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Looking Back at Kavips

Filed in Delaware, National by on December 17, 2008 3 Comments

I love reading Kavips.  I am honored every time I am mentioned by him.  So when DD suggested that you would have to have been a true believer, I remembered a post that Kavips had done last year, making predictions about how the blogosphere in Delaware would line up for the election.  It’s a lot […]

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Markell Stands and Delivers

Filed in Delaware by on December 16, 2008 12 Comments
Markell Stands and Delivers

I got a chance to stop by the Jack Markell town hall meeting this evening.  I did’t get to spend much time there, but heard Liz Allen and Carol Overland speak.  It was a pretty frank discussion on the state of the State and what options we have fiscally.  It is going to be somewhat […]

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Wow! The Food Bank Slots are Filled!

Filed in National by on December 11, 2008 6 Comments

I have just accepted the last application for helping out at the Food Bank on the morning of January 24th.  You may still volunteer, but I will have to put you on a waiting list.  The Food Bank can only accomodate 30 of us at a time.  I promise you this, though, we will be […]

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Announcing the Delaware Liberal Inaugural Weekend Festivities

Filed in Delaware by on December 11, 2008 16 Comments

We, the writers of Delaware Liberal, were bummed that there seemed to be no way of getting our team down to the Inauguration or to attend one of the prestigious Inaugural Balls in Washington.  So we have decided to celebrate the occasion of the inauguration of Obama/Biden and Markell/Denn right here in Delaware. Jack Markell […]

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Progress on Helping the Homeless

Filed in Delaware by on December 9, 2008 23 Comments

I have made some progress on helping the man that I wrote about on Sunday.  We believe that we have a place for him to live, although there are a few more small hoops to jump through. My friend has identified a vacant rental that can be availed to this man for a few weeks.  […]

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He Barely Exists

Filed in Delaware by on December 7, 2008 21 Comments

This morning I went on a mission.  I got a call from a friend on Saturday that there was a report of a homeless family living in a small wooded area nearby.  He told me that he was going out there today to investigate and see what could be done.  He joked that he would […]

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Wanna Live Longer? Vote Democrat!

Filed in National by on December 5, 2008 25 Comments

Randy Nelson at DTR has posted a study that shows that people that live in Democratic states (as determined by the party of the Governor) are healthier.  8 or the 10 healthiest states are Dem, while 8 of 10 least healthy are Republican.  How’s that trickle down helping your health?

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Two Birds, One Stone

Filed in National by on December 2, 2008 6 Comments

I have been thinking about how to bail out the big 3 without giving them the cash outright.  My goal is to make sure that the money doesn’t just get spent for executive compensation, dividends or private planes.  I want the companies to remain competitive with foreign automakers and I want them to thrive. Here […]

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Gannett Rumored to be Pulling the Trigger

Filed in National by on November 30, 2008 25 Comments

Per a comment from one of our readers, it looks like Gannett has started calling their staff to inform them of layoffs.  Perusing the Gannett Blog, it appears that manager are being called today (many being laid off) and tomorrow, they are coming in to lay off their staff.  It will be interesting to see […]

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Thanksgiving Challenge

Filed in National by on November 27, 2008 14 Comments

OK, I know that we all know George W Bush to be the worst President in history.  However, one of my favorite sayings is “Even a blind chicken finds corn sometimes.”  What, about George Bush, are you thankful for this year? Personally, I am thankful that he got the Do Not Call list going.  Now […]

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Ahhh Black Friday

Filed in National by on November 26, 2008 10 Comments

Do you remember when we all had money and could buy like this? [youtube][/youtube] Personally, I am going to spend my Black Friday morning on Maria Evans show at Delaware Talk Radio.  And perhaps a little more.  Granted, my wife will be shopping with the kids at the outlets while I am getting my talk […]

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Speedbump For Hillary as Sec. of State

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008 7 Comments

One of my friends mentioned to me that there is a little bit of a Constitutional controversy swirling around Hillary.  There is a pesky little part of the Constitution that basically says that because Hillary has not completed her Senate term and the salary of Secretary of State was raised during her current term, she […]

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Familiar Name on Tax Scofflaw List

Filed in Delaware, National by on November 21, 2008 20 Comments

A reader tipped us off to the fact that the Delaware Division of Revenue has released their annual list of top tax delinquents.  On the list is an interesting name, James D Guckert.  Mr. Guckert is also known as Jeff Gannon. Gannon/Guckert became famous when he posed as a real reporter and made his way […]

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