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Friday Bacon Blogging: Farmageddon!

Filed in National by on May 1, 2009 12 Comments

Big week for porcine fans of all stripes, this week.  Epidemiologists usually don’t get primetime spots to talk about their interest in pork, but they just may save our bacon this time. Political afficionados will love the jokes.  For example, it was pointed out to me that people said that an African American would be […]

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Ten CONFIRMED cases of Swine Flu in Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on April 30, 2009 17 Comments

It has not yet been released by state officials, but my source has informed me that there are actually 10 Delaware cases confirmed. This includes the 4 announced today. To Smitty’s point, it isn’t killing these people, but it is spreading in Delaware.

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Four UD Students Infected with Swine Flu

Filed in Delaware by on April 28, 2009 30 Comments

Mrs. Geeks cell phone just got a robocall informing her that 4 UD students have been diagnosed with swine flu.  The message said that the website had the details, but the site is currently down.  More as the story develops. Link is now up here.

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Mike Castle: YouTube Will Save Us

Filed in Delaware by on April 23, 2009 17 Comments

I have been told that on Tuesday Mike Castle spoke at a Holocaust Remembrance event.  The Congressman apparently was having a senior moment during his remarks.  One of his points was that, thanks to YouTube, the holocaust could never happen again. No, I’m not kidding. Let me just say that in Darfur there is a […]

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A Modest Proposal

Filed in National by on April 21, 2009 15 Comments

Mr Cheney, I hereby challenge you to a test of torture.  Over the course of a few days, I will have trained professionals administer enhanced interrogation techniques to you.  You will be subjected to nothing stronger than we have subjected the detainees that we have held in the War on Terror to.  You will be […]

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Good Times

Filed in National by on April 13, 2009 2 Comments

Do you remember when FOX News was building up the anticipation of anti-war rallies and the immigration rally during the Bush Years? That was great.

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Harry the K Has Died

Filed in Sports by on April 13, 2009 28 Comments
Harry the K Has Died

I just heard news that Harry Kalas, longtime Phillies announcer has died. hat tip to the 700 Level for the image.

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The Lost Verses of Dante’s Inferno

Filed in Delaware by on April 9, 2009 10 Comments

And as my companion and I moved along to the next area, we saw a large metallic conveyance riding atop a parallel set of metal rails.  My companion explained to me that this was called a train.  Inside of this train were the tortured souls of some of the most heinous creatures ever to walk […]

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Offshore Wind: The Rest of the Country is Starting to Notice

Filed in Delaware, National by on April 3, 2009 8 Comments

The LA Times has an article about a report presented to the 25x’25 summit in Virginia that says that offshore wind could provide more electricity than the US currently uses. The biggest wind potential lies off the nation’s Atlantic coast, which the Interior report estimates could produce 1,000 gigawatts of electricity — enough to meet […]

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Video from the Markell Event

Filed in Delaware by on April 2, 2009 10 Comments

Jack Markell discusses the stimulus, Vince Meconi and civil unions.  This should put to rest any idea that he is wishy-washy on civil unions. [youtube][/youtube]

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My Question to the Governor: Sports Betting

Filed in Delaware by on April 1, 2009 27 Comments

Yesterday at the blogger meeting with Governor Markell I asked him to justify the plan to implement sports betting with one of his stated restrictions.  Markell opened the meeting with a message that included a desire to not do long-term damage to get a quick fix to our problems.  Bringing sports gambling to Delaware seems […]

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Breaking: Tommywonk to Join Board of NRG

Filed in Delaware by on April 1, 2009 18 Comments

I just got a press release from NRG announcing that Tom Noyes, Delaware’s most famous blogger and strongest environmental finance guru has been asked to join the board for the owner of the infamous Indian River Power Plant.  From the press release: Tom’s experience in battling NRG in Delaware has shown us that there is […]

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Happy Anniversary, John Atkins

Filed in Delaware by on March 27, 2009 21 Comments

It was on this day, 2 years ago that John Atkins tearfully resigned on the floor of the State House of Representatives. That was a great day.  Too bad we’ve had a string of bad days with him since.

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