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Israel Invades Gaza

Filed in National by on January 3, 2009 59 Comments

I am watching the coverage of the ground operation that Israel has launched into the Gaza strip.  I just watched a report from CNN Interntional, where a Gazan was being interviewed by phone.  During the interview, an Israeli rocket slammed into his neighborhood.  His windows shattered and he had to get off the phone to […]

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It Had To Be Fox News

Filed in National by on January 2, 2009 6 Comments

Check out the scroll at the bottom during this clip on the Faux News NYE coverage.  Viewers were allowed to text in messages that would scroll by on the little bar at the bottom.  Sigh. [youtube][/youtube] The only good news is that it is good that the Obama Presidency will annoy Jen and John C.

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Markell Still in Town Hall Mode

Filed in Delaware by on January 2, 2009 8 Comments

This came across my email this morning: Parents, educators and other interested Delawareans are invited to join Governor-elect Jack Markell on Monday, Jan. 5, for a town hall meeting to discuss ways the state’s education system can be made more effective and efficient. This meeting is the latest in a series of town hall discussions […]

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End of Year Polling Results

Filed in Delaware by on January 2, 2009 9 Comments

Sorry for the delay in getting these results out.  My power was out at home for a few hours on NYE and so my prep work for my NYE party was compressed when the power came on, allowing no time for compilation.  And yesterday… too tired to even look at the post.  Sorry for the […]

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Programming Note

Filed in Delaware by on December 30, 2008 2 Comments

Tomorrow morning (Dec 31st) at 11 AM, I will be on Delaware Talk Radio with Randy Nelson, Maria Evans and possible call-ins from Mike Matthews and Pandora.  We will be discussing the year 2008 and probably handing out a few awards for the year.  I believe that Randy will be awarding the coveted “Turd of […]

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The SEU in 2008

Filed in Delaware by on December 30, 2008 11 Comments

It is useful to review where we have been with regard to the Sustainable Energy Utility.  This is an organization that was created out of thin air by Harris McDowell in 2006.  He the presided over an “interim” board that was to define the future of the SEU.  Senator McDowell was reticent to declare the […]

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End of the Year Polling

Filed in Delaware by on December 29, 2008 48 Comments

Here it is, the Mother of all Polls.  Cast your vote for each of the categories.  Polling closes at noon on the 31st. Polling is closed.  Thanks for participating.

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Tune in on Monday

Filed in Delaware by on December 28, 2008 0 Comments

On Monday, I will open polls for all of the remaining 2008 categories.  Currently, we have the Scandal of the Year post open (this will close at 5PM today).  So be sure to show up tomorrow and vote for the rest of the categories, including Blog of the Year.

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Help Needed: Post of the Year

Filed in National by on December 27, 2008 0 Comments

So far we only have one nomination for post of the year. Please go here and nominate your favorite post in Delaware for 2008.

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Cast Your Vote For Scandal of the Year

Filed in Delaware by on December 26, 2008 38 Comments

Here are the nominees.  Sorry if you don’t like the choices, but we are way more inclusive than The Academy.

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Sedaris on Being an Elf

Filed in National by on December 24, 2008 3 Comments

This is my favorite of all of David Sedaris’ writings.  I laugh every time I hear it.  Enjoy and Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah.

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Why Obama Looks So Buff…

Filed in National by on December 23, 2008 6 Comments

Take a look at the competition.  Fair warning: I can’t decide what looks worse, Nancy Reagan in a bathing suit (pre-mastectomy) or the untimely picture of Bill Clinton and the sea of temptation.

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Nominations Being Accepted: Blog of the Year

Filed in Delaware by on December 23, 2008 17 Comments

This is the granddaddy of all of these awards.  It is the best picture award for this competition.  Last year the winner was Tommywonk.  It is likely that this propelled him to national stardom in the form of a trip to Denver for the DNCC. 🙂 But seriously, this is a major award even though […]

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