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Markell: Everything Else We Could Think Of

Filed in Delaware by on October 15, 2008 2 Comments

This is the final part of our interview with Jack Markell.  We discuss Workforce Housing, goals of a Markell administration and his man-crush on Deval Patrick (I kid the Treasurer).  We hope you have enjoyed the series. [youtube][/youtube]

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DelawareLiberal Interviews Matt Denn Part 1

Filed in Delaware by on October 15, 2008 3 Comments

In this first part of a two part interview, DelawareDem and Cassandra talk to Matt Denn about blogs, the campaign and what the hell a Lt. Governor can do. Listen Here Newsworthy: Denn responds to the Lee/Copeland “plan” to break up DNREC. Ahead in the polls, Denn prepared for negative attacks.

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Candidate Forum Tonight

Filed in Delaware by on October 14, 2008 19 Comments

Mike Matthews has a post up about the candidates forum tonight in Newark.  The forum appears to be sponsored by the West Chestnut Hill Residents Association.  Looks like John Kowalko, his opponent (Gates?), the Virgin O’Donnell, Copeland and others will be in attendance.  The forum will be at the Embassy Suites (across from The Bob) […]

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Jefferson-Jackson Dinner Roundup

Filed in Delaware by on October 13, 2008 18 Comments

Tonight was my first Jefferson-Jackson Dinner and oh what a year to start.  As I travelled down Rt.1 at 5:30 I passed Tommywonk and his lovely date in a convertible with the top down.  Damn, even Tommy looks cool heading out for a great night of wonkiness.  As I walked into the Dover Downs hotel […]

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Nobel Prize Winning Economist and Columnist Paul Krugman

Filed in National by on October 13, 2008 4 Comments

That will be Krugman’s newest title after he was awarded the Nobel Prize for economics today.  I have read many of his columns and the economists that I know hold him in high regard.  Krugman won the award for work on quantities of scale and its relationship to geography.

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Desperation. Sad, Sad Desperation

Filed in National by on October 9, 2008 105 Comments

[youtube][/youtube] I ♥ citizen journalism.

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Markell: On Success

Filed in Delaware by on October 9, 2008 5 Comments

Here is the next part of our interview with Jack Markell.  In this edition, we discuss how Jack will know if he was successful at the end of his term(s).  As an added bonus, we get to see the interruption of the interview by a supporter.  After this, we have one more section of the […]

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Franken Is Going to Win

Filed in National by on October 9, 2008 11 Comments

Who says blogs have minimal impact?  Why don’t we have reporters like this in Delaware? [youtube][/youtube]

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DelawareLiberal Interviews Karen Weldin Stewart

Filed in Delaware by on October 8, 2008 39 Comments

Karen Weldin Stewart was kind enough to sit down with DelawareDem and Pandora on Monday afternoon and answer some questions about her candidacy. Listen Here.

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Why Workfoce Housing Will Be Allowed to Destroy Southern New Castle County

Filed in Delaware by on October 6, 2008 33 Comments

This post is going to get me in trouble. Last week I had an email exchange with a blogger of a different ilk, whom I consider a friend.  He had asked me about my impression of the accusation that racism was a factor in the Anti-WFH movement in Southern New Castle County. I told him […]

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Markell: Reform and Current and Potential Lt. Governors

Filed in Delaware by on October 5, 2008 4 Comments

In Part 4 of our Markell Interview, we ask Jack about his plans to review State government from top to bottom.  We also ask him about how he would work with John Carney, Matt Denn and even Charlie Copeland. [youtube][/youtube]

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Obama and My 7 Year Old Daughter

Filed in National by on October 5, 2008 38 Comments

As I was putting my 7 year old daughter to bed on Thursday night (just before the debate) my daughter says, “Daddy, if Obama wins, will he make gas prices go up?”  I was a little stunned, but I recovered quickly. “Hmm.  I don’t know.  I guess that it is possible that he might raise […]

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Rolling Stone On McCain

Filed in National by on October 5, 2008 14 Comments

Yikes!  Check out how Rolling Stone rips John McCain a new one. In its broad strokes, McCain’s life story is oddly similar to that of the current occupant of the White House. John Sidney McCain III and George Walker Bush both represent the third generation of American dynasties. Both were born into positions of privilege […]

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