Word of the Day: Teabonics

Filed in National by on April 2, 2010

The Guardian has a delightful blog post about the destruction of the English language by the Tea Party.

Richard Adams writes, “Along with the Tea Party has risen not only an incoherent political movement but exciting and refreshing variations on the English language.”

I’m not going include Adams’ links in this post, and he has many wonderful links, instead gentle reader, go to the Guardian and explore. He wraps up his post wonderfully with, “And now you know why all those jokes about George Bush’s mangled syntax didn’t resonate with the electorate.”


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (16)

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  1. nemski says:

    Yes, that was one of the links in Adams’ post.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Dan Quayle is something of the godfather of teabonics, I think.

  3. TommyWonk says:

    Richard was my editor at the Guardian for a while until they gave him his own blog. He’s a literate guy who certainly knows his way around the English language.

  4. skippertee says:

    Maybe many were home schooled ? In that case , it were there mom’s duty to learn ’em how to talk good.

  5. Jason330 says:

    Theses Fukers are goin to make me have to pay attention to my spelling.

  6. Brooke says:

    Sadly, skippertee, most were public schooled. However, in THIS generation they’re passing on their spelling, as well as POV.

  7. fightingbluehen says:

    DB, that guy looks like a Democrat at a union rally. Are you sure it’s a tea party ?

  8. JUST KIDDIN' says:

    April 19 will be an interesting day. Two armed milita groups are heading to DC. One, staying in a park outside DC and the other has a permit inside the city.These groups should be treated like the Mafia with FBI taking down license plates.

    April 19, WACO Day, and McVeigh blowing up the FBI has something to do with the nuts. The Governors that received a letter from the Guardians of Free Republic gives 3 days for Gov’s to resign or forced out is obviously part of the right wing christian milita’s. If Liberterians who are not part of the TeaBag nation dont separate themselves from the nutjobs, and if moderate republicans dont separate themselves from the nuts…there will be only one party left in this country. So how will the Guardians of the Free Republic “remove” the Governors? By gunpoint? What possible threats could these idiots be pushing? Do a google: April 19, 2010 you will see a group that has a mission statement and a pledge. Hoping the Prez is out of town hidden away at Camp David or overseas.

  9. Jason330 says:

    ….but…but…but the Weather Underground.

    It’s reigning men! Hallelujah it’s reigning men. AMEN!!

  10. nothnaks says:

    Jason, don’t you mean “whether underground?” This maeks me wunder if their is a speshal teabag err… tea parti spell cheker.


  11. nothnaks says:

    I present to you proof that the “tea party movement” is a concoction of the east coast liberal media. They’re all a bunch of wannabes:


  12. Obamarmy says:

    “TEABONICS”: Linguists are calling this New English Language Vernacular a Phenomenon that is Sweeping Across America.