I’ve Got Your Severe Weather Right Here!

Filed in International by on July 16, 2010

As upper New Castle County dries out from the heavy rains the other day and smack into another sauna, I realized I’ve been saying this a little to often lately, “The weather isn’t usually this bad.” Seriously, after five years of no water in our basement, this year our basement was flooded three times. We’ve got these heat waves that are oh-so-much-fun and who can forget the blasts of snow we got. Apparently, “The weather isn’t usually this bad” is officially a misnomer.


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Ishmael says:

    Clean your gutters and make sure you downspouts are directing the water away from your foundation.

    90% of the time that will solve your wet basement problem.

  2. But if it snowed during the months when it usually snows, I guess climate change is a fiction. /facepalm&snark

  3. Miscreant says:

    This year’s weather has been a mixed blessing down here. There was a phenomenal amount of precipitation over the winter which caused flooding like I’ve never seen before. Parts of my acreage was under 6-8 inches of water for months in areas that were previously dry as a bone. I live 30 feet from a stream so there is no basement, but there was water in the crawlspace all winter.

    The blessing was that, before the rains, the drinking water quality from my well was deteriorating significantly (soluble iron, mostly). I drove that well 15 years ago (unbeknown to the oppressive government agency – DNREC), and the water had always been superb. I guess all the rain replenished the aquifer. Good thing. I was getting ready to pound down another well.

  4. Ishmael says:

    “I drove that well 15 years ago (unbeknown to the oppressive government agency – DNREC)”

    Did Geezer just out himself as an anti-governemnt Tea Party survivalist??? 🙂

    kidding asside, if you drove it rather than drilled the well, it’s pretty shallow and you should have your water tested for nitrates and arsenic.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Ish – you “mis”read. It is Miscreant. We knew he was a “Tea Party survivalist” as well as a connoisseur of fine spirits. 🙂

  6. Ishmael says:

    Geezer, I am sorry. I have defamed you without cause.

    LG thank you for pointing out my error.

    time for another pot of coffee, my caffine level must be getting low.