A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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In Memory of the Dear Leader

Filed in National by on December 19, 2011 2 Comments

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Breaking News – Kim Jong Il is Dead

Filed in International by on December 18, 2011 8 Comments

The NYT is reporting that North Korean State television has reported that Kim Il Jong has died. More details as they become available.

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So Much for Checks and Balances

Filed in National by on December 18, 2011 41 Comments

Apparently Newt Gingrich doesn’t believe in our system of checks and balances. Continuing his crusade against the courts, Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich railed against judges “imposing secularism” on the country on this morning’s Face The Nation. Arguing that “activist judges” who make disagreeable decisions should be held accountable before Congress, he told Bob Schieffer […]

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Sussex County Smackdown – Round Four

Filed in Delaware by on December 16, 2011 5 Comments

It’s official. The AG’s office will not prosecute Vance Phillips for his alleged assault on Sheriff Woody. In a four page letter delivered to Georgetown Police Chief William Topping today, Sussex County Chief Prosecutor Paula Ryan advised that the “Department of Justice [will] forego prosecution of the above referenced matter.” She called into question Christopher’s […]

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Better Make Sure There’s a Lock on that Closet

Filed in National by on December 16, 2011 5 Comments

It’s happened again to another RWNJ rethuglican politician. Greg Davis, the mayor of Southaven, Mississippi, “who ran unsuccessfully for Congress in 2008 on a conservative, family-values platform” according to the Commercial Appeal, has been forced out of the closet over receipts uncovered in a criminal investigation over misused expenses. The receipts included “thousands of dollars […]

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Another Pat Tillman?

Filed in National by on December 15, 2011 0 Comments

It appears that we might have another Pat Tillman-like case on our hands. Tillman, you may remember, was an outstanding defensive player for the Arizona Cardinals, who gave up his career and enlisted in the Army after 9/11. He was killed in the line of duty. Only later, after questions from his family, did it […]

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Dishonorable Discharge

Filed in National by on December 9, 2011 1 Comment

It seems that the Bush-era Department of the Air Force and Defense Department really didn’t give a damn about those who made the ultimate sacrifice for out country. The Air Force dumped the incinerated partial remains of at least 274 American troops in a Virginia landfill, far more than the military had acknowledged, before halting the secretive practice three years ago, records show.

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More Rethuglican Crazy Talk

Filed in National by on December 8, 2011 2 Comments

Now why didn’t someone at the USDA think of this? Apparently, we’re so fat as a nation that we’re wasting money on food stamps. At least that’s what Rick Santorum thinks.

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Perry = Pander Bear

Filed in National by on December 8, 2011 9 Comments
Perry = Pander Bear

Rick Perry is scared that he’s going to be nothing more than an asterisk in the race for the Rethuglican-Confederate-Teabagger party nomination for President. So much so that he’s now pandering to the extreme right wing for votes in Iowa. He is running the following gay-baiting ad on TV out there. Click through….

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Witchhunts a’comin?

Filed in National by on December 4, 2011 4 Comments

So when did Salem, MA circa 1660, become the Nation’s capital? Reports are out that Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachmann, and Rick Santorum have signed a pledge to form some type of commission to investigate the LGBT community if they are elected president.

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The Arrogance of Being Jeff Christopher

Filed in Delaware by on December 3, 2011 71 Comments

In the never ending battle to see who has the bigger penis, Sussex County Sheriff and would be super cop Jeff Christopher has told County Council to bugger off. In a long rambling response to County Administrator David Baker’s October 31 memo, Christopher said that he would ignore the memo and continue to make traffic stops and execute criminal warrants.

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Tis the Season to Bash Feds

Filed in National by on December 2, 2011 0 Comments

It must be the holiday season as it seems that the rethuglicans in Congress are once again taking aim at Federal employees. As a compromise to extending the payroll tax holiday that has been championed by President Obama, Senate ruthuglicans, led by Sen. Dean Heller (Tehadist – NV), introduced legislation to “pay” for the extension by freezing Federal salaries for an additional 3 years (on top of the 2 year freeze instituted last January) and cut 200,000 Federal jobs. And get this, these asshats also want to make sure that millionaires won’t be eligible for food stamps! Now when was the last time a millionaire either qualified or applied for food stamps?

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Gloria (Gaynor) Cain Will Survive

Filed in National by on December 2, 2011 1 Comment

s Herman Cain headed home on Friday to Georgia to face his wife for the first time since Ginger White alleged an affair with him, a new report surfaced stories of the couple having deep marital unrest long before Cain’s presidential campaign was rocked by allegations of sexual harassment.

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