A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
Going Immobile

Delaware unveiled it’s new website, but use your desktop because it is not mobile friendly.
Castle’s Ear(mark)s Are Burning

Representative Mike Castle’s hypocrisy is coming full circle. The News Journal has an indepth article simply entitled, “This Year Castle Opposes Earmarks”.
Misery Business

Damn, haters all around. Obama supporters always knew things would be bad with all of the right-wings’ hate and anger, but this past Memorial Day is just an argument to far.
The Magical 1,000
One thousand new hires seems to be the new mantra of the Markell Administration in response the laying off of over 200 teachers in Delaware. Who can argue about the hiring of 1,000 new teachers? As a matter of fact, Delaware Dem even promotes the 1,000 new hires as an offset to the layoffs. But is it really an offset?
I Wish They All Could Be California Text Books
A California state senator has submitted legislation that would not allow newly approved Texas social studies text books in the Golden State. The senator said: “While some Texas politicians may want to set their educational standards back 50 years, California should not be subject to their backward curriculum changes. The alterations and fallacies made by […]
Rand Shrugged
Ah, how does the Republican Party find such diamonds in the rough. Do the have some sort of algorithm written by a climate change denier “scientist”? Could it be something in the cocktails served at their country clubs? But the party that has given us Sarah Palin and Michael Steele has now presented us with […]
No Grecian Formula, Turning Japanese Instead

A lot has been said by people regarding the recent Greek collapse and its relationship to the direction the Obama Administration is taking the United States, for instance Red State: Are we watching Americas future being played out in the streets of Athens, Greece? If Barack Obama has his way the troubles that are now […]
Depressing Graphic of the Gulf of Mexico

You’ve already seen the satellite images and the oil pumping out of the bottom of the ocean, but this graphic shows the enormity (yes, @HonestHypocrite the enormity) of the problem in the gulf.
Doodle 4 Google

Periodically, Google has contests to illustrate the Google banner. The latest contest is for US students. Why am I telling you this? Because as a 9-year-old from Delaware has an entry that you can vote for, That is the student’s entry above. h/t Transparent Christina
That Hypocrisy Show

wRong Williams is funny, not in the intentional stand-up comedian way, funny in a Gerry Ford-bumping-his-head-kind-of-way. For years Williams has lamented over the fact that bloggers have a little more leeway than newspapers in reporting rumors and such. He always fails to mention that many times, the blogging of rumors turn out to be truth. […]
Delaware Teacher Layoffs – More Than You Think
As mentioned earlier today, while Gov. Markell is busy stroking business leaders in and outside of Delaware, real education jobs are being lost in Delaware, well over 200.
Markell Expands Corporate Welfare, Says No To Education
If there is one type of welfare the rich love, it is corporate welfare and Gov. Jack Markell is getting ready to dole some money out. Specifically Markell is asking for a replenishment of the Strategic Fund — which has virtually been wiped out in bringing Fisker Automotive and PBF Energy to Delaware —, an investment […]
Coons Picks Up DE Teachers’ Endorsement
In what can only be seen as a slap in the face of Representative Mike Castle, the Delaware State Education Association (DSEA) has endorsed New Castle County Executive Chris Coons in the race for Joe Biden’s old seat. [youtube][/youtube] The DSEA has a long history of backing Mike Castle for his Congressional runs and this […]
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