
A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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What The Felon Said The Felon Said

Filed in National by on August 8, 2012 5 Comments
What The Felon Said The Felon Said

A new book is out where former mayor of Chicago ex-Governor of Illinois and convicted felon Rod Blagojevich said that he heard that Tony Rezko channeled $25,000 to Obama’s 2004 Senatorial campaign. Geez. In the same conversations of Blagojevich that the FBI recorded, the ex-Mayor said he thought of giving Obama’s vacated Senate seat to […]

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The Politicizing of Pizza

Filed in National by on August 8, 2012 26 Comments
The Politicizing of Pizza

I’ve never liked Papa John’s pizza, it always tasted like tomato sauce and cardboard to me. So the fact that I won’t be ordering from Papa John’s in the foreseeable future should not really affect their bottom line.  However, some of you out there, might be ordering this crappy pizza and you might want to […]

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Breaking: Friends Fire Rule Arson

Filed in Delaware by on May 24, 2012 5 Comments

No details yet, but it definitely wasn’t electrical in nature. Sad, sad news.

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The Bane that Bain Was

Filed in National by on May 16, 2012 12 Comments

Vice President Biden today will be reminding voters of the carnage Bain left and of Mitt Romney’s ineffective business leadership.

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JPMorgan Oops

Filed in National by on May 15, 2012 31 Comments
JPMorgan Oops

If you can grasp what happened in the London Office of JPMorgan Chase, then you probably could become the next CEO of the bank as it seems the current CEO Jamie Dimon had no clue.

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Palestinians Turn To Hunger Strikes

Filed in International by on May 15, 2012 7 Comments
Palestinians Turn To Hunger Strikes

Most Americans over the age of 40 have probably know of Bobby Sands. However, it is safe to say, that most Americans have know idea who Bilal Diab and Thaer Halahleh are.

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Greece in Turmoil; Euro Crisis Possibly Looms

Filed in National by on May 15, 2012 2 Comments
Greece in Turmoil; Euro Crisis Possibly Looms

As Greece attempts to form a coalition government which may or may not abide by the austerity terms it earlier negotiated its continental neighbors, Europe is quite possibly teetering on a financial crisis.

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School Zone Speed Limit Enforcement Gains Traction

Filed in National by on May 14, 2012 28 Comments

State Representative Larry Mitchell (D – New Castle) has introduced a bill that would pilot the use of speed cameras to help enforce school zone speed limits. Though I believe it to be a great idea, I believe the bill is too weak.

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Paul’s Supporters: Romney is the White Obama

Filed in National by on May 14, 2012 0 Comments
Paul’s Supporters: Romney is the White Obama

With blows exchanged between Paul and Romney supporters at the Republican Oklahoma state convention and Romney’s son booed loudly at the Arizona state convention, Ron Paul’s supporters look to make Tampa very interesting in late August.

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Late Night Video: Eminem Disses Cranbrook

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on May 13, 2012 1 Comment
Late Night Video: Eminem Disses Cranbrook

The Wrap points us to this scene from Eminem’s surprisingly good movie, 8 Mile. In this scene, Eminem’s character is in freestyle rap battle with his archenemy who Eminem destroys by associating him with Cranbrook.

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A Look Back on the Chen Guangcheng Crisis

Filed in National by on May 13, 2012 0 Comments
A Look Back on the Chen Guangcheng Crisis

There are a couple of important lessons regarding the Chen Guangcheng crisis of last week. The first is an understanding of the dissident’s problems and the second is a foreign policy lesson which Mitt Romney failed.

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Romney Preaches to the Choir

Filed in National by on May 13, 2012 20 Comments
Romney Preaches to the Choir

Yesterday, Mitt Romney passed his first audition with evangelicals as he gave the commencement speech at Liberty University, a private Christian university founded by Jerry Falwell, who infamously blamed gays, lesbians, feminists, the ACLU and others for the attacks on 9/11.

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The Education of Mitt Romney

Filed in National by on May 11, 2012 1 Comment
The Education of Mitt Romney

A life of privilege does not always give one a realistic outlook on the world. Sometimes it’s a hindrance.

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