A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
Demon Sheep Part Deux
Back in February, we introduced you to Carly Fiorina’s Demon Sheep ad. Today, we give you the her Hot Air ad.
Monday Evening’s Read
As I mentioned yesterday, the Obama Administration was sending over its blueprint for the Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. (pdf) The New Yorker’s Hendrik Hertzberg on the future of nuclear energy in the United States, Some Nukes. Newsweek’s Fareed Zakaria on President Obama’s successful strategy in Pakistan, A Victory for Obama.
No Quarter

This post is an odd one to write because all it is is a rather long answer to one trivia question: Who wrote the bill which created the most successful commemorative coin series in the history of the United States? This post has nothing to do with my dislike of Mike Castle as he has only proved himself to be an eager lapdog of the Republican Party leadership over the last decade. This is trivia only.
BREAKING: House Democrats Release HCR Bill
Late last night the House Budge Committee released the legislation that will serve as the basis for debate this week. Note this is the same legislation that made it through the Education and Labor Committee and Ways and Means Committee last year. Download and read the pdf.
Late Night Video: Mr. Trololo
The Mr. Trololo video is sweeping the inter tubes and should be watched if you haven’t already seen it. According to Pravda, yes that newspaper, this is a video of the Soviet era performer Eduard Khil singing “I Am So Happy to Finally Be Back Home” . Khil, interviewed in the Christian Science Monitor, said: […]
Evening Read

Education historian Diane Ravitch on educational reform, The Big Idea — it’s bad educational policy. NY Times columnist Frank Rich on why revisionists like Liz Cheney and Karl Rove must be refuted, The New Rove-Cheney Assault on Reality. Jaclyn Friedman, writer and activist, writes To combat rape on campus, schools should stop keeping it quiet.
US To Get Its Learnin’ On
On Monday, the Obama Administration will be sending Congress its blueprint for education reform. A couple of points from Obama’s video address Saturday are: 1) much of America’s success in the 20th Century was due to a great educational system that focused on science; 2) other nations around the world are investing in education because they know how important it is, 3) states will compete for funding in as way to improve standards and the quality of teaching, 4) schools that achieve excellence will be rewarded, 5) teachers will be better trained, better supported and be treated as professionals; and 6) all students should graduate from high school and be prepared for college and a career.
Example 8397

We all know that the Republican Party doesn’t want to govern, doesn’t know how to govern and does everything possible to make sure no one can govern. Given all of that there should be no surprise that House Minority Leader Jim Boehner or The Orange One as he is affectionately known as at Hollywood Tans […]
Mr. Reagan, We’re Ready for Our Close-Up

With Fox Noise snapping up Republican leaders to the soft chairs of punditry, will there be anyone left to run against Obama in 2012? Mike Huckabee recently said that his is quite content on being on television. “It’s kind of given me a new perspective of the power of the media more so than the […]
Things Aren’t Always ‘Red’ and ‘Blue’ Concerning Family Values

The problem with social conservatism is that it backs good people into a corner, whether it’s Utah leading the nation in pornography consumption or the litany of Republican politicians who dip their wick outside their marriage bed. As much as we might enjoy the downfall of hypocrites like Sanford and other self-righteous politicians from the […]
Unicorns, Ponies, Rainbows, Oh My

From our beginnings in the 18th century, the United States of America has been the underdog in the international scene. Though our underdog status has left us long ago, the American people have a penchant for rooting for the underdog that is exemplified in rooting for sports teams and characters in Hollywood movies. Some Americas […]
Late Night Video: What Glenn Beck Hates
For some reason, this video needs you to have a Facebook account in order to view it. What Glenn Beck Hates
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