A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
Between Love and Madness Lies the New Castle County Council

Guidelines are now being created by the New Castle Country government that in time would allow businesses to advertise on county parkland reports The Community News. What types of ads, where the ads would go and what businesses the ads would be from are all part of the rules that will be drawn up between […]
McDowell To White House, Discusses Energy

Did you know that Delaware was pointed out as one of the most improved states in energy efficiency by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE)? Neither did I. Delaware moved up from 32nd in 2008 to 20th in 2009 in the ACEEE scorecard The 2009 report is ACEEEās third edition of its annual […]
Delaware Budget Hearing Dates Announced
State officials have announced November hearing dates for the FY 2011 budget cycle reports The Community News.
Time To Lift The Cuban Embargo
It’s been 47 years since the embargo on Cuban goods was put in place by the United States and its been 18 years in a row that the United Nations General Assembly has called for the end of the US embargo. It seem back in April of this year that President Obama was moving in […]
A Casuality of the War on Drugs

Sens. Herb Kohl (D-Wis.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.). are my new heroes. Kohl and Whitehouse are asking the Drug Enforcement Agency to scale back their enforcement of the Controlled Substance Act as it is “producing a troubling side effect by denying some hospice and elderly patients needed pain medication” reports The Washington Post.
US Chamber of Horrors

Delaware Liberal like facts and we like pretty pictures, consequently we love graphs. Daniel Gross at Slate did a fine piece on the failings of the US Chamber of Commerce: But there is a fundamental reason why the chamber isn’t being invited into the rooms where legislation and policy are being made these days: It […]
EBay to Abortion Rights Activists: No Auction For You!

EBay has stopped an auction to raise money for the legal defense fund Scott Roeder, the coward who alledgedly shot George Tiller in his church reports The Associated Press. An EBay spokesperson said, “Based on the details we know about the anticipated listings, we believe these would violate our policy regarding offensive material.” Supporters had […]
Jones-Potter to Run For State Treasurer

State Treasurer Velda Jones-Potter, appointed by Gov. Jack Markell, has thrown her hat into the race for State Treasurer reports The Dover Post.
Are You A Good White Person?

Fox “News” commissioned Zogby run a poll for them regarding free speech reports FAIR Blog. Here’s one of the questions: Federal Communications Commission Chief Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd wants the FCC to force good white people in positions of power in the broadcast industry to step down to make room for more African-Americans and gays […]
Late Night Video: Fair Use
One of the great memes on the internet is the parody the movie Downfall. This particular scene takes place in Hitler’s bunker and the parodies range from Hitler finding out the Gallagher brothers from Oasis just broke up, Georgia loses to Florida in college football, banned from xBox live, Twitter going down, etc. This Downfall […]
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