal
GOP: Bipartisan infrastructure deal has no chance

BUT FIRST….Ernesto Lopez and his now open-ass seat are still all the buzz. You can read all about it here at BlueDelaware :So Long Ernie Lope, or read the original by Delaware’s foremost leg hall watcher, El Som, here: Ernie Lopez Merely Bowed to the inevitable

Hmmm…Original or inferior copy? Not a tough choice from my perspective, while Senator Chris Coons recommends a bipartisan approach to deciding.

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DL Open Thread Monday, July 19, 2021

Filed in National by on July 19, 2021 5 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday, July 19, 2021

I wasn’t paying much attention to news this weekend. Anything interesting happen? Let’s see…

As my sage colleague observed, the Earth continues to try and rid itself of the human infestation.
President Joe Manchin said maybe we can have infrastructure, but President Lindsey Graham said, not so fast.

Of the Republicans vying to take on the weak, ineffective Joe Biden.  Pence isn’t looking so good.

477 days Until Mid-terms November 8, 2022 

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Witzke Takes the DEGOP into Full Ku Klux Klan Territory

Filed in National by on July 17, 2021 6 Comments
Witzke Takes the DEGOP into Full Ku Klux Klan Territory

The de facto leader of the Delaware DEGOP, Lauren Witzke, has gone full blown KKK. The white nationalist and typical Delaware Republican has crossed over from being a crank to being a dangerous race-baiting nut. Just read this shit:

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Lopez was/is a coward

Filed in National by on July 16, 2021 21 Comments
Lopez was/is a coward

It is going to be disgusting to hear people put laurels on Ernie’s cowardly noggin. Once regarded as a “different” Republican, he spent the Trump years in hiding.

Also – I’m sure there is a sordid side to his quitting. But I’m too disgusted by his public behavior to care much about his private shit.

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Did the Dems get rid of the filibuster last night?

Filed in National by on July 16, 2021 2 Comments
Did the Dems get rid of the filibuster last night?

What? No? Oh well. Everything else is just talky-talk.

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GOP: We Will Literally Kill Our Base to Win in 2022

Filed in National by on July 15, 2021 4 Comments

This Seth Meyers clip does a good job rounding up the GOP anti-vax lunacy which (along with the big lie) IS NOW A KEY PLANK in their platform. They are now literally running on “Don’t Get Vaccinated”. This goes beyond, “those crazy Republicans” into “WHAT the HOLY FUCK is going on?” territory. Heather Cox Richardson […]

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DL Open Thread: Wed, July 14, 2021

Filed in National by on July 14, 2021 7 Comments
DL Open Thread: Wed, July 14, 2021

Kathy McGuiness would like you to know that she audited something.  #Auditorizing

I haven’t followed this Wesley/Del State thing, but I did learn that this is the first time a HBCU acquired another higher education institution. That’s something.  I also learned that the new acquisition is going to be trimmed back to health oriented programs and called “Wesley College of Health & Behavioral Sciences”.   #coolnames

A total of 286 restaurants in Delaware are going to receive nearly $68 million in grants. Restaurants were hit hard last year so this that I say “GREAT!” but also say, “Now pay your people a living wage”.   #tippedminisbullshit

In BLASIUS INDUSTRIES, INC., v. ATLAS CORPORATION, (1988) Delaware Chancery created the legal doctrine shortened to Blasius.  It states that directors who act with the primary purpose of interfering with a stockholder vote must have a compelling justification for their conduct.  I had to look that up because this (Blasius Is Alive and Well in Delaware) is the best headline related to the Elon Musk testimony happening in Wilmington. #youvebeenmusked

Rather, that was the best headline until the guy vomitted. #updates

Paul Baumbach finds that humanity and decency is a tough sell in Leg Bargain Basement.  Maybe if the terminally ill scraped together enough money to engage some scumbag lobbyist? #Brydisdisgusting.

But first…
You don’t have to wear a mask, wash you hands, cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, or basically be a decent human anymore.  #butwhynottryitforonce  


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 Read a bit of Phillip Bannowsky’s new novella ‘Jacobo the Turko; a novel in verses’ at the Delaware Call then buy it and become a supporter of the Delaware Call

Filed in National by on July 13, 2021 3 Comments
 Read a bit of Phillip Bannowsky’s new novella ‘Jacobo the Turko; a novel in verses’ at the Delaware Call then buy it and become a supporter of the Delaware Call

Hello Friend, This week the Delaware Call presents two poems excerpted from Phillip Bannowsky’s new novella, Jacobo the Turko; a novel in verses. The narrative is told in a series of poetry and tells the story of a South American immigrant  who comes to work in Rehoboth Beach.  He is subsequently deported mistakenly to the Middle […]

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DL Open Thread: Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Filed in National by on July 13, 2021 8 Comments

A bunch of rats are now pretending that they were the secretly opposing Trump from within the West Wing.  How are they doing it?  By testifying?  By bringing charges?  No, by feeding gossipy shit to Michael Wolff and Bob Woodward. #heros

Representative Adam Kinzinger may be the most decent Republican elected official in America. His politics are probably garbage, but it doesn’t take a lot of integrity to stand out in the integrity wasteland that is the modern day GOP.

Some federal money to redress the 1957 rape of Wilmington? #coldcasefiles

Texas House Democrats have more guts than most of our gutless Beltway Bubble Dems. The DC elite Dems have the Presidency, Senate and House but are powerless. The Texas Dems got fuck all except for a willingness to fight.

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