A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
Secret Service Gone Wild

As the Secret Service has been working at improving its image of the last few years, the recent scandal in Colombia isn’t’ helping that much. The Washington Post has a good article on the supervisor, when hearing of the problem at the Hotel El Caribe took bold and decisive action.
The GOP Set To Continue Its War On Women

As the Republican Party has been scrambling to show that they really like women — okay only conservative women —, they are about to lose another battle as the vote against the Violence Against Women Act.
Super PACs Make a Corrupt System Even More Corrupter
Senator Ted Kaufman writes in today’s Opinion pages about how the Super PACs corrupted the Republican primary this year.
The One Where I Agree With George Will

The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments back in March whether a young killer should be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. Is this cruel and unusual punishment?
Campaign 2012: Air War or Ground War

With state Republican parties in such disarray, the GOP super PACs are having to resort to television ads only. Meanwhile, with unions and strong ground games from the Democrats, allies of the Obama campaign are focusing on the ground game.
McConnell Breaks with House GOP

As President Obama threatens a government shutdown in September due to GOP duplicity, Senator Mitch McConnell (R – Kentucky) has decided to keep up his end of the bargin.
Lack of Rain Proving To Be a Big Issue in Delaware

As I wrote last week, Delaware’s on the verge of facing a drought. Delaware needs rain to start recovering. Without rain, we’re headed for some tough times.
Obama Leads Romney 10 to 1 in Fundraising
Though this would normally be good news, there are two issues we need to be concerned about: big donors aren’t there right now and Super PACs.
Late Night Video: Mitt Romney, The Least Interesting Man In The World
Hilarious send up of the Dos Equis television ad series featuring Mitt Romney.
Romney: Obama Isn’t Really An American

David Corn has a good post on Governor Romney’s continued insistence that President Obama doesn’t understand America. After reviewing the remarks by West and Nugent, Corn ties this in neatly with Romney’s nudge nudge wink wink speeches painting Obama as a Kenyan and a Muslim.
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