A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
Surprised? Not So Much
By playing the blame game, BP proves themselves to truly be an American company.
Your Liberal Media Not At Work

The Washington Post swings and misses. As long as FoxNoise is the umpire is there really any hope for the “liberal” media?
Hell, Yeah!

Representative Anthony Weiner calls out Republican cowards as the GOP denies health coverage to American heroes.
Christine O’Donnell: Jersey Girl?

Christine O’Donnell has many problems, though we never thought living in Jersey would be one of them.
Christine O’Donnell: Starbursts For Everyone

A handful of Starbust Boys got little chubbys this afternoon as Christine O’Donnell was interviewed by right-wing apologist Rick Jensen on WDEL.
No Homo Mayors, Burn a Koran
What do homosexuals and burning the Koran have to do with each other? Not much, unless you are the weak-minded pastor of a Gainesville FL church.
He Likes It! Hey, Mikey! . . . Wait, Not So Much

Mike Castle believes that the Delaware River Basin Watershed is important, but not important enough.
Late Night Video: i-Dosing

Dude, I’m going to try this and then watch “The Big Lebowski”. Oklahoma brings the crazy . . . again. [youtube=PZcgUEkBIX0]
I’ve Got Your Severe Weather Right Here!

As upper New Castle County dries out from the heavy rains the other day and smack into another sauna, I realized I’ve been saying this a little to often lately, “The weather isn’t usually this bad.” Seriously, after five years of no water in our basement, this year our basement was flooded three times. We’ve […]
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