A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
Late Night Video: John Stewart’s “Vagina Manger”
The other night John Stewart did a funny sendup about the War on Women and the War on Christmas. The crazy Catholic League was not amused and is threatening to try and organize a boycott.
Who Doesn’t Understand the American People?

Governor Romney tries to connect with normal, everyday Americans.
Saving The Republicans From Themselves

I took a lot of ribbing (some of it good natured, most of it not) that we should rebuild the Delaware Republican Party. My solution was an Open Primary. Charlie Pierce over at Esquire has a better idea.
Bachmann: Obama’s “Waving A Tar Baby Around”

Representative Bachmann speaking about President Obama and the price of gasoline said that Obama is “waving a tar baby around”.
Wilmington Friends School Back to Normal on Monday

As many of you know, Wilmington Friends School, the oldest existing school in Delaware, was had a fire in its auditorium on Tuesday that led to the upper and middle school being closed till this Monday morning.
Everything is Politics: Gov’t Shutdown

Obama Administration threatens a government shutdown if the House Republicans to keep their end of the bargain.
Why Voting for Obama Is Important and Necessary

“Romney and the Republicans are running a campaign of opposition and retrenchment. They want to repeal, restrict, restructure, reclaim and restore. They want to take the country back to a reality that exists only in their imaginations — and to a world that will never exist again — and freeze us there.”
Image Problems That Aren’t Image Problems
Barack Obama once ate dog meat and Mitt Romney once killed a woman.
Joke of the Day: Romney’s VP Search
One of Romney’s closest advisors has begun the search for a Vice Presidential candidate. Punchline inside.
Poll: Americans Believe That Global Warming Is Linked to Extreme Weather
Yesterday, everyone was a buzz about the poll that showed Romney and Obama visually neck and neck. But this wasn’t the poll we should have been focused on, this is: Americans believe that global warming is linked to our extreme weather.
US Troops Pose with Dead Insurgents

One of the big stories yesterday as the Los Angeles Times publishing of photographs that showed our troops posing with bodies of dead insurgents in Afghanistan.
The Fisker Echo
I ran out of time the other day and didn’t get to post a link to Jason Starkey’s article on the state of the Fisk plant. As one laid off employee said, it’s “absolutely empty”. And, now, Romney’s campaign has gotten a hold of the Fisker story. I think it’s a stretch by the Romney team […]
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