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City of Newark’s Bid to Rip Off Water Customers

Filed in Delaware by on February 19, 2009 17 Comments

Like many municipalities, the City of Newark runs its own water utility to serve its residents.  As a municipality, the city is answerable to their voters for excessive fees, taxes or rates.  Also like many municipalities, the city of Newark provides water service to non-city residents in neighborhoods adjacent to the city.  This is where […]

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New Castle County Special Election Today

Filed in Delaware by on February 19, 2009 8 Comments

If you are in the 5th district of New Castle County, today is election day.  Stephanie McClellan has taken a job with the Markell administration, leaving a vacancy. DelawareLiberal endorses Lisa Diller in this race.  She is highly qualified and committed to constituent services.  In addition, she is married to fellow blogger John Tobin. Get […]

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Debunking a Conservative Meme

Filed in National by on February 16, 2009 52 Comments

The honorable John Feroce posted a picture today which he got from Glenn Beck.  The picture shows a bookshelf with Obama-themed children’s books with a large sign above it saying “Religion” It seemed bizarre to me, so I started doing some research.  Apparently there are at least two versions of this picture on the Internet.  […]

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Access Congress’ Brain

Filed in National by on February 8, 2009 1 Comment

Wikileaks is a site that gets original documents and makes them available for public consumption.  They are the place that Sarah Palin’s Yahoo! email was published. Now they have made 6,780 Congressional Research Service (CRS) documents available for you and me to review.  I had done a few links in the past to a site […]

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This Cracked Me Up

Filed in National by on February 7, 2009 2 Comments

His parents really need to keep him away from the good stuff.  Oh and he is going to make someone a very interesting college roommate. [youtube][/youtube]

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Filed in Delaware by on February 6, 2009 14 Comments

This is the truck in front of me this morning on Rt. 13.  Why?

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The SEU: New Characters, Same Script

Filed in Delaware by on February 3, 2009 16 Comments

This morning I attended the SEU oversight board’s February meeting.  A few days ago I got an email from the guy responsibe for notifying those of us on the SEU mailing list of impending meetings.  The email included an agenda and the location/time of the meeting. When I arrived, I asked for and received a […]

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A Fools Errand: Seeking Apologies

Filed in Delaware by on February 2, 2009 32 Comments

I have to hand it to Jason.  He has doggedly sought an apology from anyone that he thought that we were all due one from.  He wants an apology for the damage that was done to this country economically, environmentally, socially, politically, diplomatically and legally.  He has gotten no takers.  The best that he has […]

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Delaware Talk Radio Off The Air

Filed in Delaware by on February 2, 2009 87 Comments

It looks like there are issues at DTR that have caused them to temporarily go “off the air”.  They are apparently moving to a new location and potentially other changes.  It will be interesting to follow this story.  I would guess that WDEL is quietly sighing in relief.  Now WDEL can break news stories first.

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Lightening the Mood

Filed in National by on January 30, 2009 24 Comments
Lightening the Mood

Blue glasses are in!

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NCC Stabs Homeowners in the Back

Filed in Delaware by on January 29, 2009 14 Comments

On Tuesday night Mike Matthews was in attendance as county council met.  One of the issues up for debate was the modifications for the workforce housing ordinance.  There were a number of issues that the modifications would address such as removing a traffic study waiver, strengthening the school district notification process, more oversight and a […]

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How Successful was the Inaugural Ball?

Filed in Delaware by on January 28, 2009 8 Comments

Well, if you only judged it by how many people showed up it was pretty successful. If you judged it by how good a time everyone had, it was extremely successful. If you judged it by the amount of money made for Autism Delaware, Wow!  We will be writing a check to Autism Delaware for […]

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A Challenger in the NCC 5th

Filed in Delaware by on January 26, 2009 8 Comments

A little birdie (named Rebecca) has told me that the Republican party will be challenging Lisa Diller for Stephanie McClellan’s council seat.  The candidate is James Moulthrop Jr. of Old Post Farm. I hope to conduct an interview of Lisa Diller next week.  If you know anything about Moulthrop, let’s hear it.

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