Daily Kos Writes Up Coons-Castle Race

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 16, 2010

Daily Kos has noticed an ominous trend in Mike Castle’s poll numbers (which we discussed yesterday).

The dkos post also mentions a new development today. Christine O’Donnell was endorsed by a conservative anti-abortion group, the Susan B. Anthony List (yes they try to steal all the heroes).

WASHINGTON, DC – Today the Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund, a national pro-life political action committee, announced its endorsement of Christine O’Donnell, candidate for U.S. Senator of Delaware.

“Delaware families deserve the pro-life leadership Christine O’Donnell so capably provides,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of SBA List Candidate Fund. “Unlike her primary opponent who has an explicitly pro-abortion voting record, O’Donnell has expressed her strong determination to be a vocal advocate for women and unborn children in abortion debates on the floor of the U.S. Senate.”

“A new women’s movement which affirms its original pro-life roots is making its way to the U.S. Senate and O’Donnell is one of its brightest new stars.”

Christine O’Donnell is a marketing consultant and nationally known as a regular political commentator and a strong voice for Life on cable and network television. She promoted Life as a member of the Board of Directors for Birthright of Delaware until May 2008 and has led delegations to the U.N. to lobby on behalf of Life. In these roles, she has successfully debated Cabinet members, lawmakers and international leaders on the Life issue.

Castle’s voting record shows negligible support for laws protecting the unborn. He voted for the Foreign Relations Authorization Act which funds abortion overseas through the Office of Global Women’s Issues and supported the public funding of abortion in the District of Columbia.

Christine O’Donnell will face Mike Castle in the September 14th Republican primary.

Are there really enough hard right conservatives in Delaware to make Castle worry? Judging by the results of the Republican convention this year, probably not. However, could a Castle candidacy mean that Delaware conservatives get discouraged and stay home?

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (13)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Castle must be tearing through the colostomy bag supply at this point. I still don’t think O’Whackjob has a shot in hell, but if she can nudge him into disavowing his RINO-hood, things could get sticky.

  2. jpconnorjr says:

    if Susan B. Anthony was Crazy Chrissie’s mother she would have invented plan B

  3. anon says:

    Kos sure didn’t work too hard on that writeup.

  4. jason330 says:

    I think he gets it right:

    “Translate that (Ras Poll) into reality, and Castle likely has a much smaller lead — perhaps not so surprising given the strong Democratic tilt of the state. And the supposedly moderate Castle has been voting in lockstep with his House GOP colleagues as he’s sought to avoid getting teabagged from the Right in his primary.”

  5. jason330 says:

    It may be time for all good Democrats to come to the service of their country and register as Republicans in order to vote for O’Whackjob in the primary.

  6. It’s too late to change parties in Delaware.

  7. anon,

    That’s why we need to go over and comment in the thread, to bring some local knowledge.

  8. jason330 says:

    It’s too late to change parties in Delaware…oh well.

  9. jpconnorjr says:

    Chrisie will help create this result:

    Sussex Castle 56 Coons 44
    Kent 52 48
    New Castle 48 52
    Wilmington 38 62

    Translation 46 54

    For every vote Chrissie drives right in KS she will drive 1.2 left in NCC W
    The dumbass tea party shit Castle says in KS in Sept will play great in upstate ads in October:)

  10. nemski says:

    Had dinner with some Democratic money peeps tonight, and being money peeps they are backing both horses, and they feel that Coons is looking very strong.

  11. kavips says:

    These poll numbers are no surprise. I am surprised that jpconnerjr 8:32pm published the results almost exactly as they will pan out on November 2nd. Whether it’s a good guess or one based on the same report i have, it aligns exactly with what I’ve garnered so far. And.. I wasn’t even factoring any impact from the O’Donnell fling.

    Geek. You keep track of these things.. Archive this and I’ll bet that these totals hold up…

  12. Jefferson says:

    It is great to see Castle below the magic number of 50% for an incumbent! Coons is running a good campaign. He is still an underdog but his solid campaign combined with anti-incumbent fervor among the electorate gives him a shot against a titan once viewed as unbeatable.

  13. Geezer says:

    “The dumbass tea party shit Castle says in KS in Sept will play great in upstate ads in October”

    The next Delaware race decided by television ads will be the first, won’t it?