
A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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Obama Wears Sandals, Armageddon Ensues

Filed in National by on January 6, 2011 7 Comments
Obama Wears Sandals, Armageddon Ensues

President Obama wears flippity-floppities and there is a huge uproar.

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Boehner is the new Town Crier

Filed in National by on January 6, 2011 2 Comments
Boehner is the new Town Crier

Boehner is now the Weeper of the House.

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Getting Ready for the Gibbs Slap

Filed in National by on January 6, 2011 4 Comments
Getting Ready for the Gibbs Slap

In yesterday’s press conference, Robert Gibbs said, “I’m not going in order to be freed up to say a series of things that I might not otherwise say.” Except that it is the exact opposite of what he will do.

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The Missing Word

Filed in National by on January 6, 2011 4 Comments
The Missing Word

One BIG word missing from the Teapublican Pledge to America is . . . Education.

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LNV: Letterman on Why Boehner Cries

Filed in National by on January 5, 2011 0 Comments

Late Night Video: Dave Letterman makes some guesses on why John Boehner cries about everything.

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Who Were Our Founding Fathers?

Filed in National by on January 5, 2011 55 Comments
Who Were Our Founding Fathers?

Were our founding fathers “gods” or men?

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Reorganization of Obama White House

Filed in National by on January 5, 2011 0 Comments
Reorganization of Obama White House

Several key players might be gone and well as some new faces in the West Wing.

UPDATE: Gibbs is definitely leaving in early February.

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Coons Named One of the Freshmen to Watch

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 5, 2011 20 Comments
Coons Named One of the Freshmen to Watch

The Washington Post put together a list of 10 freshmen in the 112th Congress to watch that includes Sen. Coons

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LNV: Stewart as Beck

Filed in National by on January 4, 2011 2 Comments

Late Night Video: Talking Points Memo put together the best of Stewart and Colbert from 2010. Here is Jon Stewart doing his best Glenn Beck.

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Evening Read for Tuesday Night

Filed in National by on January 4, 2011 3 Comments

Cozy up to your laptop or iPad and enjoy Tuesday night’s interesting reads which include Lady Gaga, computer clouds and death panels.

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“Our Economy is in Danger”

Filed in National by on January 4, 2011 9 Comments
“Our Economy is in Danger”

The Teapublicans are in charge of the House of Representatives which really only points out that Americans have a shorter attention span than Floyd from True Romance.

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LNV: How Many Guns Do You Own?

Filed in National by on January 3, 2011 5 Comments

Late Night Video: Apparently how many guns one owns is a prerequisite to become chairperson of the Teapublican Party.

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Evening Read for Monday Night

Filed in National by on January 3, 2011 1 Comment

Cozy up to your laptop or iPad and enjoy Monday night’s interesting reads which include comedian Patton Oswalt, writer Paul Theroux and a look at Kayne West’s stunning new album.

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