
A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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Filed in National by on May 14, 2010 8 Comments

CAPE CANAVERAL, FL — There are times in my life that can be pointed to as special moments, good or bad, pleasant or heart-wrenching: the birth of a my son, the love I feel for my wife and the recent death of a my mother-in-law. Of course there are many others, but now I have […]

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Get Out The Vote, Scientifically

Filed in National by on May 10, 2010 15 Comments

One of the biggest issues for a political campaign is how do you get your base out to vote. Two researchers took a look at this problem and looked at what effect phone calls had on getting citizens out to vote. The study targeted over 150,000 Pennsylvanian registered voters in 2008 who had only voted once […]

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BP Oil Spill – Some Delaware Perspective

Filed in Delaware by on May 8, 2010 2 Comments
BP Oil Spill – Some Delaware Perspective

What if the BP Oil Spill happened off the coast of Delaware?  This image put Rehoboth Beach in middle of the spill. For more comparisons, go to

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Deepwater Horizon – Day 14 Recap

Filed in National by on May 4, 2010 2 Comments
Deepwater Horizon – Day 14 Recap

Here’s a recap of the some of the major events from yesterday regarding the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

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Late Night Video: When Midnight Comes

Filed in National by on May 3, 2010 0 Comments

From When History Attacks. (h/t TreeHugger)

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Delude Baby Delude

Filed in National by on May 3, 2010 7 Comments
Delude Baby Delude

Republicans have no shame when it comes to their blind loyalty to big oil. Bill Kristol — seriously, this guy makes a living out of being a douche, said,”[off shore oil drilling] very environmentally clean, except when there is a disaster like the spill.” Limbaugh thinks it is an eco plot to stop drilling and […]

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“Bringing It!” to Capitol Hill

Filed in National by on April 29, 2010 11 Comments
“Bringing It!” to Capitol Hill

There is a man that transcends politics. A man that can take Patrick Muprhy (D-PA) and Aaron Schuck (R-IL) and push them to past their limits, a place where each man screams, “No more, no more. Please make me do more.” That man is Tony Horton, late-night pitchman for his P90X fitness training. Horton was […]

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Will Fox News Be The Death of Conservatism?

Filed in National by on April 27, 2010 10 Comments

Since Delaware Liberal has been called an echo chamber, I figure this give me a little license to talk about the wall that Fox News has built around the conservative movement. My take on this wall is that it is made of one part “The Party of No”,  another part of  Fox News’ “editorial” direction, and the final part, […]

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Where Is The Tea Party Outrage?

Filed in National by on April 24, 2010 63 Comments

As Arizona readies to slip into a totalitarian state that would rival Stalin’s Soviet Union, all I hear from the Tea Party is crickets . . . very white crickets. The NY Times writes: The law . . . would make the failure to carry immigration documents a crime and give the police broad power […]

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Facepalm of the Day

Filed in Delaware by on April 12, 2010 14 Comments

In today’s Delaware Dialog, there is a post by Ginger Gibson that I have two issues with. David Hoffman, new to the Chris Coon’s Senate campaign, had his laptop stolen . . . from his car on Concord Pike. Leaving your laptop in your car?! In my humble opinion this makes Hoffman too dumb to […]

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So We’re Not Going to Hell in a Handbasket

Filed in National by on April 6, 2010 6 Comments

Ask any parent out there how things are going and they’d probably tell you that life seems very frantic as they try to juggle parenting, jobs and household chores. Ask these same parents if they are spending enough time with their kids, and the answer would probably be, “No!” Well that parent would be wrong. […]

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The Nuance of Studying Same-Sex Behavior in Animals

Filed in Science and Health by on April 4, 2010 3 Comments
The Nuance of Studying Same-Sex Behavior in Animals

This is not a political post, rather it is an anti-political post regarding zoology and how it relates to human beings. In this morning’s New York Times Magazine, Can Animals Be Gay? focuses on one of the largest same-sex Laysan albatross colonies and how it does not relate to human behavior. First and foremost, when […]

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Word of the Day: Teabonics

Filed in National by on April 2, 2010 16 Comments
Word of the Day: Teabonics

The Guardian has a delightful blog post about the destruction of the English language by the Tea Party. Richard Adams writes, “Along with the Tea Party has risen not only an incoherent political movement but exciting and refreshing variations on the English language.” I’m not going include Adams’ links in this post, and he has […]

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